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TVB-2669: Review Forms

Marmaduke Woodman requested to merge TVB-2669 into master

Created by: VinczeRobert

As I said on Jira: "I replaced the usages of SimpleStrField with StrField and the usages of SimpleFloatField with FloatField and I made SimpleHiddenField inherit from TraitField. This means that only FormField remains which doesn't inherit from TraitField and we discussed with Paula that it should stay that way because it is different than the rest of them."

Furthermore, I think the issue described here is irrelevant because SimpleFloatField is gone and I don't see that problem in FloatField.

I still have to check carefully for duplicated code and as for not adding the form as a param on the fields I think it can be done, but then we need to send the project_id and the prefix as parameters and temporary files for TraitUploadField, draw_ranges for TraitDataTypeSelectField.

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