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Rawvoi coupling monitors

Marmaduke Woodman requested to merge rawvoi_coupling_monitors into master

Created by: dionperd

In this pull request from rawvoi_coupling_monitors branch I introduce the following new monitors:

  • RawVoi, i.e., a Raw monitor for which the user can choose Vois
  • Coupling, a Raw monitor for node_coupling,
  • CouplingTemporalAverage, a TemporalAverage monitor for node_coupling.

The Coupling monitors set vois from cvars: self.voi = self.variables_of_interest if self.voi is None or self.voi.size == 0: self.voi = numpy.r_[:len(simulator.model.cvar)]

In order to shorten code, I have introduced _config_vois and _config_time methods to the base class Monitor, and to other monitors accordingly.

Some changes were needed in

The _loop_monitor_output() had to change to take node_coupling as argument and to choose whether to use the observed state or node_coupling, depending on whether the monitor is a Coupling monitor or not.

Moreover, we needed to compute the node_coupling of step + 1 just after looping history inside the call() and compute the node_coupling for start_step = self.current_step + 1 before getting in the integration loop, i.e., for the initial condition.

Finally, I have added tests for configuration in monitor_tests and for integration in simulator_test, following the example of other monitors.

Merge request reports