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Plugin Migration Guide (v0.1.0 => v0.2.0)

Plugin APIs have changed drastically from v0.1.0 to v0.2.0. Here is a list of plugin API from v0.1.0, and how it has changed moving to v0.2.0.

n.b. webcomponents-lite.js is no longer included by default. You will need to request it explicitly with window.interactiveViewer.pluginControl.loadExternalLibraries() and unload it once you are done.

  • window.nehubaUI removed

    • metadata => window.interactiveViewer.metadata
      • selectedTemplate : nullable Object removed. use window.interactiveViewer.metadata.selectedTemplateBSubject instead
      • availableTemplates : Array of TemplateDescriptors (empty array if no templates are available) => window.interactiveViewer.metadata.loadedTemplates
      • selectedParcellation : nullable Object removed. use window.interactiveViewer.metadata.selectedParcellationBSubject instead
      • selectedRegions : Array of Object (empty array if no regions are selected) removed. use window.interactiveViewer.metadata.selectedRegionsBSubject instead
  • window.pluginControl['YOURPLUGINNAME'] nb: may be undefined if yourpluginname is incorrect => window.interactiveViewer.pluginControl[YOURPLUGINNAME]

    • blink(sec?:number) : Function that causes the floating widget to blink, attempt to grab user attention
    • pushMessage(message:string) : Function that pushes a message that are displayed as a popover if the widget is minimised. No effect if the widget is not miniminised. removed
    • shutdown() : Function that causes the widget to shutdown dynamically. (triggers onShutdown callback)
    • onShutdown(callback) : Attaches a callback function, which is called when the plugin is shutdown.
  • window.viewerHandle => window.interactiveViewer.viewerHandle

    • loadTemplate(TemplateDescriptor) : Function that loads a new template removed. use window.interactiveViewer.metadata.selectedTemplateBSubject instead
    • onViewerInit(callback) : Functional that allows a callback function to be called just before a nehuba viewer is initialised removed
    • afterViewerInit(callback) : Function that allows a callback function to be called just after a nehuba viewer is initialised removed
    • onViewerDestroy(callback) : Function that allows a callback function be called just before a nehuba viewer is destroyed removed
    • onParcellationLoading(callback) : Function that allows a callback function to be called just before a parcellation is selected removed
    • afterParcellationLoading(callback) : Function that allows a callback function to be called just after a parcellation is selected removed
    • setNavigationLoc(loc,realSpace?) : Function that teleports to loc : number[3]. Optional argument to determine if the loc is in realspace (default) or voxelspace.
    • setNavigationOrientation(ori) : Function that teleports to ori : number[4]. (Does not work currently) => setNavigationOri(ori) (still non-functional)
    • moveToNavigationLoc(loc,realSpace?) : same as setNavigationLoc(loc,realSpace?), except moves to target location over 500ms.
    • showSegment(id) : Function that selectes a segment in the viewer and UI.
    • hideSegment(id) : Function that deselects a segment in the viewer and UI.
    • showAllSegments() : Function that selects all segments.
    • hideAllSegments() : Function that deselects all segments.
    • loadLayer(layerObject) : Function that loads a custom neuroglancer compatible layer into the viewer (e.g. precomputed, NIFTI, etc). Does not influence UI.
    • reapplyNehubaMeshFix() Function that reapplies the cosmetic change to NehubaViewer (such as custom colour map, if defined) removed. use applyColourMap(colourMap) instead
    • mouseEvent RxJs Observable. Read more at rxjs doc
      • mouseEvent.filter(filterFn:({eventName : String, event: Event})=>boolean) returns an Observable. Filters the event stream according to the filter function.
      •{eventName : String, event: Event})=>any) returns an Observable. Map the event stream according to the map function.
      • mouseEvent.subscribe(callback:({eventName : String , event : Event})=>void) returns an Subscriber instance. Call Subscriber.unsubscribe() when done to avoid memory leak.
    • mouseOverNehuba RxJs Observable. Read more at rxjs doc
      • mouseOverNehuba.filter && see above
      • mouseOverNehuba.subscribe(callback:({nehubaOutput : any, foundRegion : any})=>void)
  • window.uiHandle => window.interactiveViewer.uiHandle

    • onTemplateSelection(callback) : Function that allows a callback function to be called just after user clicks to navigate to a new template, before selectedTemplate is updated removed. use window.interactiveViewer.metadata.selectedTemplateBSubject instead
    • afterTemplateSelection(callback) : Function that allows a callback function to be called after the template selection process is complete, and selectedTemplate is updated removed
    • onParcellationSelection(callback) : Function that attach a callback function to user selecting a different parcellation removed. use window.interactiveViewer.metadata.selectedParcellationBSubject instead.
    • afterParcellationSelection(callback) : Function that attach a callback function to be called after the parcellation selection process is complete and selectedParcellation is updated. removed
    • modalControl
      • getModalHandler() : Function returning a handler to change/show/hide/listen to a Modal. removed