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Created with Raphaël 2.2.029Aug282726232221201917161210876531Jul1817105432128Jun2726241918171413116543131May292827242322171614109876330Apr292624231612109532129Mar28272525Feb2114131222Jan168722Dec22Nov21201910Aug8763125Jul201228Jun26227630May29Merge branch 'dev' into feat/pluginIconsPrettifybugfix: do not cache downloadkgfiles endpointMerge pull request #292 from HumanBrainProject/bugfix/401streamDownloadDsFilesbugfix: fixing 401 when downloading file as a zipMerge pull request #291 from HumanBrainProject/bugfix/userLandmarksbugfix: adding and removing userlandmarksfeat: expose getUserInput and getUserConfirm functionchore: added library cdn to allowed cspMerge pull request #290 from HumanBrainProject/chore/pipifyRegionPillBackgroundMerge pull request #289 from HumanBrainProject/chore/handlePoisonedEncodingchore: handle poisoned charMerge pull request #288 from HumanBrainProject/chore/hashIphashing ip before loggingbugfix: persist layout changes on change of templatechore: pipefy get background colorbugfix: pointer eventsbugfix: remove mobile handlerchore: prettify view configremove initMVP: customize order layoutfeat: toggle layoutMerge pull request #286 from HumanBrainProject/feat/loggingchore: cleanify codeonly apply compression in productionadd brotli encoding for config and templatefix: remove darktheme on cardschore reduced image size, increases ttfXMerge pull request #278 from HumanBrainProject/chore/convertModalToMaterialMerge branch 'dev' into chore/convertModalToMaterialfix typoonly apply compression on prodprettify layer browser & menuicon side barfeat: br/gzip compressioninit commit cspMerge pull request #281 from HumanBrainProject/chore/wellknownchore: well-knownMerge pull request #280 from HumanBrainProject/feat/loggingchore: improve logging, include visitor loggingMerge pull request #279 from HumanBrainProject/feat/loggingchore: improve logging output