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import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, OnChanges, OnDestroy, AfterViewInit } from "@angular/core";
import { EnumViewerEvt, IViewer, TViewerEvent } from "src/viewerModule/viewer.interface";
import { TThreeSurferConfig, TThreeSurferMode } from "../types";
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import { parseContext } from "../util";
import { retry, flattenRegions } from 'common/util'
type THandlingCustomEv = {
  regions: ({ name?: string, error?: string })[]
  event: CustomEvent
  evMesh?: {
    faceIndex: number
    verticesIndicies: number[]

  selector: 'three-surfer-glue-cmp',
  templateUrl: './threeSurfer.template.html',
  styleUrls: [

export class ThreeSurferGlueCmp implements IViewer<'threeSurfer'>, OnChanges, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {

  selectedTemplate: any

  selectedParcellation: any
  viewerEvent = new EventEmitter<TViewerEvent<'threeSurfer'>>()

  private domEl: HTMLElement
  private config: TThreeSurferConfig
  public modes: TThreeSurferMode[] = []
  public selectedMode: string

  private regionMap: Map<string, Map<number, any>> = new Map()
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    private el: ElementRef,
    this.domEl = this.el.nativeElement

  tsRef: any
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  loadedMeshes: {
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    threeSurfer: any
    mesh: string
    colormap: string
    hemisphere: string
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    vIdxArr: number[]
  }[] = []

  private unloadAllMeshes() {
    while(this.loadedMeshes.length > 0) {
      const m = this.loadedMeshes.pop()
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  public async loadMode(mode: TThreeSurferMode) {

    this.selectedMode =
    const { meshes } = mode
    for (const singleMesh of meshes) {
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      const { mesh, colormap, hemisphere } = singleMesh
      const tsM = await this.tsRef.loadMesh(
        parseContext(mesh, [this.config['@context']])

      const rMap = this.regionMap.get(hemisphere)
      const applyCM = new Map()
      for (const [ lblIdx, region ] of rMap.entries()) {
        applyCM.set(lblIdx, (region.rgb || [200, 200, 200]).map(v => v/255))
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      const tsC = await this.tsRef.loadColormap(
        parseContext(colormap, [this.config['@context']])
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      let colorIdx = tsC[0].getData()
      if (tsC[0].attributes.DataType === 'NIFTI_TYPE_INT16') {
        colorIdx = (window as any).ThreeSurfer.GiftiBase.castF32UInt16(colorIdx)
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        threeSurfer: tsM,
        vIdxArr: colorIdx
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      this.tsRef.applyColorMap(tsM, colorIdx, 
          custom: applyCM
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  async ngOnChanges(){
    if (this.tsRef) {
    if (this.selectedTemplate) {
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       * wait until threesurfer is defined in window
      await retry(async () => {
        if (typeof (window as any).ThreeSurfer === 'undefined') throw new Error('ThreeSurfer not yet defined')
      }, {
        timeout: 160,
        retries: 10,
      this.config = this.selectedTemplate['three-surfer']
      // somehow curv ... cannot be parsed properly by gifti parser... something about points missing
      this.modes = this.config.modes.filter(m => !/curv/.test(
      if (!this.tsRef) {
        this.tsRef = new (window as any).ThreeSurfer(this.domEl, {highlightHovered: true})
          () => {
            this.tsRef = null
      const flattenedRegions = flattenRegions(this.selectedParcellation.regions)
      for (const region of flattenedRegions) {
        if (region.labelIndex) {
          const hemisphere = /left/.test(
            ? 'left'
            : /right/.test(
              ? 'right'
              : null
          if (!hemisphere) throw new Error(`region ${} does not have hemisphere defined`)
          if (!this.regionMap.has(hemisphere)) {
            this.regionMap.set(hemisphere, new Map())
          const rMap = this.regionMap.get(hemisphere)
          rMap.set(region.labelIndex, region)
      // load mode0 by default

        type: EnumViewerEvt.VIEWERLOADED,
    const customEvHandler = (ev: CustomEvent) => {
      const evMesh = ev.detail?.mesh && {
        faceIndex: ev.detail.mesh.faceIndex,
        // typo in three-surfer
        verticesIndicies: ev.detail.mesh.verticesIdicies
      const custEv: THandlingCustomEv = {
        event: ev,
        regions: [],
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      if (!ev.detail.mesh) {
        return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
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      const evGeom = ev.detail.mesh.geometry
      const evVertIdx = ev.detail.mesh.verticesIdicies
      const found = this.loadedMeshes.find(({ threeSurfer }) => threeSurfer === evGeom)
      if (!found) return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
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      const { hemisphere: key, vIdxArr } = found

      if (!key || !evVertIdx) {
        return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
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      const labelIdxSet = new Set<number>()
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      for (const vIdx of evVertIdx) {
      if (labelIdxSet.size === 0) {
        return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
      const hemisphereMap = this.regionMap.get(key)
      if (!hemisphereMap) {
        custEv.regions = Array.from(labelIdxSet).map(v => {
          return {
            error: `unknown#${v}`
        return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv)
      custEv.regions =  Array.from(labelIdxSet)
        .map(lblIdx => {
          const ontoR = hemisphereMap.get(lblIdx)
          if (ontoR) {
            return ontoR
          } else {
            return {
              error: `unkonwn#${lblIdx}`
      return this.handleMouseoverEvent(custEv) 
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    this.domEl.addEventListener((window as any).ThreeSurfer.CUSTOM_EVENTNAME, customEvHandler)
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      () => this.domEl.removeEventListener((window as any).ThreeSurfer.CUSTOM_EVENTNAME, customEvHandler)
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  public mouseoverText: string
  private handleMouseoverEvent(ev: THandlingCustomEv){
    const { regions: mouseover, evMesh } = ev
      type: EnumViewerEvt.VIEWER_CTX,
      data: {
        viewerType: 'threeSurfer',
        payload: {
          fsversion: this.selectedMode,
          faceIndex: evMesh?.faceIndex,
          vertexIndices: evMesh?.verticesIndicies,
          position: [],
          _mouseoverRegion: mouseover.filter(el => !el.error)
    this.mouseoverText = mouseover.length === 0 ?
      null :
        el => || el.error
      ).join(' / ')
  private onDestroyCb: (() => void) [] = []

  ngOnDestroy() {
    while (this.onDestroyCb.length > 0) this.onDestroyCb.pop()()