Setting CaConc Ca_base in redesigneur ChanDistrib
Created by: analkumar2
Not able to change CaBasal or Ca_base value using rdesigneur's ChanDistrib field. Attached are three files:
- -- Builds the model and inject current into the model
Ca_N_Chan_(Migliore2018).py -- The channel kinetics file. The channel is dependent on calcium and also is a input field to the calcium decay mechanism
Ca_Conc_(Common).py -- calcium decay mechanism. tau is default to 100e-3s. Ca_base is default to 0.05e-3mM.
In the code, when we use ChanDistribto change the value of Ca_base to 0.1e-3mM and tau to 50e-3s, chanDistrib = 'Ca_N_chan', 'soma', 'Gbar', '1'], ['Ca_conc', 'soma', 'Ca_base', str(0.1e-3), 'tau', '50e-3'
The tau gets changed to 50e-3s, but Ca_base or CaBasal remains to their default values. The only way to change Ca_base is to modify the calcium decay mechanism file.
CheckCaconcbasal.txt Ca_Conc_(Common).txt Ca_N_Chan_(Migliore2018).txt