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TVB-2511: Display Equations in Phase Plane and ?(green doc bubble) for the Model

Marmaduke Woodman requested to merge TVB-2511 into master

Created by: VinczeRobert

I have done most of this task, but there are two problems:

  1. I don't know how to align the text and the equations with the select field, now they are left-alligned (in the old TVB they were aligned with the select field).
  2. I had to change the names of the models get_ui_name_to_model for my solution to work because normally HTML id's should not contain spaces and it was only working for the ones which didn't have a space in their name, so I decided to put underscores instead of spaces. The problem is that the same values are used both for the value of the option fields and for the texts, so the users would see them with underscores too and I guess we don't want that, so there should be a way to not have the same values for display and for the id's. Bonus question: Is the place where I put okay? I didn't know where to put them and one of those methods formally was in tvb.basic.traits.utils, but that path doesn't t exist anymore.

Merge request reports