import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs'
export interface IRegion {
[key: string]: any
ngId: string
rgb?: [number, number, number]
export interface IMeshesToLoad {
labelIndicies: number[]
layer: {
name: string
export type TVec4 = number[]
export type TVec3 = number[]
export interface INavObj {
position: TVec3
orientation: TVec4
perspectiveOrientation: TVec4
perspectiveZoom: number
zoom: number
export type TNehubaViewerUnit = {
viewerPositionChange: Observable<INavObj>
setNavigationState(nav: Partial<INavObj> & { positionReal?: boolean }): void
export const SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD = new InjectionToken<Observable<IMeshesToLoad>>('SET_MESHES_TO_LOAD')
export const PMAP_LAYER_NAME = 'regional-pmap'
* since export_nehuba@0.1.0 onwards (the big update that changed a lot of neuroglancer's internals)
* there is now a multiplier bewteen old and new perspective views
* to maintain interop with previous states, translate the multiplier
export const PERSPECTIVE_ZOOM_FUDGE_FACTOR = 82.842712474619