-*getModalHandler()* returns a modalHandler object, which has the following methods/properties:
-*getModalHandler()* returns a modalHandlerObject, which has the following methods/properties:
-*hide()* :Dynamically hides the modal
-*show()* :Shows the modal
-title :title of the modal (String)
-body :body of the modal shown (String)
-footer :footer of the modal (String)
-dismissable :whether the modal is dismissable on click backdrop/esc key (Boolean) *n.b. if true, users will not be able to interact with the viewer unless you specifically call `handler.hide()`*
-*hide()* :Dynamically hides the modal
-*show()* :Shows the modal
-title :title of the modal (String)
-body :body of the modal shown (String)
-footer :footer of the modal (String)
-dismissable :whether the modal is dismissable on click backdrop/esc key (Boolean) *n.b. if true, users will not be able to interact with the viewer unless you specifically call `handler.hide()`*
-*getToastHandler()* returns a toastHandler objectm, which has the following methods/properties:
-*show()* :Show the toast
-*hide()* :Dynamically hides the toast
-message :message on the toast
-dismissable :allow user dismiss the toast via x
-timeout :auto hide (in ms). set to 0 for not auto hide.
-*loadExternalLibraries([LIBRARY_NAME_1,LIBRARY_NAME_2])* Function that loads external libraries. Pass the name of the libraries as an Array of string, and returns a Promise. When promise resolves, the libraries are loaded. **n.b.** while unlikely, there is a possibility that multiple requests to load external libraries in quick succession can cause the promise to resolve before the library is actually loaded.