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import { Component, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit, Inject, Optional, ChangeDetectionStrategy } from "@angular/core";
import { EnumViewerEvt, IViewer, TViewerEvent } from "src/viewerModule/viewer.interface";
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import { combineLatest, forkJoin, from, merge, Observable, Subject } from "rxjs";
import { debounceTime, distinctUntilChanged, filter, map, scan, shareReplay, switchMap } from "rxjs/operators";
import { ComponentStore } from "src/viewerModule/componentStore";
import { select, Store } from "@ngrx/store";
import { ClickInterceptor, CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR } from "src/util";
import { MatSnackBar } from "@angular/material/snack-bar";
import { CONST } from 'common/constants'
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import { getUuid } from "src/util/fn";
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import { AUTO_ROTATE, TInteralStatePayload, ViewerInternalStateSvc } from "src/viewerModule/viewerInternalState.service";
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import { atlasAppearance, atlasSelection } from "src/state";
import { ThreeSurferCustomLabelLayer, ThreeSurferCustomLayer, ColorMapCustomLayer } from "src/state/atlasAppearance/const";
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import { SxplrRegion } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi/type_sxplr"
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import { arrayEqual } from "src/util/array";
import { ThreeSurferEffects } from "../store/effects";
import { selectors, actions  } from "../store"
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import { SAPI } from "src/atlasComponents/sapi";
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const viewerType = 'ThreeSurfer'
type TInternalState = {
  camera: {
    x: number
    y: number
    z: number
  mode: string
  hemisphere: 'left' | 'right' | 'both'
const pZoomFactor = 5e3
type THandlingCustomEv = {
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  regions: SxplrRegion[]
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  error?: string
  evMesh?: {
    faceIndex: number
    verticesIndicies: number[]

type TCameraOrientation = {
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  perspectiveOrientation: number[]
  perspectiveZoom: number

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type TThreeGeometry = {
  visible: boolean
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type GiiInstance = unknown
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type TThreeSurfer = {
  loadMesh: (url: string) => Promise<TThreeGeometry>
  unloadMesh: (geom: TThreeGeometry) => void
  redraw: (geom: TThreeGeometry) => void
  applyColorMap: (geom: TThreeGeometry, idxMap?: number[], custom?: { usePreset?: any, custom?: Map<number, number[]> }) => void
  loadColormap: (url: string) => Promise<GiiInstance>
  setupAnimation: () => void
  dispose: () => void
  control: any
  camera: any
  customColormap: WeakMap<TThreeGeometry, any>
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type LateralityRecord<T> = Record<string, T>

const threshold = 1e-3

function cameraNavsAreSimilar(c1: TCameraOrientation, c2: TCameraOrientation){
  if (c1 === c2) return true
  if (!!c1 && !!c2) return true

  if (!c1 && !!c2) return false
  if (!c2 && !!c1) return false

  if (Math.abs(c1.perspectiveZoom - c2.perspectiveZoom) > threshold) return false
  if ([0, 1, 2, 3].some(
    idx => Math.abs(c1.perspectiveOrientation[idx] - c2.perspectiveOrientation[idx]) > threshold
  )) {
    return false
  return true

  selector: 'three-surfer-glue-cmp',
  templateUrl: './threeSurfer.template.html',
  styleUrls: [
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  providers: [ ComponentStore ],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
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export class ThreeSurferGlueCmp implements IViewer<'threeSurfer'>, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
  viewerEvent = new EventEmitter<TViewerEvent<'threeSurfer'>>()

  private domEl: HTMLElement
  private mainStoreCameraNav: TCameraOrientation = null
  private localCameraNav: TCameraOrientation = null

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  public lateralityMeshRecord: LateralityRecord<{
    visible: boolean
    meshLayer: ThreeSurferCustomLayer
    mesh: TThreeGeometry
  }> = {}

  public latLblIdxRecord: LateralityRecord<{
    indexLayer: ThreeSurferCustomLabelLayer
    labelIndices: number[]
  }> = {}
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  private internalStateNext: (arg: TInteralStatePayload<TInternalState>) => void
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  private mouseoverRegions: SxplrRegion[] = []
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  private selectedRegions$ =$.pipe(

  private customLayers$ =$.pipe(
    distinctUntilChanged(arrayEqual((o, n) => ===,
  public meshLayers$: Observable<ThreeSurferCustomLayer[]> = this.customLayers$.pipe(
    map(layers => layers.filter(l => l.clType === "baselayer/threesurfer") as ThreeSurferCustomLayer[]),
    distinctUntilChanged(arrayEqual((o, n) => ===,

  private vertexIndexLayers$: Observable<ThreeSurferCustomLabelLayer[]> = this.customLayers$.pipe(
    map(layers => layers.filter(l => l.clType === "baselayer/threesurfer-label") as ThreeSurferCustomLabelLayer[]),
    distinctUntilChanged(arrayEqual((o, n) => ===,

   * maps laterality to label index to sapi region
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  private latLblIdxToRegionRecord: LateralityRecord<Record<number, SxplrRegion>> = {}
  private latLblIdxToRegionRecord$: Observable<LateralityRecord<Record<number, SxplrRegion>>> = combineLatest([
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    switchMap(([ { atlas, parcellation, template },  regions]) => {
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      const returnObj = {
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        'left': {} as Record<number, SxplrRegion>,
        'right': {} as Record<number, SxplrRegion>
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      return merge( => 
          from(this.sapi.getRegionLabelIndices(template, parcellation, region)).pipe(
            map(label => ({ region, label }))
        scan((acc, curr) => {
          const { label, region } = curr
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          let key : 'left' | 'right'
          if ( /left/i.test( ) key = 'left'
          if ( /right/i.test( ) key = 'right'
          if (!key) {
             * TODO
             * there are ... more regions than expected, which has label index without laterality
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            return { ...acc }
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          return {
            [key]: {
              [label]: region
        }, {'left': {}, 'right': {}})
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   * colormap in use (both base & custom)

  private colormapInUse: ColorMapCustomLayer
  private colormaps$: Observable<ColorMapCustomLayer[]> = this.customLayers$.pipe(
    map(layers => layers.filter(l => l.clType === "baselayer/colormap" || l.clType === "customlayer/colormap") as ColorMapCustomLayer[]),

   * show delination map
  private showDelineation: boolean = true

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  public threeSurferSurfaceVariants$ = this.effect.onATPDebounceThreeSurferLayers$.pipe(
    map(({ surfaces }) => surfaces.reduce((acc, val) => acc.includes(val.variant) ? acc : [...acc, val.variant] ,[] as string[]))
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  public selectedSurfaceLayerId$ =$.pipe(
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    private effect: ThreeSurferEffects,
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    private el: ElementRef,
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    private store$: Store,
    private navStateStoreRelay: ComponentStore<{ perspectiveOrientation: [number, number, number, number], perspectiveZoom: number }>,
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    private sapi: SAPI,
    private snackbar: MatSnackBar,
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    @Optional() intViewerStateSvc: ViewerInternalStateSvc,
    @Optional() @Inject(CLICK_INTERCEPTOR_INJECTOR) clickInterceptor: ClickInterceptor,
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    if (intViewerStateSvc) {
      const {
      } = intViewerStateSvc.registerEmitter({
        "@type": 'TViewerInternalStateEmitter',
        applyState: arg => {
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          if (arg.viewerType === AUTO_ROTATE) {
            const autoPlayFlag = (arg.payload as any).play
            const reverseFlag = (arg.payload as any).reverse
            const autoplaySpeed = (arg.payload as any).speed
            this.toTsRef(tsRef => {
              tsRef.control.autoRotate = autoPlayFlag
              tsRef.control.autoRotateSpeed = autoplaySpeed * (reverseFlag ? -1 : 1)
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          if (arg.viewerType !== viewerType) return
          this.toTsRef(tsRef => {
   as any).camera)
      this.internalStateNext = next
      this.onDestroyCb.push(() => done())

     * intercept click and act
    if (clickInterceptor) {
      const handleClick = (ev: MouseEvent) => {

        // if does not click inside container, ignore
        if (!(this.el.nativeElement as HTMLElement).contains( as HTMLElement)) {
          return true
        if (this.mouseoverRegions.length === 0) return true
        if (this.mouseoverRegions.length > 1) {
, 'Dismiss', {
            duration: 3000
          return true
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        const regions = this.mouseoverRegions.slice(0, 1) as any[]$.dispatch(
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          atlasSelection.actions.setSelectedRegions({ regions })
        return true
      const { register, deregister } = clickInterceptor
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        () => { deregister(register) }
    this.domEl = this.el.nativeElement

     * subscribe to camera custom event
    const cameraSub = this.cameraEv$.pipe(
      filter(v => !!v),
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    ).subscribe(() => {
      const THREE = (window as any).ThreeSurfer.THREE
      const q = new THREE.Quaternion()
      const t = new THREE.Vector3()
      const s = new THREE.Vector3()

       * ThreeJS interpretes the scene differently to neuroglancer in subtle ways. 
       * At [0, 0, 0, 1] decomposed camera quaternion, for example,
       * - ThreeJS: view from superior -> inferior, anterior as top, right hemisphere as right
       * - NG: view from from inferior -> superior, posterior as top, left hemisphere as right
       * multiplying the exchange factor [-1, 0, 0, 0] converts ThreeJS convention to NG convention
      const cameraM =
      cameraM.decompose(t, q, s)
      const exchangeFactor = new THREE.Quaternion(-1, 0, 0, 0)

      try {
          perspectiveOrientation: q.multiply(exchangeFactor).toArray(),
          perspectiveZoom: t.length()
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      } catch (_e) {
        // LockError, ignore

      () => cameraSub.unsubscribe()

     * subscribe to navstore relay store and negotiate setting global state
    const navStateSub = => s).subscribe(v => {$.dispatch(
          navigation: {
            position: [0, 0, 0],
            orientation: [0, 0, 0, 1],
            zoom: 1e6,
            perspectiveOrientation: v.perspectiveOrientation,
            perspectiveZoom: v.perspectiveZoom * pZoomFactor

      () => navStateSub.unsubscribe()

     * subscribe to main store and negotiate with relay to set camera
    const navSub =$.pipe(
      filter(v => !!v),
    ).subscribe(nav => {
      const { perspectiveOrientation, perspectiveZoom } = nav
      this.mainStoreCameraNav = {

      if (!cameraNavsAreSimilar(this.mainStoreCameraNav, this.localCameraNav)) {
        this.relayStoreLock = this.navStateStoreRelay.getLock()
        const THREE = (window as any).ThreeSurfer.THREE
        const cameraQuat = new THREE.Quaternion(...this.mainStoreCameraNav.perspectiveOrientation)
        const cameraPos = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, this.mainStoreCameraNav.perspectiveZoom / pZoomFactor)
         * ThreeJS interpretes the scene differently to neuroglancer in subtle ways. 
         * At [0, 0, 0, 1] decomposed camera quaternion, for example,
         * - ThreeJS: view from superior -> inferior, anterior as top, right hemisphere as right
         * - NG: view from from inferior -> superior, posterior as top, left hemisphere as right
         * multiplying the exchange factor [-1, 0, 0, 0] converts ThreeJS convention to NG convention
        const exchangeFactor = new THREE.Quaternion(-1, 0, 0, 0)

        this.toTsRef(tsRef => {

          if (this.relayStoreLock) this.relayStoreLock()

      () => navSub.unsubscribe()
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  private tsRef: TThreeSurfer
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  private selectedRegions: SxplrRegion[] = []
  private relayStoreLock: () => void = null
  private tsRefInitCb: ((tsRef: any) => void)[] = []
  private toTsRef(callback: (tsRef: any) => void) {
    if (this.tsRef) {

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  private async loadMeshes(layers: ThreeSurferCustomLayer[]) {
    if (!this.tsRef) throw new Error(`loadMeshes error: this.tsRef is not defined!!`)
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     * remove the layers... 
    for (const layer of layers) {
      if (!!this.lateralityMeshRecord[layer.laterality]) {
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    for (const layer of layers) {
      const threeMesh = await this.tsRef.loadMesh(layer.source)
      this.lateralityMeshRecord[layer.laterality] = {
        visible: true,
        meshLayer: layer,
        mesh: threeMesh
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  private async loadVertexIndexMap(layers: ThreeSurferCustomLabelLayer[]) {
    if (!this.tsRef) throw new Error(`loadVertexIndexMap error: this.tsRef is not defined!!`)
    for (const layer of layers) {
      const giiInstance = await this.tsRef.loadColormap(layer.source)
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      let labelIndices: number[] = giiInstance[0].getData()
      if (giiInstance[0].attributes.DataType === 'NIFTI_TYPE_INT16') {
        labelIndices = (window as any).ThreeSurfer.GiftiBase.castF32UInt16(labelIndices)
      this.latLblIdxRecord[layer.laterality] = {
        indexLayer: layer,
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  private applyColor() {
     * on apply color map, reset mesh visibility
     * this issue is more difficult to solve than first anticiplated.
     * test scenarios:
     * 1/ hide hemisphere, select region
     * 2/ hide hemisphere, select region, unhide hemisphere
     * 3/ select region, hide hemisphere, deselect region
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    if (!this.colormapInUse) return
    if (!this.tsRef) return
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    const isBaseCM = this.colormapInUse?.clType === "baselayer/colormap"

    for (const laterality in this.lateralityMeshRecord) {
      const { mesh } = this.lateralityMeshRecord[laterality]
      if (!this.latLblIdxRecord[laterality]) continue
      const { labelIndices } = this.latLblIdxRecord[laterality]

      const lblIdxToRegionRecord = this.latLblIdxToRegionRecord[laterality]
      if (!lblIdxToRegionRecord) {
        this.tsRef.applyColorMap(mesh, labelIndices)
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      const map = new Map<number, number[]>()
      for (const lblIdx in lblIdxToRegionRecord) {
        const region = lblIdxToRegionRecord[lblIdx]
        let color: number[]
        if (!this.showDelineation) {
          color = [1,1,1]
        } else if (isBaseCM && this.selectedRegions.length > 0 && !this.selectedRegions.includes(region)) {
          color = [1,1,1]
        } else {
          color = (this.colormapInUse.colormap.get(region) || [255, 255, 255]).map(v => v/255)
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        map.set(Number(lblIdx), color)
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      this.tsRef.applyColorMap(mesh, labelIndices, {
        custom: map
  private handleCustomMouseEv(detail: any){
    const evMesh = detail.mesh && {
      faceIndex: detail.mesh.faceIndex,
      // typo in three-surfer
      verticesIndicies: detail.mesh.verticesIdicies
    const custEv: THandlingCustomEv = {
      regions: [],
    if (!detail.mesh) {
      return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
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    const {
      geometry: evGeometry,
      // typo in three-surfer
      verticesIdicies: evVerticesIndicies,
    } = detail.mesh as { geometry: TThreeGeometry, verticesIdicies: number[] }
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    for (const laterality in this.lateralityMeshRecord) {
      const meshRecord = this.lateralityMeshRecord[laterality]
      if (meshRecord.mesh !== evGeometry) {
       * if either labelindex record or colormap record is undefined for this laterality, emit empty event
      if (!this.latLblIdxRecord[laterality] || !this.latLblIdxToRegionRecord[laterality]) {
        return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
      const labelIndexRecord = this.latLblIdxRecord[laterality]
      const regionRecord = this.latLblIdxToRegionRecord[laterality]
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       * check if the mesh is toggled off
       * if so, do not proceed
      if (!meshRecord.visible) {
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       * translate vertex indices to label indicies via set, to remove duplicates
      const labelIndexSet = new Set<number>()
      for (const idx of evVerticesIndicies){
        const labelOfInterest = labelIndexRecord.labelIndices[idx]
        if (!labelOfInterest) {
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       * decode label index to region
      if (labelIndexSet.size === 0) {
        return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
      for (const labelIndex of Array.from(labelIndexSet)) {
        if (!regionRecord[labelIndex]) {
          custEv.error = `${custEv.error || ''} Cannot decode label index ${labelIndex}`
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        const region = regionRecord[labelIndex]
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       * return handle event
      return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)

  private cameraEv$ = new Subject<{ position: { x: number, y: number, z: number }, zoom: number }>()
  private handleCustomCameraEvent(detail: any){
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    if (this.internalStateNext) {
        "@id": getUuid(),
        "@type": 'TViewerInternalStateEmitterEvent',
        payload: {
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          mode: '',
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          camera: detail.position,
          hemisphere: 'both'
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  ngAfterViewInit(): void{
    const customEvHandler = (ev: CustomEvent) => {
      const { type, data } = ev.detail
      if (type === 'mouseover') {
        return this.handleCustomMouseEv(data)
      if (type === 'camera') {
        return this.handleCustomCameraEvent(data)
    this.domEl.addEventListener((window as any).ThreeSurfer.CUSTOM_EVENTNAME_UPDATED, customEvHandler)
      () => this.domEl.removeEventListener((window as any).ThreeSurfer.CUSTOM_EVENTNAME_UPDATED, customEvHandler)
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    this.tsRef = new (window as any).ThreeSurfer(this.domEl, {highlightHovered: true})

      () => {
        this.tsRef = null
    this.tsRef.control.enablePan = false
    while (this.tsRefInitCb.length > 0) {
      const tsCb = this.tsRefInitCb.pop()
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    const meshSub = this.meshLayers$.pipe(
    ).subscribe(layers => {
    const vertexIdxSub = this.vertexIndexLayers$.subscribe(layers => this.loadVertexIndexMap(layers))
    const roiSelectedSub = this.selectedRegions$.subscribe(regions => {
      this.selectedRegions = regions
    const colormapSub = this.colormaps$.subscribe(cm => {
      this.colormapInUse = cm[0] || null
    const recordToRegionSub = this.latLblIdxToRegionRecord$.subscribe(val => this.latLblIdxToRegionRecord = val)
    const hideDelineationSub =$.pipe(
    ).subscribe(flag => {
      this.showDelineation = flag
       * apply color resets mesh visibility

    this.onDestroyCb.push(() => {

      type: EnumViewerEvt.VIEWERLOADED,
      data: true
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  public mouseoverText: string
  private handleMouseoverEvent(ev: THandlingCustomEv){
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    const { regions: mouseover, evMesh, error } = ev
    this.mouseoverRegions = mouseover
      type: EnumViewerEvt.VIEWER_CTX,
      data: {
        viewerType: 'threeSurfer',
        payload: {
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          fsversion: '',
          faceIndex: evMesh?.faceIndex,
          vertexIndices: evMesh?.verticesIndicies,
          position: [],
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          regions: mouseover,
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    this.mouseoverText = ''
    if (mouseover.length > 0) {
      this.mouseoverText += =>' / ')
    if (error) {
      this.mouseoverText += `::error: ${error}`
    if (this.mouseoverText === '') this.mouseoverText = null
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  public updateMeshVisibility(): void{
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    for (const key in this.lateralityMeshRecord) {

      const latMeshRecord = this.lateralityMeshRecord[key]
      if (!latMeshRecord) {
      const meshObj = this.tsRef.customColormap.get(latMeshRecord.mesh)
      if (!meshObj) {
        throw new Error(`mesh obj not found!`)
      meshObj.mesh.visible = latMeshRecord.visible
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  switchSurfaceLayer(variant: string): void{
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Xiao Gui committed$.dispatch(
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  private onDestroyCb: (() => void) [] = []

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  ngOnDestroy(): void {
    while (this.onDestroyCb.length > 0) this.onDestroyCb.pop()()