Created by: VinczeRobert
Please ignore the code ugliness of the code in the database migration script for now and the potential duplicate code in the h5 one, I will deal with those soon, but first I wanted to see the whole picture of the idea we discussed last Friday.
In the database migration code I will only migrate the tables that CAN'T BE CREATED FROM H5 (like Users, HasTraitsIndex and a few more).
Then when we reach the H5 migration code you will see that it does it a new thread and it loops over the datatypes in the database. I tried to migrate the HasTraitsIndex and DataTypes tables first, but it gives errors, it doesn't work (I am talking about line 200 in files_update_manager in master). So I thought to get all files with the H5 extension from the storage folder. There might be a better way to do this, but I didn't find one so far.
So I will solve the problems in this order in the following days: