Xiao Gui authored
multiple variant meshes bugfix: fsaverage err URL encoding selected regions maint: some simplification
layerCtrl.service.spec.ts 4.50 KiB
import { fakeAsync, TestBed } from "@angular/core/testing"
import { MockStore, provideMockStore } from "@ngrx/store/testing"
import { NehubaLayerControlService } from "./layerCtrl.service"
import * as layerCtrlUtil from '../constants'
import {
} from "src/state"
import { LayerCtrlEffects } from "./layerCtrl.effects"
import { NEVER } from "rxjs"
import { RouterService } from "src/routerModule/router.service"
import { HttpClientModule } from "@angular/common/http"
import { BaseService } from "../base.service/base.service"
describe('> layerctrl.service.ts', () => {
describe('> NehubaLayerControlService', () => {
let mockStore: MockStore
beforeEach(() => {
providers: [
provide: RouterService,
useValue: {
customRoute$: NEVER
provide: LayerCtrlEffects,
useValue: {
onATPDebounceNgLayers$: NEVER
provide: BaseService,
useValue: {
selectedATPR$: NEVER,
completeNgIdLabelRegionMap$: NEVER,
mockStore = TestBed.inject(MockStore)
mockStore.overrideSelector(atlasAppearance.selectors.customLayers, [])
mockStore.overrideSelector(atlasAppearance.selectors.showDelineation, true)
mockStore.overrideSelector(annotation.selectors.annotations, [])
mockStore.overrideSelector(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedRegions, [])
mockStore.overrideSelector(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedTemplate, {} as any)
mockStore.overrideSelector(atlasSelection.selectors.selectedParcellation, {} as any)
it('> can be init', () => {
const service = TestBed.inject(NehubaLayerControlService)
describe('> setColorMap$', () => {
describe('> overwriteColorMap$ not firing', () => {
describe('> template/parc has no aux meshes', () => {
it('> calls getMultiNgIdsRegionsLabelIndexMapReturn', () => {
it('> emitted value is as expected', fakeAsync(() => {
describe('> template/parc has aux meshes', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('> should inherit values from tmpl and parc', fakeAsync(() => {
it('> should overwrite any value if at all, from region', fakeAsync(() => {
const foobar1 = {
'foo-bar': {
1: { red: 100, green: 200, blue: 255 },
2: { red: 15, green: 15, blue: 15 },
const foobar2 = {
'foo-bar': {
2: { red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255 },
describe('> overwriteColorMap$ firing', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('> should overwrite existing colormap', () => {
it('> unsub/resub should not result in overwritecolormap last emitted value', fakeAsync(() => {
describe('> visibleLayer$', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('> combines ngId of template, aux mesh and regions', () => {
describe('> segmentVis$', () => {
const region1= {
ngId: 'ngid',
labelIndex: 1
const region2= {
ngId: 'ngid',
labelIndex: 2
beforeEach(() => {
it('> by default, should return []', () => {
describe('> if sel regions exist', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('> default, should return encoded strings', () => {
it('> if clearflag is true, then return []', () => {
describe('> if non mixable layer exist', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('> default, should return null', () => {
it('> if regions selected, should still return null', () => {
describe('> if clear flag is set', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
it('> default, should return []', () => {
it('> if reg selected, should return []', () => {
describe('> ngLayersController$', () => {