Interactive Atlas Viewer
Interactive Atlas Viewer is an frontend module wrapping around nehuba. It provides additional features, such as metadata integration, data visualisation and a robust plugin system.
Getting Started
A live version of the Interactive Atlas Viewer is available at This section is useful for developers who would like to develop this project.
General information
Interactive atlas viewer is built with Angular (v6.0) and Bootstrap (v3.3.4). Some other notable packages used are: ng2-charts for charts visualisation, ngx-bootstrap (v 2.0.5) for UI and ngrx/platform for state management.
- node > 6
- npm > 4
Develop Interactive Viewer
To run a dev server, run:
git clone
cd interactive-viewer
npm i
npm run dev-server
Develop Plugins
To develop plugins for the interactive viewer, run:
git clone
cd interactive-viewer
npm i
npm run dev-plugin
/* or define your own endpoint that returns string of manifests */
PLUGINDEV= npm run dev-server
The contents inside the folder in ./src/plugin_examples
will be automatically fetched by the dev instance of the interactive-viewer on load.
provide with two ways of building the interactive atlas viewer, JIT
or AOT
compilation. In general, AOT
compilation produces a smaller package and has better performance.
AOT compilation
as a comma separated environment variables to bundle the plugins.
[BUNDLEDPLUGINS=pluginDir1[,pluginDir2...]] npm run build-aot
JIT Compilation
npm run build
/* OR */
npm run build-min
Feel free to raise an issue in this repo and/or file a PR.
Commit history prior to v0.2.0 is available in the legacy-v0.2.0 branch. The repo was rewritten to remove its dependency on neuroglancer and nehuba. This allowed for simpler webpack config, faster build time and AOT compilation.