Add missing dependencies for LFPy. Version 2.2.3->2.2.6
Closes #11 (closed). Bumps version to 2.2.6.
Merge request reports
added 4 commits
bbcd4d2f...82688dce - 3 commits from branch
- ce273a4d - Merge branch 'master' into fix-11
bbcd4d2f...82688dce - 3 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 25c9ecca
Hi @ehagen,
The modules you contributed have been built successfully.
You need to validate that the modules you provided work as expected in the integration environment of the Lab, lab-int, from the user's perspective here (select the kernel "EBRAINS_release_v0.2_202112"): after successful validation will the packages contributed through this MR will be eligible for the next release.
Thanks and kind regards.
Thanks, @akarmas, I don't have access to the Lab (lab-int) for whatever reason (while I can access other things like the collabs at Any clue what I should do to gain access?
Otherwise, the base test would be
import LFPy; LFPy.run_tests()
to run LFPy's entire test suite.To successfully login to lab-int you will need to:
i) create an account to the iam-int from here login with your new int account to drive-int ( once, to set the appropriate permissions.
After the aforementioned steps you will be able to login to lab-int.
Anyway, i executed the tests myself. It seems that everything is fine.
Ran 304 tests in 102.571s OK
I would check on how to automate this test.
Ok, I created a 2nd Ebrains account and could access the build. All tests ran on my end as well. I assume all is well then.
Adding test runs to some CI action could be a good idea, but could also end up being quite a task if you plan also to run the test suites of all other installations (NEST, arbor, ...).