fix: typo in docs, releaase notes etc feat: added etag to responses test: added cypress for e2e
revert: intents & compound features fix: fsaverage ambiguous labels fix: julichbrain 3.1 as default parcellation if nothing else is selected
feat: download atlas with bbox param, meta.json
feat: add support for .annot label file
ephemeral attributes to feature panels
feat: add queried concept feat: added back btn to child feat (to compound feat) bugfix: dismiss plot when new feature is selected
fix: annotation mode
fix: gracefully handles when saneurl is not present
Refactor: streamlining viewercmp
refactor: reworked mouseover module refactor: (dedup) moved click interceptor from nehuba/threesurfer to their common parent refactor: move mouseover & viewer wrapper from viewercmp to two child components
experimental: region side panel
feat: allow experimental flag to be set at deploy time via env var maint: update charts
expmpt: add additional coordinate space