- Apr 03, 2020
Benjamin Cumming authored
Some small changes to facilitate smooth PyPi integration: * update the Python installation guide * update the license file * add a `setup.cfg` * add a stub for the Python readme
- Feb 28, 2020
Benjamin Cumming authored
Add a `setup.py` for installing Arbor directly with pip/setuptools. Implement a setuptools extension for CMake in `setup.py`. To be honest, I don't understand entirely how it works, but setuptools is obtuse enough that I don't feel at all guilty about this. Define additional flags for optionally enabling GPUs, MPI, Vectorization and micro-architecture targets, for more adventurous users. The documentation is updated with a "howto pip" for more casual users who don't want anything to do with CMake. Fixes #958 .
- Feb 25, 2020
Benjamin Cumming authored
Improve the Python wrapper generation and installation: - install a proper module that can be extended with Python code; - give the user more control over where to install the module (e.g. as a user package or in a virtualenv). During building, the following sub-directory is built in the build director (`CMAKE_BINARY_DIR`) ``` └── python └── arbor ├── __init__.py ├── arbor.so └── VERSION ``` This path can then be copied VERBATIM to the target installation path. By default this will be in `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib/python%d.%d/site-packages`. An additional CMake parameter `ARB_PYTHON_PREFIX` can be used to specify an alternative destination for installing the Python module. The Python part of the wrapper, implemented in `__init__.py` is currently very limited, only providing `__version__` and `__config__` variables. The installation guide was updated to cover the Python installation.
- Feb 04, 2020
Benjamin Cumming authored
A big update that wraps over 90% of the public C++ API, with enough functionality to let Python users to perform useful modelling. Key features - wrapping of cable cell functionality - user-defined explicit compartmentalisation not supported - `single_cell_model` abstraction unique to the Python wrapper that simplifies developing and testing single cell models - one-dimensional cell builder for Python wrapper that simplfies building cells that - in and of itself limited in scope, but a very useful example of mapping a richer morphology builder onto `sample_tree`s. - parsing of region and location expressions from strings - implements a generic s-expression parser that we can use for other purposes later
- Jan 20, 2020
Benjamin Cumming authored
* Add logo to read the docs as HTML header. * Lighten nav bar background so as to not clash with logo.
- Dec 07, 2019
- Sep 25, 2019
akuesters authored
Adds * to `recipe.cpp`: `num_probes` and `get_probe` with helper function `cable_probe(kind, id, location)` * `sample.cpp`: `sample` type with attributes `time` and `value`; a `sampler` with `samples()` and `clear()` and helper functions `attach_sampler(sim, dt)` for adding all probes as well as `attach_sampler(sim, dt, probe_id)` for adding one probe * `morphology.cpp`: `location` as `arb::mlocation` with `branch` and `position` * corresponding docs and example * update to new cable cell semantics in c++ validation test fixes #762
- Sep 09, 2019
Benjamin Cumming authored
* Add new "embedded morphology" `em_morphology`, constructed from a `morphology`, that: caches derived information such as terminal points, locations of sample points, branch lengths; provides services for canonicalizing locations and interpolation; and is used for the realisation of regions and locsets (see below). * Add simple DSL for describing locsets and regions, which are abstract descriptions of sets of locations and regions on morphologies, together with a set of operations. * Add a new class `label_dict` that associates names with regions and locsets. * Extend `cable_cell` to hold a `label_dict` argument, which is used by a new method `paint` for associating mechanisms with regions. Fixes #845.
- Aug 29, 2019
* Replace derivation of cylindrical cable equation formula with S–L approach. * Relate analysis of cylindrical form to Rallpack 1 in a separate section. * Add analysis of tapered cable case. * Unify discussion of cable with constant electrical properties but varying geometry. * Add section describing how one can well-estimate the inter-cell flux given point samples or CV means for the membrane voltage.
- Aug 16, 2019
- wraps `partition_hint` struct for python - `partition_hint`struct in `load_balance.hpp` is adjusted in a way that in case of zero unsigned int `cpu_group_size`/`gpu_group_size` it is set to the default value (via setter/getter) - adds documentation for `partition_hint` - adds testing for `domain_decomposition` including `partition_hint` (in unit and unit_distributed) - adds `partition_hint` in example `ring.py` - corrects `config.cpp` (and doc) to test for `ARB_GPU_ENABLED` instead of `ARB_WITH_GPU` Fixes #776 Addresses #799, #769
- Aug 12, 2019
* add interface for Python users to query schedule event times * add schedule event tests and assertions * add schedule events to doc
- Jul 29, 2019
Sam Yates authored
* Collect cable cell parameter setting structures into `include/cable_cell_param.hpp`. * Restructure electrical specifications (axial resistance, membrane capacitance) and ionic concentrations and reversal potentials on cable cells, so that these can be specified with a global default, per-cell defaults, and per-segment values. * Allow reversal potentials to be set by a mechanism of a new kind 'revpot', which are prohibited from maintaining state or writing to any shared state other than ionic reversal potentials. * Specify reversal potential mechanisms as global defaults or per-cell. Reversal potential mechanisms may not be specified at the level of a segment in order to avoid non-linearities arising from the discretization. * Supply default cable cell parameter data that matches NEURON values (this is _not_ used by default). * Replace the d_lambda calculation with one that approximates more faithfully the effect of tapered segments, and which will use the electrical values inherited by cell or global defaults. * Supply a bundled mechanism 'nernst' that replaces the previous hard-coded Nernst potential calculation, for use (together with ion rebinding) in the new ion description scheme. * All ions used in a cable_cell model must be present in the top level global parameter table, together with their charge. * Extend semantics of external variables in modcc, to permit direct assignment (as opposed to just += or -=.) * Extend `util::binary_search_index` to allow for a projection functional analagous to other range utilites. * Add documentation on the cable cell API, sketching over many of the details, but describing in particular the interface changes for default parameters and reversal potential behaviour. * Adjust pyarb for new API * Hard code global cable cell properties in the python recipe shim to useneuron default parameters.
- Jul 05, 2019
* correct doc for meter_report and small word fixes * shift make_report to next section
- Jul 03, 2019
Wraps the `meter_manager` with - the constructor - `start(ctx)` - `checkpoint(name, ctx)` - `checkpoint_names` - `times` and the `meter_report` with - `make_meter_report(meter_manager, ctx)` Fixes #765
- Jul 02, 2019
Add docs for Python wrapper to ReadTheDocs: - Overview, Common Types, Hardware Management, Recipes, Domain Decomposition, Simulations, Metering - Installing Arbor: Optional Requirements (Python), Buidling and Installing (Python Frontend), and Installation (Python Module) Missing (, since not implemented yet): - probes - arbor-sup - hint maps in domain_decomposition - reset, events, empty schedule in event_generator Also does not cover unit testing (since doc is user-centric). Makes also defaults and units in wrapper consistent. Fixes #766
- Jun 07, 2019
Domain decomposition in python wrapper * functions: `partition_load_balance` * types: `group_description` and `domain_decomposition` Also includes * remove comment that `gid` in a `group_description` must be sorted. * a host of small clean ups of python wrapper Fixes #761
- Apr 26, 2019
Benjamin Cumming authored
Add citation information to the readme.
- Mar 14, 2019
* Rename `arb:simd::simd_detail` namespace to `arb::simd::detail`. * Update SIMD documentation to suit. Fixes #468.
- Mar 04, 2019
Add gap junctions and improve general model overview in docs. * Replace Arbor Model::Common Types with Arbor Model::Concepts, that introduces the concept of cells, connections and gap junctions. * Add gap junction documentation to cpp:recipe * Document the implicit rule forcing cells connected by gap junctions to be in the same cell group. * Add documentation that discusses core concepts in Arbor models.
- Mar 01, 2019
Benjamin Cumming authored
Update Hardware API documentation * split the domain decomposition and hardware API docs into separate pages * update hardware API to reflect new *libarbor* and *libarborenv* * add basic documentation for `optional`, `any` and `unique_any` types.
- Feb 27, 2019
Benjamin Cumming authored
Update the installation guide to reflect the latest supported tool, compiler and library versions. Remove the Python docs, because they documented features that have not been implemented yet. The Python docs can be added incrementally as features are implemented. Start work on oupdating the documenetation for hardware interfaces and domain decomposition.
- Feb 26, 2019
Update documentation for Python. splits the conceptual model ideas from the C++ docs into their own section has C++ and Python docs for recipes, domain decomposition, etc. fixes #667 Added the following documentation (structure): GETTING STARTED: Installing Arbor/Requirements/Optional Requirements/Python Installing Arbor/Building and Installing Arbor/Python Front End MODEL BASICS: Overview Common Types Recipes Domain Decomposition Simulations PYTHON: Overview Common Types Recipes Domain Decomposition Simulations DEVELOPERS: Python Profiler Python Unit Testing GETTING STARTED has two added sections of optional requirements using python and how to build the python front end. MODEL BASICS describes Arbor's concepts in general (independent of programming language), thus general information on concepts in C++ API was moved here/ added. PYTHON describes Arbor's python frontend in the same structure as MODEL BASICS and C++ API ( needs updates as soon as features are added/changed in new python PR). DEVELOPERS section has two added sections for meter management and unit testing with python front end. Further, some corrections in existing documentation (for obvious errors, e.g. duplicate text, not ending sentences) and referencing sections were done.
First step towards the Python front end. This commit sets up the structure of the python implementation * directory structure * git submodule for pybind11 * best practices for making bindings with pybind11 * unit testing for the python front end It implements the following features in the Python front end * execution contexts * gpu detection * thread count detection * MPI initialization helpers. Fixes #667.
- Oct 01, 2018
Updates the install docs. Fixes #604
changes: - .travis.yml: - added matrix for different osx's, since enumeration style only works for `env` and `compiler` - scripts/travis/build.sh: - changed getting compiler version from ``${CXX} -dumpversion`` to ``${CXX} --version | grep -m1 ""`` - added `--oversubscribe` flag to `mpiexec` on Mac to allow more processes on a node than processing elements - added `--mca btl tcp,self` flag for Open MPI to use the "tcp" and "self" BTLs for transporting MPI messages on Mac
- Sep 17, 2018
Dry-run mode: * An implementation of distributed_context that is used to mimic the performance of running an MPI distributed simulation with n ranks. * Verifiable against an MPI run with the same parameters. Implementation: * Describe the model on a single domain (tile) and translate it to however many domains we want to mimic using arb::tile and arb::symmetric_recipe. This allows us to know the exact behavior of the entire system by only running the simulation on a single node. * Mimic communication between domains using arb::dry_run_context Example: * dryrun in example/ is a verifiable example of using dry-run mode with mc_cells Other: * Documentation of dry-run mode * unit test for dry_run_context
- Sep 06, 2018
Fixes #587. * Eliminate Clang warnings from GCC-tree-optimization bug work-around. * Error with static-assert if simd type is used with a missing simd abi. * Clarify install documentation regarding use of ARB_VECTORIZE with ARB_ARCH.
- Aug 30, 2018
Benjamin Cumming authored
Make the execution context presented to users an opaque handle, moving all implementation of the gpu, thread and distributed contexts into the back end. * move `execution_context` and `distributed_context` definitions to the back end * create `execution_context` handle called `context` in the public API * provide `make_context` helper functions that build different context configurations (default, user-specified local resources, with MPI) * update documentation for all parts of the public API that touch contexts * move `distributed_context` docs to the developer documentation (from the public API docs)
- Aug 22, 2018
Fixes #564
- Jul 26, 2018
* Update the install docs for architecture build options * Update to reflect new install target
Sam Yates authored
Reduce redundant functionality across event_generator, time_seq and schedule by providing a low-heap overhead interface to schedule and using that for time sequences in event_generator and specialized cell groups. * Have schedule return pair of pointers as view to generated times. * Fix missing DEBUG/TRACE functionality. * Use rate instead of mean_dt for Poisson schedule. * Move merge_events() functionality to simulator.cpp. * Migrate event_generator to event span interface. * Migrate tourney_tree to event span interface. * Only invoke tourney_tree merge if generators have events in the epoch. * Use schedule for times in event_generator implementations. * Replace seq_generator with explicit_generator that keeps a copy of events. * Replace vector_backed_generator and poisson_generator with schedule_generator. * Replace time_seq uses with schedule. * Add default empty schedule. * Move rounding error test for regular time sequence into schedule test. * Update sampling API documentation for schedule.
Use correct profiling and mpi flags. Fix profiler doc
- Jun 25, 2018
CMake and build refactoring * Use CUDA as first-class language (leading to CMake 3.9 minimum version requirement). * Use 'modern CMake' interface libraries for compiler options, include file and library dependency tracking. Interface library targets: * `arbor-deps`: compiler options and library requirements for the `libarbor.a` static library, as governed by configure-time options and environment. * `arbor-private-headers`: include path for non-installed headers, as required by unit tests and arbor itself. * `arbor-aux`: helper classes and utilities used across tests and examples. * `ext-json`, `ext-tclap`, `ext-tbb`, `ext-benchmark`, `ext-sphinx_rtd_theme`: externally maintained software that we include (directly or via submodule) in the `ext/` subdirectory. * Single static library `libarbor.a` includes all built-in modules and CUDA objects. * Simply configuration options: * `ARB_WITH_TRACE`, `ARB_AUTORUN_MODCC_ON_CHA...
- Jun 01, 2018
Move from choosing the distributed communication model from a compile time choice (the old `arb::communication::communication_policy` type) to a run time decision. * Add `arb::distributed_context` class that provides the required interface for distributed communication implementations, using type-erasure to provide value semantics. * Add two implementations for the distributed context: `arb::mpi_context` and `arb::local_context`. * Allow distribution over a user-supplied MPI communicator by providing it as an argument to `arb::mpi_context`. * Add `mpi_error` exception type to wrap MPI errors. * Move contents of the `arb::communication` namespace to the `arb` namespace. * Add preprocessor for-each utility `ARB_PP_FOREACH`. * Rewrite all examples and tests to use the new distributed context interface. * Add documentation for distributed context class and semantics, and update documentation for load balancer and simulation classes accordingly. Fixes #472
- May 11, 2018
Sam Yates authored
* Update SIMD developer docs to reflect newly merged mechanism refactor work.
- Apr 11, 2018
Add two new documentation pages for the C++ API * Add domain decomposition page that covers `domain_decomposition`, `node_info` and `partition_load_balance`. * Add simulation page that describes `arb::simulation` API interface. * Fix some small typos elsewhere in the docs. * Use `std::move` when adding spike callbacks to `arb::simulation` (useful if callbacks are stateful).
Fixes issue #467 * Add GPU synchronization points where required for Kepler to coordinate CPU access of managed memory. * Use hand-rolled double precision atomic addition for Kelper targets. * Replace `ARB_WITH_CUDA` build option with `ARB_GPU_MODEL` option that takes one of 'none', 'K20', 'K80' or 'P100', and set up source-code defines accoringly. * Clean up of redundant compiler flags and defines no longer required now that the project uses separate compilation for CUDA sources.
- Apr 06, 2018
noraabiakar authored
Fix some typos in the SIMD documentation.
- Apr 05, 2018
Add some C++ API documentation. * Create C++ API section in docs. * Document `arb::recipe`: both a class reference along with more explanatory text and best practices guide. * Add some class documentation of basic types required to understand recipe definition. * Some in-code comment clean up. * Change `arb::cell_kind` from a vanilla enum to a scoped enum.
- Mar 29, 2018
The name `arb::model` did not clearly describe the role of the class, while `arb::simulation` better captures that this is an instantiation of a model for the purpose of running a simulation, as distinct from the description of a model represented by an `arb::recipe` instance. * Rename sources `model.{hpp,cpp}` to `simulation.{hpp,cpp}`. * Rename class `arb::model` to `arb::simulation`. * Update docs and tests to suit.