Cerebunit cerebstats
Spark packages for CerebUnit and CerebStats
Merge request reports
@akarmas CerebUnit and CerebStats are EBRAINS software components. I have created their spack recipes in this branch. Can you please merge this branch?
Hi @lungsi we are in the process of performing some updates to the EBRAINS Spack instance. Once we have finished this branch will be merged.
mentioned in commit 6b3233cd
Hi @lungsi,
I merged your MR.
Unfortunately there were some errors and missing packages and your contribution can not build.
I fixed syntax errors here:- https://gitlab.ebrains.eu/technical-coordination/project-internal/devops/platform/ebrains-spack-builds/-/blob/master/packages/py-cerebunit/package.py
- https://gitlab.ebrains.eu/technical-coordination/project-internal/devops/platform/ebrains-spack-builds/-/blob/master/packages/py-cerebstats/package.py
The missing Spack packages are the following:
py-pynwb py-hdmf
You would need to contribute those as well!!
I strongly suggest that before issuing a MR to the TC repository that you have tried to build the contributed package(s) locally to make sure that everything builds successfully and then check the overall integration by issuing a MR.
I include here a video in which how to test things locally is explained at the demo at the end (last 20 minutes).