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Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Mar2126Feb221918171615121095432129Jan28181715141312118424Dec23211716151411109875432130Nov29272523201918171312111096543230Oct292827262322201915141312987653229Sep432131Aug2625241817131275428Jul27242322212016151413108632130Jun2926252322191816151098fix testsfeat: prelim support of freesurferMerge pull request #897 from HumanBrainProject/chore_bsEndpointChangechore: update to latest brainscape api sigMerge pull request #894 from HumanBrainProject/bugfix_regionSelectUrlEncodingMerge pull request #895 from HumanBrainProject/chore_bsEndpointchore: use env var for bs apibugfix: malformed selected region url encodingMerge pull request #891 from HumanBrainProject/hotfix_exploreInOtherTmplMerge pull request #893 from HumanBrainProject/chore_migrateBsfix lintfeat: fetch receptor from bsbugfix: explore in other tmpl bugMerge pull request #885 from HumanBrainProject/stagingUpdate package.jsonMerge pull request #884 from HumanBrainProject/hotfix_hideDelineationfix testsfeat: allow toggle delineationsMerge pull request #882 from HumanBrainProject/chore_addRleaseCichore: add release to ci/cdchore: rename testfix typochore typo & versioningadd release ciMerge pull request #881 from HumanBrainProject/bugfix_miscbugfix: aux mesh can be selected in persp viewbugfix: user LM in persp view not dismissingbugfix: when template / parc not foundchore: clarify that viewer handle may be undefinedbugfix: plState when template not selectedMerge pull request #880 from HumanBrainProject/chore_reworkUrlParsingchore: reworked how state in url are parsedMerge pull request #879 from HumanBrainProject/bugfix_urlStateFixbugfix: uri stateMerge pull request #878 from HumanBrainProject/chore_slashSeparatorchore: fix testchore: use colon instead of undrsc to esc slmove all atlas ready from route to constchore: moving all ready to pureconstant serviceMerge pull request #877 from HumanBrainProject/bugfix_e2e