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A plugin needs to contain three files.

  • Manifest JSON
  • template HTML
  • script JS

These files need to be served by GET requests over HTTP with appropriate CORS header.

Manifest JSON

The manifest JSON file describes the metadata associated with the plugin.

  "displayName": "Hello World - my first plugin",
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2" : {
      "nestedKey1" : "nestedValue1"
  "initStateUrl": "http://LINK-TO-PLUGIN-STATE",
  "persistency": false,

  "description": "Human readable description of the plugin.",
  "desc": "Same as description. If both present, description takes more priority.",
  "homepage": "https://HOMEPAGE-URL-TO-YOUR-PLUGIN/doc.html",
  "authors": "Author <>, Author2 <>"


  • Plugin name must be unique globally. To prevent plugin name clashing, please adhere to the convention of naming your package AFFILIATION.AUTHORNAME.PACKAGENAME[.VERSION].
  • the initState object and initStateUrl will be available prior to the evaluation of script.js, and will populate the objects interactiveViewer.pluginControl[].initState and interactiveViewer.pluginControl[].initStateUrl respectively.

Template HTML

The template HTML file describes the HTML view that will be rendered in the widget.

  <div class = "input-group">
    <span class = "input-group-addon">Area 1</span>
    <input type = "text" id = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.area1" name = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.area1" class = "form-control" placeholder="Select a region" value = "">

  <div class = "input-group">
    <span class = "input-group-addon">Area 2</span>
    <input type = "text" id = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.area2" name = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.area2" class = "form-control" placeholder="Select a region" value = "">

  <hr class = "col-md-10">

  <div class = "col-md-12">
    Select genes of interest:
  <div class = "input-group">
    <input type = "text" id = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.genes" name = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.genes" class = "form-control" placeholder = "Genes of interest ...">
    <span class = "input-group-btn">
      <button id = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.addgenes" name = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.addgenes" class = "btn btn-default" type = "button">Add</button>

  <hr class = "col-md-10">

  <button id = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.submit" name = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.submit" type = "button" class = "btn btn-default btn-block">Submit</button>

  <hr class = "col-md-10">

  <div class = "col-md-12" id = "fzj.xg.helloWorld.result">



  • bootstrap 3.3.6 css is already included for templating.
  • keep in mind of the widget width restriction (400px) when crafting the template
  • whilst there are no vertical limits on the widget, contents can be rendered outside the viewport. Consider setting the max-height attribute.
  • your template and script will interact with each other likely via element id. As a result, it is highly recommended that unique id's are used. Please adhere to the convention: AFFILIATION.AUTHOR.PACKAGENAME.ELEMENTID

Script JS

The script will always be appended after the rendering of the template.

  /* your code here */

    /* init plugin with initState */
  const submitButton = document.getElemenById('fzj.xg.helloWorld.submit')
    console.log('submit button was clicked')


  • JS is loaded and executed before the attachment of DOM (template). This is to allow webcomponents have a chance to be loaded. If your script needs the DOM to be attached, use a setTimeout callback to delay script execution.
  • ensure the script is scoped locally, instead of poisoning the global scope
  • for every observable subscription, call unsubscribe() in the onShutdown callback
  • some frameworks such as jquery2, jquery3, react/reactdom and webcomponents can be loaded via interactiveViewer.pluinControl.loadExternalLibraries([LIBRARY_NAME_1, LIBRARY_NAME_2]). if the libraries are loaded, remember to hook interactiveViewer.pluginControl.unloadExternalLibraries([LIBRARY_NAME_1,LIBRARY_NAME_2]) in the onShutdown callback
  • when/if using webcomponents, please be aware that the connectedCallback() and disconnectedCallback() will be called everytime user toggle between floating and docked modes.
  • when user navigate to a new template all existing widgets will be destroyed, unless the persistency is set to true in manifest.json.
  • for a list of APIs, see