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Plugin APIs

[plugin migration guide](

- metadata

  - *selectedTemplateBSubject* : BehaviourSubject that emits a TemplateDescriptor object whenever a template is selected. Emits null onInit.

  - *selectedParcellationBSubject* : BehaviourSubject that emits a ParcellationDescriptor object whenever a parcellation is selected. n.b. selecting a new template automatically select the first available parcellation. Emits null onInit.

  - *selectedRegionsBSubject* BehaviourSubject that emits an Array of RegionDescriptor objects whenever the list of selected regions changes. Emits empty array onInit.

  - *loadedTemplates* : Array of TemplateDescriptor objects. Loaded asynchronously onInit.

  - **Deprecated** ~~*regionsLabelIndexMap* Map of labelIndex (used by neuroglancer and nehuba) to the corresponding RegionDescriptor object.~~

  - *layersRegionLabelIndexMap* Map of layer name to Map of labelIndex (used by neuroglancer and nehuba) to the corresponding RegionDescriptor object.
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- viewerHandle

  - *setNavigationLoc(coordinates,realspace?:boolean)* Function that teleports the navigation state to coordinates : [x:number,y:number,z:number]. Optional arg determine if the set of coordinates is in realspace (default) or voxelspace.

  - *moveToNavigationLoc(coordinates,realspace?:boolean)*
  same as *setNavigationLoc(coordinates,realspace?)*, except the action is carried out over 500ms.

  - *setNavigationOri(ori)* (not yet live) Function that sets the orientation state of the viewer.

  - *moveToNavigationOri(ori)* (not yet live) same as *setNavigationOri*, except the action is carried out over 500ms.

  - *showSegment(labelIndex)* Function that shows a specific segment. Will trigger *selectedRegionsBSubject*.

  - *hideSegment(labelIndex)* Function that hides a specific segment. Will trigger *selectRegionsBSubject*
  - *showAllSegments()* Function that shows all segments. Will trigger *selectRegionsBSubject*

  - *hideAllSegments()* Function that hides all segments. Will trigger *selectRegionBSubject*

  - **Deprecated** ~~*segmentColourMap* : Map of *labelIndex* to an object with the shape of `{red: number, green: number, blue: number}`.~~

  - *getLayersSegmentColourMap* : Call to get Map of layer name to Map of label index to colour map

  - **Deprecated**  ~~*applyColourMap(colourMap)* Function that applies a custom colour map (Map of number to and object with the shape of `{red: number , green: number , blue: number}`)~~
  - *applyLayersColourMap* Function that applies a custom colour map.
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  - *loadLayer(layerObject)* Function that loads *ManagedLayersWithSpecification* directly to neuroglancer. Returns the values of the object successfully added. **n.b.** advanced feature, will likely break other functionalities. **n.b.** if the layer name is already taken, the layer will not be added.
  const obj = {
    'advanced layer' : {
      type : 'image',
      source : 'nifti://',
    'advanced layer 2' : {
      type : 'mesh',
      source : 'vtk://'
  const returnValue = window.interactiveViewer.viewerHandle.loadLayer(obj)
  /* loads two layers, an image nifti layer and a mesh vtk layer */

  /* prints
    type : 'image', 
    source : 'nifti...' 
    type : 'mesh',
    source : 'vtk...'

  - *removeLayer(layerObject)* Function that removes *ManagedLayersWithSpecification*, returns an array of the names of the layers removed. **n.b.** advanced feature. may break other functionalities.
  const obj = {
    'name' : /^PMap/
  const returnValue = window.interactiveViewer.viewerHandle.removeLayer(obj)
  /* prints
  ['PMap 001','PMap 002']
  - *add3DLandmarks(landmarks)* adds landmarks to both the perspective view and slice view. 

  const landmarks = [{
    id : `fzj-xg-jugex-1`,
    position : [0,0,0]
    id : `fzj-xg-jugex-2`,
    position : [22,27,-1]

  /* adds landmarks in perspective view and slice view */

  - *remove3DLandmarks(IDs)* removes the landmarks by their IDs
    .remove3DLandmarks(['fzj-xg-jugex-1', 'fzj-xg-jugex-2'])
  /* removes the landmarks added above */

  - *setLayerVisibility(layerObject, visible)* Function that sets the visibility of a layer. Returns the names of all the layers that are affected as an Array of string.
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  const obj = {
    'type' : 'segmentation'


  /* turns off all the segmentation layers */

  - *mouseEvent* Subject that emits an object shaped `{ eventName : string, event: event }` when a user triggers a mouse event on the viewer. 

  - *mouseOverNehuba* BehaviourSubject that emits an object shaped `{ nehubaOutput : number | null, foundRegion : RegionDescriptor | null }`

- uiHandle

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  - *getModalHandler()* returns a modalHandler object, which has the following methods/properties:
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    - *hide()* : Dynamically hides the modal
    - *show()* : Shows the modal
    - title : title of the modal (String)
    - body : body of the modal shown (String)
    - footer : footer of the modal (String)
    - dismissable : whether the modal is dismissable on click backdrop/esc key (Boolean) *n.b. if true, users will not be able to interact with the viewer unless you specifically call `handler.hide()`*
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  - *getToastHandler()* returns a toastHandler objectm, which has the following methods/properties:

    - *show()* : Show the toast
    - *hide()* : Dynamically hides the toast
    - message : message on the toast
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    - htmlMessage : HTML message. If used to display user content, beware of script injection. Angular strips `style` attribute, so use `class` and bootstrap for styling.
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    - dismissable : allow user dismiss the toast via x 
    - timeout : auto hide (in ms). set to 0 for not auto hide.
  - *launchNewWidget(manifest)* returns a Promise. expects a JSON object, with the same key value as a plugin manifest. the *name* key must be unique, or the promise will be rejected. 

  - *getUserInput(config)* returns a Promise, resolves when user confirms, rejects when user cancels. expects config object object with the following structure:
  const config = {
    "title": "Title of the modal", // default: "Message"
    "message":"Message to be seen by the user.", // default: ""
    "placeholder": "Start typing here", // default: "Type your response here"
    "defaultValue": "42" // default: ""
    "iconClass":"fas fa-save" // default fas fa-save, set to falsy value to disable
  - *getUserConfirmation(config)* returns a Promise, resolves when user confirms, rejects when user cancels. expects config object object with the following structure:
  const config = {
    "title": "Title of the modal", // default: "Message"
    "message":"Message to be seen by the user." // default: ""
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  - *getUserToSelectARegion(message)* returns a `Promise`

    | input | type | desc |
    | --- | --- | --- |
    | message | `string` | human readable message displayed to the user | 


    `Promise`, resolves to return `RegionSelectedByUser`, rejects with error object `{ userInitiated: boolean }`
    Requests user to select a parcellation region, displaying the message. Resolving to the region selected by the user. Rejects if either user cancels by pressing `Esc` or `Cancel`, or by developer calling `cancelPromise`
  - *cancelPromise(promise)* returns `void`
    | input | type | desc |
    | --- | --- | --- |
    | promise | `Promise` | Reference to the __exact__ promise returned by `uiHnandle` methods |
    Cancel the request to select a parcellation region.

    _usage example_


    (() => {
      const pr = interactive.uiHandle.getUserToSelectARegion(`webJuGEx would like you to select a region`)

      pr.then(region => {  })

       * do NOT do 
       * const pr = interactive.uiHandle.getUserToSelectARegion(`webJuGEx would like you to select a region`)
       *   .then(region => {  })
       *   -catch(console.warn)
       * the promise passed to `cancelPromise` must be the exact promise returned.
       * by chaining then/catch, a new reference is returned

      setTimeout(() => {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
          // if the promise has been fulfilled (by resolving or user cancel), cancelPromise will throw
      }, 5000)
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- pluginControl

  - *loadExternalLibraries([LIBRARY_NAME_1,LIBRARY_NAME_2])* Function that loads external libraries. Pass the name of the libraries as an Array of string, and returns a Promise. When promise resolves, the libraries are loaded. **n.b.** while unlikely, there is a possibility that multiple requests to load external libraries in quick succession can cause the promise to resolve before the library is actually loaded. 

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  const currentlySupportedLibraries = ['jquery@2','jquery@3','webcomponentsLite@1.1.0','react@16','reactdom@16','vue@2.5.16']
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    .then(() => {
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      /* loaded */


  - *unloadExternalLibraries([LIBRARY_NAME_1,LIBRARY_NAME_2])* unloading the libraries (should be called on shutdown).

  - **[PLUGINNAME]** returns a plugin handler. This would be how to interface with the plugins.

    - *blink()* : Function that causes the floating widget to blink, attempt to grab user attention (silently fails if called on startup).
    - *setProgressIndicator(val:number|null)* : Set the progress of the plugin. Useful for giving user feedbacks on the progress of a long running process. Call the function with null to unset the progress.
    - *shutdown()* : Function that causes the widget to shutdown dynamically. (triggers onShutdown callback, silently fails if called on startup)
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    - *onShutdown(callback)* : Attaches a callback function, which is called when the plugin is shutdown.
    - *initState* : passed from `manifest.json`. Useful for setting initial state of the plugin. Can be any JSON valid value (array, object, string).
    - *initStateUrl* : passed from `manifest.json`. Useful for setting initial state of the plugin.  Can be any JSON valid value (array, object, string).
    - *setInitManifestUrl(url|null)* set/unset the url for a manifest json that will be fetched on atlas viewer startup. the argument should be a valid URL, has necessary CORS header, and returns a valid manifest json file. null will unset the search param. Useful for passing/preserving state. If called multiple times, the last one will take effect.
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    const pluginHandler = window.interactiveViewer.pluginControl[PLUGINNAME]

    const subscription = window.interactiveViewer.metadata.selectedTemplateBSubject.subscribe(template=>console.log(template))





nehuba object, exposed if user would like to use it



neuroglancer object, exposed if user would like to use it