# Interactive Atlas Viewer
Interactive Atlas Viewer is an frontend module wrapping around [nehuba]( It provides additional features, such as metadata integration, data visualisation and a robust plugin system.
## Getting Started
A live version of the Interactive Atlas Viewer is available at []( This section is useful for developers who would like to develop this project.
Interactive atlas viewer is built with [Angular (v12.0)](, [Bootstrap (v4)](, and [fontawesome icons]( Some other notable packages used are [ngrx/store]( for state management.
Releases newer than [v0.2.9]( also uses a nodejs backend, which uses [passportjs]( for user authentication, [express]( as a http framework.
It is recommended to manage your environments with `.env` file.
##### Buildtime environments
Please see [](
##### Deploy environments
Please see [](
Please see [](
Xiao Gui
To run a dev server, run:
$ git clone
$ cd interactive-viewer
$ npm i
$ # build aot version of the atlas viewer
$ npm run build-aot
$ cd deploy
$ # run server with PLUGIN_URLS
$ PLUGIN_URLS=http://localhost:3333/manifest.json;http://localhost:3334/manifest.json node server.js
Xiao Gui
Xiao Gui
When user launches the viewer, the atlas viewer will attempt to fetch the metadata of the plugins:
GET http://localhost:3333/manifest.json
GET http://localhost:3334/manifest.json
The response from these endpoints are expected to adhere to [manifests](src/plugin_examples/
When the user launches the plugin, the viewer will fetch `templateUrl` and `scriptUrl`, if necessary.
Plugin developers can start their own webserver, use [interactive-viewer-plugin-template](, or (coming soon) provide link to a github repository.
[plugin migration guide](src/plugin_examples/
## Contributing
Feel free to raise an issue in this repo and/or file a PR.
## Versioning
Commit history prior to v0.2.0 is available in the [legacy-v0.2.0]( branch. The repo was rewritten to remove its dependency on neuroglancer and nehuba. This allowed for simpler webpack config, faster build time and AOT compilation.
## License