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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 11, 2018
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from d229eba6b..e5868beb9 · cb153fa5
      Dilawar Singh authored
      e5868beb9 Merge pull request #329 from upibhalla/master
      a56b7e883 Fix to rdesigneurProtos so that the classic HH Na and K_DR channels now work properly.
      0bdebdf6f Merge pull request #328 from upibhalla/master
      bc3ff9ccd Got rid of printf debug line
      788bce98b Merge branch 'master' of
      b8eeb9d5f Merge branch 'master' of
      47ee21c36 Fixes to rdesigneur so that chemProto without chemDistrib will not fail confusingly.
      50f03b860 Fixes to EndoMesh (#327)
      552ca01a1 Merge branch 'master' into master
      905c98332 Merge pull request #323 from hrani/master
      aca01be2e Fixed numDimentions to 3
      12e429d47 Merge branch 'master' of
      1f91c76fc Added dummy CubeMesh as default parent for EndoMesh to avert segvs on several methods
      5a8ec044e Merge branch 'master' into master
      e4c19935e Merge pull request #324 from upibhalla/master
      0327eb9e7 Fixed to match bugfix for Dsolve.
      2e2227649 Merge branch 'master' of
      182e95c52 Bugfix for ConcChan to correct scaling for permeability to SI units of millimolar
      865e99dbb Merge branch 'master' of
      70f116ad9 cleanup in print statement
      83afd0fe3 Merge branch 'master' into master
      9b0569b93 while reading the sbml model validator can be switched off
      5b0bbe1be Merge pull request #322 from hrani/master
      05eba8faa Channel are written back to genesis and zeroth voxel moose object is written for both cubeMesh or CylMesh
      53cbe3656 reading info field for channel from kkit file (#321)
      ba88932fb CylMesh are written to SBML with annotation field and only zeroth ele… (#318)
      f917df152 Merge pull request #319 from dilawar/master
      637583439 Works after disabling alpha and beta properties.
      0b208c8c9 Now user can pass verbose option to mooseReadNML2
      556ebef64 Hotfix. If not found, sett the temperate to 25 deg C.
      7c86d4ebc Merge branch 'master' of
      3a655cd06 Minor typo in warning report for Dsolve
      b4637b21a Merge pull request #317 from upibhalla/master
      d6e35de32 Merge branch 'master' into master
      ecfca8401 Update (#312)
      f66ba9003 Merge branch 'master' of
      51dd77625 Rdesigneur passiveDistrib modified to handle legacy commands
      5d20e0433 corrected the spell of CyclMesh-->CylMesh, negating the yaxis for kkit is corrected as now saving the value of scene coOrdinates (#313)
      a8769f2c4 Update CMakeLists.txt
      f0e4db0e9 Fixes to build failure on OSX because cmake does not MACOSX but APPLE on (#316)
      2fb51c9a5 Hotfix: Neuroml2 fixes. (#315)
      e46429530 Merge pull request #314 from upibhalla/master
      b57a6d0df Merge branch 'master' into master
      d2749931d Build System Tweaks  (#309)
      293d44144 Some fixes to Ca-dependent channel prototypes in rdesigneur.
      88bcf0797 Merge pull request #311 from upibhalla/master
      aaf589ab2 Merge branch 'master' of
      0909ceb32 Fixes as suggested by PyLint. Added a target pylint in cmake file. (#308)
      cdbf917b2 Merge branch 'master' of
      79e2d65f5 hotfix for running Boost, Added NMDAR to rdesigneurProtos.
      eb4e83662 Fixed boost segfault with dense solver.  Also remove GSL specific attrib from the test. (#310)
      8463cc73e Update (#307)
      8c38fc6d6 Removed deprecated warnings from neuroml2 reader (#305)
      6df4332d2 Fixes to BOOST based steadystate solver (#306)
      99dd7d250 Merge pull request #302 from BhallaLab/chhennapoda
      86c424452 Merge branch 'master' into chhennapoda
      ec06b242a HotFix: Fix regression in StreadyState solver caused by #293. (#304)
      6b79f6701 prefer .so suffix over CPython version specific suffix . this way a wheel compiled by any version of python3 will work with any python3.
      92da6a7fb removed python-libsbml from install dependencies; added matplotlib. sbml and neuroml packages should be installed by user and not automatically. They may not be available for all distribution of python on all OSes.
      e2bc19c0e Merge branch 'master' into chhennapoda
      385a5cf0a Merge pull request #303 from upibhalla/master
      080767c5a Fixes to rdesigneur due to bad merge. Cleanup on rmoogli
      62f8bc89e Tweak to Neuron.cpp so it can handle insertion of spines with uniform spacing.
      b6088109b Fixes for linux.
      406fee2a0 Temp commit to test on OSX.
      cc3c604b9 Merge branch 'master' into chhennapoda
      342092829 Update (#301)
      61f4f6684 show timeout in moose.test() .
      abf822c4a with python2, just test with GSL. Build python3 first.
      088c61673 Made changes to build system so that pymoose directory can be built in isolation. Build system is bit more module. Ideally I should make sure that each subdirectory can built in isolation.
      3c0ff2790 Few changes to build with python3.6.
      5d688f63d Use option --relative in and tell cmake not to look into usr prefix anymore.
      1f3fe9fc3 Merge branch 'chhennapoda' of into chhennapoda
      3e19983c8 removed unneeded library which is never used.
      c2fbab872 cmake related changes to build on centos5 (manylinux docker image).
      f1230f151 Merge branch 'master' of
      23a2892cc Merge branch 'master' of
      8a835c133 minor bugfix to rdesigneur
      6ef1d567e Merge branch 'master' into master
      a9a2e758f Merge branch 'master' of
      5e1294d99 Further updates to rdesigneur for argument handling
      a702bded5 Put in kwargs based specification of plotList, stimList and moogList. Folded savePlots into plotList but not yet tested.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: e5868beb97afcb778d6a945c38e80300c953b39a
  2. Sep 08, 2018
  3. Sep 06, 2018
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 1271dcd74b..d5b330dc02 · a1f6b230
      Dilawar Singh authored
      d5b330dc02 Merge pull request #296 from hrani/master
      5a606df86c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      ce545cf507 Rdesigneur updates (#295)
      9869046490 Merge branch 'master' into master
      753b189063 changes made after fixXreacs is moved from python to python/moose for package
      5eca1a3620 moved from python to python/moose for packaging, changes made to get fixXreacs files
      3a519cec39 mooseAddChemSolver and mooseDeleteChemSolver is meant for chemical models only (#292)
      9ba0e85532 check for enz parent is done by neighbors['enzDes'] rather than enz.parent and if enzyme parent is not pool then raise an exception
      161c475e2c Merge branch 'master' into master
      f9d869da24 Merge pull request #294 from upibhalla/master
      a76dd524b4 Merge branch 'master' of
      c0d5ba6d9b Added plot y limits to rdesigneur
      5fa7226e60 clean up modelRoot while printing
      3c6972aae3 mooseAddChemSolver and mooseDeleteChemSolver is meant for chemical models only, a check is made to see if modelroot has just cube/CylMesh
      3790376c3e Merge pull request #291 from BhallaLab/dilawar-patch-2
      c52740323a Update
      5843c73ab5 Merge pull request #289 from upibhalla/master
      e3baee2dce Merge branch 'master' of
      7a1b0d8ff6 Test xreacs (#287)
      869522d04c Merge branch 'master' of
      bb274ee43c loadmodel with add_delete_chemSolver (#288)
      7d563c7c23 Merge branch 'master' of
      637d2233a1 setting up dsolver and by passing loadModel from moosemodule.cpp to m… (#277)
      9f5a2697f6 Merge branch 'master' of
      3a8489c475 All random number generators are based on c++11  (#280)
      8e29d8eaa7 Minor updates to rdesigneur waveplotting
      46718b9c04 Added wavePlot option to rdeisgneur.
      506067669c Minor fixes to rdesigneur for setting up stims
      5ab1a3c621 Merge branch 'master' of
      ea487f3ee0 Updated rdesigneur so it can handle a chem system with only a dendrite and spine compartment, no PSD.
      7c321bfe94 Merge pull request #284 from upibhalla/master
      d9bd29c97d Fix for units of permeability of ConcChan, as computed in Dsolve.cpp. Now it is 1/(mM.sec).
      3056c917fe Merge branch 'master' of
      ae8f2336ce Fixed bug with NeuroMesh
      9271d0ba22 Fixes to ReadKkit, Dsolve, rdesigneur to handle EndoMesh to insert in neuronal geometries.
      f4ba9362e4 Intermediate save of rdesigneur with partial changes for handling endoMesh. Works with old examples, not tested for EndoMeshes
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: d5b330dc02ed938fcb7cff95d8ae0e2cd388d0ea
  4. Aug 01, 2018
    • HarshaRani's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from cddc3bd..1271dcd · db571897
      HarshaRani authored
      1271dcd Merge pull request #278 from upibhalla/master
      c400af3 Minor extension to rdesigneur to handle display of the passive electrical parameters of compartments: Rm, Ra, Cm. These will be scaled if spine geometry changes.
      a77c611 Fixes to rdesigneur for NeuroMesh models. Key bugfix to Dsolve for NeuroMesh models. Some code cleanup to eliminate compiler warnings about uninitialized variables.
      840021f Added lots of channel prototypes to rdesigneurProtos. Small fixes to rdesigneur for multiscale models.
      c4f9fa5 Updates to Rdesigneur to handle synaptic input stimulus. Modified RandSpike with a doPeriodic flag, so it can be used for periodic stimuli as well.
      cb2dd4b Merge branch 'master' of
      fc6ca10 Updates to rdesigneur to handle voltage clamp specification as a stimulus. Added doEvalAtReinit flag to Function so that it can initialize at a precomputed value rather than zero.
      0445da5 Merge pull request #276 from upibhalla/master
      48d1d4c Updates to rdesigneur to handle soma parameters and ball-and-stick model in cellProto argument
      694fe5e Merge branch 'master' of
      180109a Changed Enz number-rate scaling to use the volume of the enzyme molecule, rather than the volume of the substrate. This usage gives results consistent with Genesis/kkit
      f9de66e Merge pull request #273 from upibhalla/master
      c2d1a6f Fixed grotesque bug with Dsolve.cpp which manifested only if pool names were of length 13 and they were diffusing.
      b9448c0 Merge branch 'master' of
      bcd9ddb Fixes to Enz so that kcat of zero doesn't set up NaNs in Km and K1. Display updates to rdesigneur, rmoogli, moogul.
      eeea183 Merge pull request #270 from upibhalla/master
      5e840d2 Merge branch 'master' into master
      9ac8d79 Merge pull request #272 from BhallaLab/dilawar-patch-2
      8f276ef Update
      2d00294 Update
      5e793c3 Update
      5108d7e Update
      42a4f3b Merge branch 'master' of
      8ea8b2e Fixes to moogli when run from outside the rdesigneur directory
      c411242 minor cleanup on rdesigneur
      ea99dcc Updated version of moogul, integrated now with rdesigneur
      d81e796 Merge pull request #264 from hrani/master
      bf0119b Update
      6e71d8e Update
      fdc7d66 cleaned up print stm
      51dfc2c cleaned up print stm
      b055a5c cleaned up wrt to python3 compilation problem
      09da84b indentation corrected
      00bc557 indentation corrected
      b55acd9 Cleaned wrt to diffusion,clean up to remove in ReadKKit removed the setting up of solver, in mooseaddsolver() cleaned up in setting and deleting the solver, added utils.loadmodel function to call loadmodel function with setting for solver
      9441bf9 Merge branch 'master' into master
      08f0804 Merge pull request #266 from upibhalla/master
      0ad961c Update
      3ec65d7 Update
      b6b58a4 Moved from python/rdesigneur directory to python directory
      736f7f5 Merge branch 'master' of
      38a1d03 Bugfix for fixXreacs so that it works properly if there was already some text in the notes.
      b8fcd11 Merge branch 'master' of
      ad6925f Merge branch 'master' of
      9d5be9d Merge branch 'master' into master
      cc13c50 travis failing with libgfortran not found, hopefully this should fix it
      b246358 rename modelA and modelB to modelS and modelD, cleanup while copying the object at Neutral level
      ad7236b enzcomplex pool cleaned-up
      8fce41c indentation corrected while writting annotation for enzymecomplex
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: 1271dcd74baf95a973debcdef0fc8b348010bb78
  5. May 25, 2018
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 0cceb296d0..cddc3bd16d · ec5baf0e
      Dilawar Singh authored
      cddc3bd16d Merge pull request #265 from upibhalla/master
      5856ac1fa7 Fixes for travis.yml
      219f474a2e Fix to HSolve to prevent segv during destruction. Update to rdesigneur to not create HSolve when turnOffElec flag is set
      9ca16e8246 Merge branch 'master' of
      58e630b4dc Updates to the Voltage clamp modules. The key thing to note is to use the standalone VClamp object in preference to individually building the circuit with DiffAmp. RC and PID.
      12cf83e17a Updates to Hsolve to be able to delete and recreate it. Still problematic for HHChannels. Also added Vclamp to the rdesigneurProtos.
      3dc99b53e6 Changes made to object name which had number in starting
      3ec52cd9e4 Small bugfix to rdesigneur
      241c3d59cb Use sys.executable to execute test. It breaks on python3.
      f527490ff0 Fixes to rdesigneur to use the new system for cross-compartment reactions
      501ff45939 Major cleanup to get rid of legacy cross-compartment code
  6. Mar 06, 2018
  7. Mar 02, 2018
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from f1dcea8..f38dc5d · 33bf735f
      Dilawar Singh authored
      f38dc5d On tumbleweed, cmake returns python3 default but python-numpy is python2 version. Won't fix it. Its a upstream problem.
      REVERT: f1dcea8 Install in debian layout in packages. Added option in setup.cfg file Its delicate solution. Added a note.
      REVERT: 5a73acb Finally. Needs to write setup.cfg file to make /usr/local  and /usr prefix consistent.
      REVERT: d7c41e4 bdist_egg is more consistent on both RPM and DEB based systems.
      REVERT: be42fd2 Merge commit 'bcf5c52d' into chennapoda
      REVERT: d27db9c Do not use -p switch. its not easy to get required info from all linux-distributions.
      REVERT: e667953 Fixed message to set in cmake.
      REVERT: 8523290 Fixed typo in command.
      REVERT: 0b125f6 Fixed typo in cmake file.
      REVERT: f3118f0 multiple fix to build system. - dont use python install . It does not work anymore if --prefix   directory is not in PYTHONPATH. - Use python bdist -d INSTALL_DIR and let cmake unarc...
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 49d5b3e..f1dcea8 · a1f7f5ea
      Dilawar Singh authored
      f1dcea8 Install in debian layout in packages. Added option in setup.cfg file Its delicate solution. Added a note.
      5a73acb Finally. Needs to write setup.cfg file to make /usr/local  and /usr prefix consistent.
      d7c41e4 bdist_egg is more consistent on both RPM and DEB based systems.
      be42fd2 Merge commit 'bcf5c52d' into chennapoda
      d27db9c Do not use -p switch. its not easy to get required info from all linux-distributions.
      e667953 Fixed message to set in cmake.
      8523290 Fixed typo in command.
      0b125f6 Fixed typo in cmake file.
      f3118f0 multiple fix to build system. - dont use python install . It does not work anymore if --prefix   directory is not in PYTHONPATH. - Use python bdist -d INSTALL_DIR and let cmake unarchive and copy it   to desired location. This is much better solution.
      03d5899 Use bdist instead of install for creating binay distrution. During installation, untar this to destination.
      a08658e Tweaks to file.
      c5f1d91 Test on travis.
      6b32fde Merge commit '6d651b60'
      324a20c Merge commit 'e0b8959c'
      59f6e9e On debian/ubuntu install-layout option is set to deb. [skip ci]
      62201d9 Merge commit 'f80ae40d'
      9b81dfc This fixes moose but a better solution to install pymoose in moose-core must be found.
      7e27f80 Merge commit '6f7697fb'
      939c734 Merge commit '627f1ce1'
      4775933 Merge commit '7b3c355a'
      43c0674 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from d4417dcffd..2657e3345e (#222)
      8c9ad49 Fixed the syntax causing failure.
      397efaf Handling MOOSE_VERSION is better way.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: f1dcea850568ddaabc765771566ab93891ceb312
  8. Feb 28, 2018
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 0c33b2c333..49d5b3ef6b · 6d651b60
      Dilawar Singh authored
      49d5b3ef6b Merge pull request #255 from dilawar/master
      f498d7c6a4 Merge branch 'master' of
      c09dd9936f Cut down on unneccessary looping. It is logically equivalent to original block.
      aab34e125d Merge branch 'master' into master
      3568083113 replace has_key with python3 compatible statement.
      026d0a39b1 updated pre-commit config.
      b811def3bd Merge branch 'master' of
      5bc1e1410a Merge pull request #254 from upibhalla/master
      b08b888f56 Merge branch 'master' of
      945fb6b961 Added funcDt to rdesigneur arguments, set sensible defaults
      760f554966 Update Function.cpp
      8e9bcb58ac Merge pull request #253 from upibhalla/master
      2f8dc9fcfe Merge branch 'master' of
      b55e1a74ea Update to Synapse to permit set/get access to addSpike. Cascaded onto all SynHandlers. Update to rdesigneur to permit fullscreen display of Moogli.
  9. Feb 02, 2018
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from bda97426c8..0c33b2c333 · e0b8959c
      Dilawar Singh authored
      0c33b2c333 remove It has been renamed to to avoid confusion. This file is to be used only by cmake.
      079730d06d Added missing package data.
      59d374fa48 removed deprecated file.
      9d3f7439f6 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/chamcham'
      28ded4be72 matplotlib is not essential dependencies in tests or in any moose import. If NSDF support is not found, do not fail the test.
      b7294b2814 More informative message if plot utilities are not loaded.
      4678f1a263 Merge branch 'master' of
      667a3d254f more detailed error message if neuroml2 import fails.
      5d504a5a1e Merge branch 'master' of
      c5c5854fe8 Added extra args to
      07f19011c8 install using debian layout.
      0c3c2b7416 Merge pull request #249 from dilawar/master
      03951bd314 When build in DEBUG mode, we never go to negative values in this test script. This causes test to fail on some unix platform in DEB...
  10. Dec 16, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 33d4803..bda9742 · f80ae40d
      Dilawar Singh authored
      bda9742 Merge pull request #236 from upibhalla/master
      86751f2 Added more accurate error messages to ZombieEnz for reporting missing messages during solver setup
      5d93f75 Merge pull request #233 from upibhalla/master
      cc47a2d Merge branch 'master' into master
      a7ac8f4 Merge pull request #234 from BhallaLab/fix_travis_nov_30
      5a08c96 pip is renamed to pip2. This commit passes on local machine.
      bf8585d Possible fixes to travis build failure on osx.
      f61a591 Added hack for channel not scaling when compartment size is scaled. Checks for child object called scaleFormula.
      dff5731 Merge branch 'master' of
      7f0eb4b Merge pull request #231 from BhallaLab/prefix_python3
      1d99906 Fix for spine ordering. Added capability to do unordered_map which may help with some of the performance issues during setup.
      296c030 moose-core does not handle debian layout anymore. This should be handled in BhallaLab/moose.
      0433574 commenting out changes...
  11. Nov 20, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from e5ba823ba..33d4803ee · 6f7697fb
      Dilawar Singh authored
      33d4803ee Merge pull request #228 from upibhalla/master
      c9e9fa6fd Update
      419661b6e Update
      7c8ca61a6 Merge branch 'master' of
      b13fc98cc Fix for muparser tests
      7eefdca47 Merge branch 'master' into master
      1ad271b07 Merge pull request #229 from dilawar/master
      30fe94cda Optimizations for rdesigneur in _parseComptField function
      d862de4e9 Merge branch 'master' of
      3eef327f1 Added instructions on what to do post-build.
      985af4e11 Fixes BhallaLab/moose#224 and BhallaLab/moose-core#230 .
      917d68db0 Merge branch 'master' of
      586d48a62 Merge pull request #222 from hrani/master
      3c7ce10fa New line added
      e7c8d0e81 Merge branch 'master' of
      7ce91a0f2 import rdesigneur.rmoogli as rmoogli is added at init file, otherwise script that uses rmoogli gives and error "NameError: global name \'rmoogli...
  12. Nov 02, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 268a28862..e5ba823ba · 627f1ce1
      Dilawar Singh authored
      e5ba823ba Merge pull request #227 from dilawar/master
      9742b9e87 auto_ptr -> unique_ptr .
      6f6015e46 scaled down chemDt and diffDt.
      68c7001fc Added test.
      c57990604 Fixed import issues in rdesigneur.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: e5ba823ba8abd740f2d3323a5dd0c29f727309d0
  13. Oct 31, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 2657e3345..268a28862 · 7b3c355a
      Dilawar Singh authored
      268a28862 Merge pull request #224 from upibhalla/master
      3ab452e97 Fixed It had relied on the old (and incorrect) function of the spike message to the Table. I have now updated the to work with the fixed version of the Table.
      616f33a60 Fixed spike timing functionality in Table class. Incorporated into rdesigneur so that tables can record spike times for saving, and users can plot spike times as a dot raster.
      7f372b6aa Merge pull request #223 from upibhalla/master
      186e91d68 Merge branch 'master' into master
      d91a681bf Fix on diffusion scaling in spines, and added Pool::volume field for plotting in rdesigneur.
      41c71b147 Merge pull request #221 from upibhalla/master
      e27ef8a45 Merge branch 'master' of
      b07046e15 New Neuron::getSpineIdsFromCompartmentIds function, needed for rdesineur to connect adaptors for spine size and other spine properties.
      69d985877 Merge pull request #220 from bhanu1...
  14. Jul 10, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from d4417dcffd..2657e3345e · daf8d828
      Dilawar Singh authored
      2657e3345e Merge pull request #199 from dilawar/master
      973dd380ba Deleted Makefile.
      545b4241c8 Restore synapse folder back to 933b259 . synapseOrder is now working.
      90711a865c execute_process is now used to get the extension of python module. See in case build fails on some unix because of 'SO'.
      5b0a529c4e We do not reply on VERSION file to create version. TODO: Use file to populate VERSION information.
      2749918927 Accessing an existing object (#198)
      220128f284 Do not run DOQCS with moose-core. Test DOQCS with released package only. Do so in moose-examples repo.
      ad2c63da12 Use QUIET_MODE=ON on travis.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: 2657e3345e8b783cf22634680c7561f8dbd9f127
  15. Jul 01, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 891f2f8bf7..d4417dcffd · fba17845
      Dilawar Singh authored
      d4417dcffd Fixes to missing function declaration, post cherry-pick.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: d4417dcffdd939de91bebf447ad776945c2fcc65
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 95fe1a7..891f2f8 · 750df413
      Dilawar Singh authored
      891f2f8 Removed trailing spaces from code by pre-commit hook utility.
      0ed2535 Cherry-pick "Added connectionList field to SparseMsg to allow direct control over connection matrix. Some sanity checks in SparseMatrix to go with this"
      d62d10d The bug on travis is still not bypassed. If this does not work, disable DOQCS tests on OSX.
      618b4d6 Install moose on osx as well. Prerequisite to test DOQCS.
      f717f82 Merge branch 'master' of
      908820e Lets see if this is a good workaround travis issue travis-ci/travis-ci#6522.
      e251f53 Lets see if is a workaround fixes the OSX bug.
      4ff7cff Hopefully this will fix issue on travis-osx build failure. Related to travis-ci/travis-ci#6522.
      590c09e Don't use timeout in script. So that we can run on macosx as well. Removed timeout command from script. Now it can run on OSX as well.
      e2f8afd Only test doqcs on LinuxOS, not on MacOSX.
      dc7b55a Fix to travis-ci/travis-ci#6307.
      54b8471 Merge branch 'mast...
  16. Jun 27, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from a13dbd9..95fe1a7 · 79855a74
      Dilawar Singh authored
      95fe1a7 Force --install-layout=deb when on debian/ubuntu.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: 95fe1a7b8f24b50d600d5e7c3a1d0171a809b9aa
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 1cbe2f0..a13dbd9 · 99b934e9
      Dilawar Singh authored
      a13dbd9 Better formatted output on running tests. These tests are moose-examples scripts which are known to pass.
      1409792 Fixes to debian related python install. When --prefix=/usr is given, its installs in site-packages rather than dist-pacakges.
      4f3e773 If for some reason matplotlib is not imported successfully, disable kkit import.
      4f6f8b1 Fixes to debian related python install. When --prefix=/usr is given, its installs in site-packages rather than dist-pacakges.
      7771173 Merge branch 'master' of
      8fff67d Refactoring in cmake file.
      3e1e043 Minor changes to test script: Dont wait till test is over to print which test is being executed.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: a13dbd9f31f93d915faee59f440cfe6bbc8ce428
  17. Jun 24, 2017
  18. Jun 23, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from ba97d4c..d1130b7 · d0e1cee1
      Dilawar Singh authored
      d1130b7 Merge branch 'master' of
      967ac3b Added VERSION info moose.version( ) or moose.__version__ returns the version. It was lost somewhere in rrefactoring the code.
      457850e Added version( ) and __version__ string.
      2625fd0 Added `moose.test` to test `moose-examples` online (#189)
      2a822a2 Added assertion in test case and remove import of matplotlib. BhallaLab/moose#221.
      2484214 absolute imports are forced with python2 as well.
      6c92901 All tests passes locally with python3.
      bd78e14 Fixes to import statements.
      5c3811e Print time information as well.
      a7e715c Inbuilt moose.test( ) functions to run moose-examples. BhallaLab/moose-core#184.
      c424e0d Fixes to chemUtil import.
      f29e35e Merge branch 'master' of
      087aad0 moose.Compartment -> moose.element( ) in couple of more place. One more (#187)
      d618fe6 Merge branch 'master' into master
      4aca08a Merge branch 'master' of
      b8266b3 Fixes to test failure. Not sure if it is correct.  BhallaLab/moose#218 .
      56870e8 Merge branch 'master' of
      d1e37cb Changed the assert statement. Not sure if this is correct to do BhallaLab/moose-core#218. Need to ask developer for confirmation.
      cf44570 We are no longer testing Makefile base flow. Only cmake will be tested from now on.
      cf7ff18 moose.Compartment -> moose.element( ) in couple of more place. One more scripts passes the test now.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: d1130b78bd744e01d045459adb20d5bcebdb34a0
  19. Jun 22, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 052318cb4..ba97d4cc0 · 77fddf7e
      Dilawar Singh authored
      ba97d4cc0 Merge commit '0014d826'
      6aac85bad Follow up fixes to calcium-hsolve  (#221)
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: ba97d4cc05425dc8b8b42ee6f8976989e229a144
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 2c3fe7516..052318cb4 · 0014d826
      Dilawar Singh authored
      052318cb4 [skip ci] Moved git precommit script into script. if someone wants to activate it in her repo, rename it to .pre-commit-config.yaml and enable it
      d15e77649 Removed legacy makefile #180. These appeared again because of push from subtree in moose repo. Sigh!
      ed708e01b No-longer supporting Makefile based old flow on travis.
      bea1f4a9d Integrated test script from PR BhallaLab/moose#218 . I need to confirm if results are correct.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: 052318cb48027ca0c401a13be9fddd2b0d5a66b7
  20. Jun 21, 2017
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from fe77059f98..2c3fe7516a · 53206f84
      Dilawar Singh authored
      2c3fe7516a Merge branch 'master' into asiaszmek
      9f3ffcb261 Merge commit 'e6e83b76' as 'moose-core'
      be87aea0 Deleted moose-core due to dirty history in upstream moose-core.
      1051706f Merge commit '48fc9733'
      48fc9733 Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from 2eb5fa888f..80169bcc5c
      304173cc Merge commit 'd27e942f'
      d27e942f Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 69e0354705..b096503233
      0f741382 Calcium hsolve (#218)
      fbf9dbd4 Fixes to bad-merging.
      2ea8560e Travis required changes after yesterday upgrade.
      849103d0 Merge commit '320e525a'
      320e525a Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from d282884250..49779ba730
      7fe1c2e7 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 2ecab963b2..69e0354705
      faf993a1 Merge commit '7fe1c2e7'
      edd901da Squashed 'moose-examples/' content from commit 2eb5fa888
      be2d4ec3 Merge commit 'edd901da' as 'moose-examples'
      423c4759 Removed moose-examples due to screwed up history with
      45f9e9b9 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from b3b597f41..2ecab963b
      7b366bcb Merge commit '45f9e9b9'
      4c60725d Merge commit 'af3c29a4'
      af3c29a4 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from ef066f704..b3b597f41
      60f3632e Fixes to allow moose module to be installed and imported (#220)
      7ffff42d documentation branch merge request (#219)
      ec194c8a Documentation final PR (#217)
      0318bd7e Added python-lxml in dependencies.
      226eb630 Added --git-ignore-branch option.
      42cb3feb Fixes in timeformat of debina changelog. The debian parser has gotten very strict about formatting of time.
      94e2ff2c git buildpackage is renamed to gbp buildpackage.
      0fcf8252 Using dist:trusty by default on travis. Recent updated in travis Trusty's image has made installing openscenegraph-dev error-prone.
      18ec171e Fixes to launcher.
      6d0693d7 Changes from PR by Malav.
      6e6051e4 Gettting docs from Malav pull request. Pull request is revered back.
      a843c585 Local .gitignore. If exists, merge please!
      813f7bc4 Adding doxygen file.
      0cf3a18c Adding rst files.
      24ebac50 All changes from previous repository. No new file is added here.
      0f6f5d27 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 6099142d6..ef066f704
      ec32a6f5 Merge commit '0f6f5d27'
      57ffc864 Adding local changes.
      cc8759c2 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 4f391e1..6099142
      a9798ffc Merge commit 'cc8759c2'
      b2fda562 Added missing Revision macro file from chamcham branch.
      cc540278 Merge commit 'b4d20b7c'
      b4d20b7c Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from eb878dd..4f391e1
      2b8d61d3 Fixed revision issue.
      5805bdf3 Added missing file after merging branches.
      64799ebd Travis fixes.
      b8673be3 Fixed to cmake which were causing launchpad failure.
      5ace57ba Cmake changes from chamcham branch. Build for launchpad.
      7bef269a Do not copy VERSION file for python. Lets find a better and more portable solution.
      2ebd41f9 Updated default version in file.
      25a907eb Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from 6104940..d282884
      224487f4 Merge commit '25a907eb'
      02fcf721 Merge commit 'c37dddbf'
      c37dddbf Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from 7054325..8c7c00c
      0ff1b77a Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 270c880..eb878dd
      2bd23400 Merge commit '0ff1b77a'
      b498916c VERSION string is fixed to today's date if not given.
      8287330a Enable chamcham branch on travis.
      9cb49e27 Fixed for snappy builds.
      debc6e63 Let cmake find path of Python.h file.
      2ae2b209 Merge commit '4489d159'
      4489d159 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 669b981..270c880
      9e888548 More changes to snap. Needs to add Python.h path [skip ci]
      0d29983a On master branch, the snap channel is edge [skip ci].
      70fbb707 launched script is now snap friendly.
      503c9ade Removed <<<<, ===  and >>> from improper merge.
      de659651 Merge commit '349abe7e'
      349abe7e Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from 69062d9..7054325
      7088b0c5 Added snapcraft file.
      de4e03f5 added deleted files
      7cb7cc7a temp deleted
      0015fd23 Resolved merge conflict
      15733245 temp deletion
      6ed2f701 Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from 7318878..69062d9
      f890fa08 deleted unwanted files and added new files
      0e491aa4 Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from 8038f56..7318878
      ccf3e614 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from c15c1b1..669b981
      593b3f73 Merge commit 'ccf3e614'
      e565756c Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from 2a1f94f..6104940
      50279060 Merge commit 'e565756c'
      c50a82a9 VERSION conflict file is added
      24dea426 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 434c478..c15c1b1
      ae611181 Create LICENCE
      83152c5a Fixed assert by Upi
      0e5351e9 Merge branch 'master' of
      9f653729 Removed generated doc from source tree.
      0208d06a Merge pull request #210 from malav4994/master
      ae36bc57 little bit change in docs/
      55a2f09e Merge commit '628138cb'
      628138cb Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from f3d0477..434c478
      acafba2c Merge commit 'edb505a7'
      edb505a7 Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from 2ba6bd5..2a1f94f
      fe2d8940 Deleted temp files.
      88e9ca95 Merge pull request #208 from malav4994/master
      12b07199 khali khali
      30a89548 to put documentation in BhallaLab/moose
      2936ba85 Merge commit '7c713058'
      7c713058 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 14e2d78..f3d0477
      f2b5cfdc Merge pull request #206 from asiaszmek/difshell-tests
      3618469d Script testing DifShells
      ac0b8002 Merge commit 'a5122cfb'
      a5122cfb Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 1b5b9a9..14e2d78
      2edfcf15 Fixed docstring on example.
      f95d827b Merge commit 'f0fd0e53'
      f0fd0e53 Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from e49ca7d..2ba6bd5
      3324aa5a Merge commit '07ef36e1'
      07ef36e1 Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from ed3253d..8038f56
      5bceacfe Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 7c9fe23..1b5b9a9
      d92afeeb Merge commit '5bceacfe'
      1effa957 Merge branch 'asiaszmek-difshell'
      bb650ae8 Merge branch 'difshell' of into asiaszmek-difshell
      6aa27cac Change order of operations to slightly improve accuracy
      bc28246b Small changes to make the code more alike genesis and other moose objects
      a4d7de8f Difshells and difbuffers initialize close to equilibrium
      f6805f17 Add forgotten setting of helper variables to zero after calculations
      f32bef60 Add state in t(i-1)
      a7bf1414 Fix wrong definitions
      118484ec Fix errors in volume calculation
      08f2e43a Indentation
      d0c7b374 Add MMPump to scheduling and makefiles
      e5152fe3 Add MMPump to DifShell
      91d10224 Implementation of MMPump
      8cb32de5 Add ticks for DifBufferBase and DifShellBase
      a56de071 Fix bugs: DifShell now compiles and seems to give correct results
      4a99131d Fix a typo in zombify
      7537d1c7 Rewrite DifShell. Inherit from DifShellBase
      7b9b3174 Write base class for DifShell
      c4bcadef Indentation
      8cd96163 Implement exponential Euler for DifShell
      5d2cb8a8 Move source messages to class. Correctly initialize Faraday's constant
      41b15f25 Move source messages to class
      1a014489 Make DifBuffer look more like other moose classes and fix ticks
      8d67d853 Add DifBuffer to clocks
      2dbbc214 Add DifBuffer to compilation
      f411dc8e Fix no ticks when initializing difshells warning
      65569a6d Remove useless variable
      e4146c12 Reintroduce an old version of DifBuffer from moose
      2feb865c Merge branch 'master' of
      f6df6f4d moose-core is tested on osx. No need to test this repo with osx.
      a853687d Update index.rst
      d9223838 Merge branch 'master' of
      88562db0 - Removed multiple file. Only a single file at top-level directory. If neccessary, this can be symlinked to other folders as well. - Cleanup in index.rst to make sure whole document build as whole one. - Cleanup toplevel index.rst. Removed non-existing entries. - Section numbers is currently disabled. It can be enabled in top-level `index.rst` file by putting `:numbered:` in ::toc.
      10f313d3 Removed multiple file. Only a single file at top-level directory. If neccessary, this can be symlinked to other folders as well. Cleanup in index.rst to make sure whole document build as whole one.
      be6e7176 Moved to cmake folder.
      b94543d4 Merge commit '0d12ebb0'
      0d12ebb0 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 3f8c345..7c9fe23
      51b53b52 master branch.
      4d697e96 Fixes to BhallaLab/moose#204.
      ea50d83b BhallaLab/moose#204.
      c0e1ef95 documentation gets picked up for some of the python class
      d184c46d Set theme jekyll-theme-minimal
      5304fbe8 Update index.rst
      25a35d08 Instead of moosegui, install moose.
      9aa87c84 Do not run gui tests.
      f71343d4 Merge commit '04170cb4'
      04170cb4 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from bd86fb5..3f8c345
      028b5cfc Updated.
      1c9726ca Fixed, python2 incompatible print function use.
      1aeca36e Some updates to fix static hdf5 libraries.
      a844183e Added missing file.
      46ca6d52 This project build pymoose, gui and its examples. TODO: ctest must check each example as well.
      6baece11 Builds whole moose project.
      625917a7 Added some sanity tests for both moose and moogli.
      00a12e20 Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from d7e9a97..ed3253d
      bb393507 Merge commit '00a12e20'
      1680bac6 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 6a6bcc1..bd86fb5
      0e3c74d8 Merge commit '1680bac6'
      ba8772f1 Changes to cmake file so that we can find the correct static library.
      6bc4ced8 Fix a development warning in cmake.
      8b3f4807 Removing shebangs from the python scripts. These scripts were never called as standalone executables.
      03d15d00 Since none of the following files was executable, removed shebangs.
      7ab6aa49 Removed shebangs from python scripts.
      e3c8a188 Fixed the address of Free Software Foundation Inc.
      2f9a0597 A test commit to package hdf5-devel BhallaLab/moose#201.
      85a3b245 To run this file libsbml needs to be installed and not compile with moose as its at python level
      909169d7 Merge branch 'master' of
      c5e7e5a3 Update
      15d6475d Fixed another typo in FindGSL. Library list was converted to string.
      efd282df Fixed a typo in FindGSL file.
      10e3fee1 sourceforge mailing is depreciated
      68ca4c9b FindGSL also looks for GSL_VERSION now.
      079927d7 Fixes to travis failure.
      cbee1629 Update index.rst
      eeb6e80d Updated CMake and FindGSL.
      284b9e3c Fixes to extension bug.
      7a560392 duplicate rdesigneur folder exists one level above
      28caf3bb removing duplicate folder
      da83bc1f rearrange python documentation as per website
      64ec9591 Some fixes to static library dependencies [skip ci]
      3bb481d5 Added script to merge changes from this repo to all subtrees. [ skip ci ]
      4286c436 Cleanup in cmake files. Using bash scripts to generate subprojects. This way I can handle environment variables cleanly.
      21f5e65e Clean up in README file and deleted unwanted files and folders
      ff37cca1 Merge commit '76b621'
      76b621c0 New hdf5 version generates static library with different name. Fix it.
      78fe32b7 clean up
      6f5289fc removing rst file which can be generated from "markdown" folder
      474cbb26 deleting this folder
      fe82fab1 Merge branch 'master' of
      7613fc1b Doxygen_1.8.9 is added which should be used to generate doxygen files,Rdesigneur folder is creater under "user" folder and corrected index.rst file is updated, deleted "html" folder,Rdesigneur markdown file with correct date,"snippet " and "tutorial"folder is created with relevant files to generate html files
      f1d6aba3 This should pass on travis.
      d0a6060b Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 9eeca0c..6a6bcc1
      7143a53a Merge commit 'd0a6060b'
      b5a7c2e2 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 14cf2df..9eeca0c
      15f18b90 Merge commit 'b5a7c2e2'
      fef5e24c Merge commit '273124ec'
      273124ec Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 343cb02..14cf2df
      7822c60b Merge commit '8bfef2e6'
      8bfef2e6 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from ed5f015..343cb02
      fb9fba5e Merge commit 'aca40347'
      aca40347 Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from 1e5f537..e49ca7d
      3c9138df Squashed 'moose-examples/' changes from 0494d05..d7e9a97
      2f085e3e Merge commit '3c9138df'
      6c8f2012 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from c2c32b9..ed5f015
      58de93dd Merge commit '6c8f2012'
      9e7e1fa6 Update
      5bbb12f8 clean up, all markdown files will be placed under docs/user/markdown, images under /docs/images one can use to convert Rdesigner,MooseGui and Kkit docs which places the file under docs/user/GUI and docs/user/Rdesigneur and further one can use makefile to convert to rst to html which will be placed under _build folder in respective folders
      5bdccdaf various cleanup in doc folder
      d3dbb49e Cleanup in the images
      ad5e43e0 function is replaced with summatation
      fdca7481 Merge branch 'master' of
      f54fffde Pass moose version from command line BhallaLab/moose#200 .
      eca66f7f Update
      b33e7096 Update
      a77c09fa No need of dpkg and sbml c++.
      e5ac4a01 Merge commit '96580978'
      96580978 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from a15a538..c2c32b9
      bcbc1c1a Added documentation sent by Upi.
      e3fb24b3 Added documentation from Rahul.
      7467592c removed USE_SBML=1 from the file "
      5fddb6d2 removed all libsbml dependency
      66617caa Changed build number to match all gsl packages. This should fix the build.
      223ce2fa Fixed the link of gsl binary package version 1.16. Later I should upgrade the build environment from precise to trusty.
      459dc9cf Fixing the upstream link of gsl debian package.
      b53f9021 A test case which inturn calls to write moosewriteSBML which needs networkx which is added as a dependency for travis
      65960cdf fixed broken path which was due to doc folder moved from moose-core to moose
      6b07347e update date correction
      3cc12841 update date correction
      0c31b014 Clean up in the document
      df31522a Added axon model and documentation for rdesigneur
      1628fa03 Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from 1ef13c9-1ef13c9
      f0054556 Oops moment. Fixed the typo in compiler flag for apple-clang
      0d098851 updated apple-clang flags in compiler. Fix to missing symbols from stl.
      2c8c4dcd Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from c21a557..1e5f537
      f68eadb5 Merge commit '2c8c4dcd'
      5cf6177c Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from bc510df..c21a557
      65698f84 Merge commit '5cf6177c'
      d2a4eeed Merge branch 'master' of
      382e5d39 Fixing version.
      dbb2ab99 Use rsync instead of cp.
      3d82717f Merge branch 'master' of
      9a7917a1 better script.
      2247ee17 Updated. Try on strudel.
      ca9c7ff8 Updated script.
      5e5b17f8 Fixing scripts to build DMG file.
      2fed9a35 Added packaging script for mac.
      63601c5b Added scripts to build packages for MaC.
      c8e99801 Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from a3d3a06..bc510df
      498a2aee Merge commit 'c8e99801'
      2af833a0 Squashed 'moose-core/' changes from 1318029..a15a538
      1eb469f6 Merge commit '2af833a0'
      c31c9eb8 Scripts to pull the subtree into moose working tree.
      e402660f Update index.rst
      ba5c43de Merge branch 'master' of
      61754bb9 Needs more cleaning. This is for testing how document looks on RTD.
      9db92946 Added streamer class to list
      a83a2caf Fixed some more image links.
      f6be0690 Fixed author and date directive. Integrated with other docs.
      930a7955 Added images.
      7e7d77a3 Added Rdesigneur documentation also.
      30f4f342 Update index.rst
      8637590a Merge branch 'master' of
      13ca5cc1 INstallation page is almost over.
      eb128ef1 Update
      66a50a05 Update
      147301f6 Added links to issue in rst.
      b7416fbf Update
      6db7335e Merge branch 'master' of
      0e0b838c Fixed formatting and added issue page.
      7856aa34 Update .travis.yml
      b305d886 Fixed formatting and added more install instructions.
      b7327320 Merge pull request #196 from BhallaLab/dilawar-patch-2
      6f5ceea5 Some more changes to make formatting consistent with RST
      7d9c3f84 Update index.rst
      f8908825 Formatting can be fixed on github now.
      6d3d8491 Fixed the link to documentation on RTD
      e9d20501 Changes from md to rst
      d4ba03e0 Added markdown install instructions, need to update on github with proper rst formatting.
      67fea2d3 Layed out the structure of documentation for installation, changelog, known_issues and release notes.
      6b6828a2 Added missing file which should have installation instructions.
      36c23d2e Merge branch 'master' of
      8012451a Enabling todo.ext with sphinx.
      84cfe95d Fixed typo. Added a todo not.
      cd5ea17c deleted unneccessary file.
      dce53aa8 Some more rearranging to make sure the <no title> does not appear in final documentation.
      266aec94 Rearraged documentation a bit to suit the latest directory sturcture.
      ed088fcb Few more changes for local build testing.
      ff035060 Fixed a typo in readthedocs-pip-requirements.txt file. Added file with instruction to install.
      a49282d6 Added numpydoc as a dependency on rtd.
      f5515c92 Started template for building and installing moose.
      9e4bc321 Fixed logo path for latex latex build on rtd.
      790a32df Moved docs to moose. Removed temp directory.
      aa2deb82 Adding docs from moose-core.
      a72f52bb Adding document folder to test building on read-the-docs.
      7f43a2ec typo in WITH_CUDA [skip ci]
      008a3f19 Added /usr/lib64 to ldconfig. SBML installs its library to this non-standard path.
      edccf663 Making test command empty.
      7d355710 Passes on ghevar.
      d1d5740d Merge branch 'master' of
      1f4535a6 Don't run ctest before install. Needs to find a better way to integrate test.
      79c42058 Update
      847cd59c Update
      bdf8b8c3 Update
      b9d2394b Added file to install.
      a7eacd0c Updated readme file.
      082ae66c Merge branch 'master' of
      bcbd49a6 Issue #195. Using external project to simplify the maintainence. centos-6 has cmake 2.8 which is now the minimum version required to build moose. Revered back Makefile in moose-core. Update Fixed indentation.
      513ccd28 Update
      894f881e Update
      0cda31e2 Squashed 'moose-gui/' content from commit a3d3a06
      69456794 Merge commit '0cda31e2' as 'moose-gui'
      e8f7e79c Squashed 'moose-examples/' content from commit 0494d05
      c376ead0 Merge commit 'e8f7e79c' as 'moose-examples'
      6b27e69e Squashed 'moose-core/' content from commit 1318029
      64e5323b Merge commit '6b27e69e' as 'moose-core'
      658e5413 Added scripts to pull subtree.
      0a90e72d Removed submodules. Need to add subtree
      8e0759fc After package is built, run the post-package tests. #BhallaLab/moose#194
      39a577d2 Added python-nose as missing dependency. It shouldn't be there. I think it is needed to run python test
      d64ae69f Merge branch 'master' of
      be28ed89 Don't check for gpg key and don't sign the package. This should fix the gpg key related exceptions.
      47f92cf4 Don't pack The lintian was complaining. is only used with moose.bin (for running unit-test in debug mode).
      f691dc82 Do no install in package. Just install python interface and moosegui binary.
      f58259ce Added cdbs to build dependency Travis was failing
      25ae3229 Added wget to dependencies Fixed formatting error in yml file.
      48dd2bc5 Install deb package instead of building from source code. --git-ignore-new  to git-buildpackage.
      98579ee9 Added two very basic tests. Just import moose and moogli.
      44b05aa9 Merge branch 'master' of
      d43d60e6 Instead of building source code using cmake, build the debian package whenever there is a commit.
      00c90e68 Added debian folder to create debian on travis.
      a7379219 Update
      63eab148 I should add packaing script to this repo. Ideally each merge to this repo must be tested for packaging.
      1898ed1c Test pacakging.
      9f2113f2 Submodules updated.
      86089da2 cleanup folder too
      7c25eb2e cleanup in setting up the pythonpath after the scripts where moved from moose to moose/scripts
      5f77e25d update-repository is moved from scripts to moose folder which pull the code from submodule recursive
      88a089d6 - moved the port file to package repo. Removing it from here. - Initialize git lfs support to add large files to repo without increasing its   size.
      af869d41 Moving various install related scripts to ./scripts folder. Instructions are to be written on file on how to build using this repository.
      6e0544b9 make clean is also need
      1afe9e87 Cleaned up readme. Added link to wiki.
      58a0ad66 Updated submodules.
      13dec237 Each submodule gets its own portfile.
      6acd3e97 Added port file. Needs to improve the long description.
      31bb3981 script to install dependencies on debian systems
      99c11d77 Added build script to build all code in one go, modified update-repository to alleviate detached head issue in submodules
      9c60afa1 The script now checkouts the correct branch
      087fd797 Changed bootstrap to a logically correct and sensible name, modified it to checkout moogli correctly
      fb851a95 Merge branch 'master' of
      8aeca9e4 Added new moogli, renamed old moogli
      d4863ac8 Added port file [skip ci]
      a7e79c66 Script to build mac bundle using cmake [skip ci]
      341fab30 Added more instruction on how to build and install.
      0da8d805 Added information about packages.
      cee4e0e3 Update
      1dc477d0 merging submodules
      f9e96888 Integrating changes from submodules.
      77d497a7 Merged changes, fixed the build, updated readme.
      479227a0 Updated submodules.
      fbb7586c Merged submodules.
      08c86ac8 Updating submodules.
      3f84a9dd Updated submodule.
      5e052a24 Merge branch 'master' of
      1ea6378c Merge branch 'master' of
      c49218ca Replaced tab with spaces, travis file now validates
      a1091478 Corrected travis file format, removed the comment.
      be72340a libsbml5.9.0 is support not libsbml-5.11.4
      2f0111b3 Fixed travis. Doxygen and python-sphinx are in.
      ff5f2177 readme with WITH_DOC option explained.
      f60abf55 Updated submodules.
      33e9ce9e Script which runs all demo and snippets in non-blocking mode.
      4411e091 Updated readme file with details about subprojects and location of packages.
      7a13e693 Updated readme.
      0e1147cc Using pip to uninstall the moose-python. Also using cmake -P to install generated target rather than running make install.
      1cf48e5b The uninstall happens successfully. Need to test if make install aslo runs make again.
      df41948a make install also runs the target build. This should be fixed.
      33418bff Still does not uninstall.
      2bb84736 removed temp file.
      76f75655 Added simple makefile to automate the process of installing, uninstalling the submodules. Testing needs to be done.
      5a2e1536 make install instead of cmake install in cmake file now.
      ac2b19f1 Merge branch 'master' of
      9be7ccd4 uninstsall does not work yet.
      684f5183 make uninstall still not workinng.
      f7fc67dc Updated readme file with installtion details.
      ca1055fd A bootstrap script to pull the submodules and init them properly.
      90d47d85 Fixed a typo in travis file.
      cbb80549 Fix the typo in travis.
      ed95e307 The install prefix in travis is changed to alocal path.
      f2d679ac ctest --output-on-failure
      1779f618 integrating new checkin.
      a6f10072 This installs and build fine.
      846f27c2 moosegui script.
      876dc6be No point in making local package. Use launchpad and osc for that.
      20fbde5e Added debian folder for launchpad.
      26e6bbe5 Tiny changes. Paths of installation.
      f706a4a6 Added moosegui scipt.
      9d5c34ef moose-gui is installed to <prefix>/share/moose/gui folder.
      eccc5bb2 Added travis for meta repo.
      8a4afb1f Added readme file.
      92919e07 Added submodules.
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: 2c3fe7516a3a462c6e408a0e8b3b8f0254c5e903
    • Dilawar Singh's avatar
      Squashed 'moose-core/' content from commit fe77059f98 · e6e83b76
      Dilawar Singh authored
      git-subtree-dir: moose-core
      git-subtree-split: fe77059f98c5a6cab2e106f78b7eb505f4f62850