WIP Add resting-state HRF mediated Bold response using input from text file
Created by: AmoghJohri
This supplements the existing workflow for BOLD simulation. Instead of computing an identical HRF for all the regions, we use region-wise HRF (obtained by deconvolving the emperical region-wise BOLD Time-Series) for simulations (https://www.nitrc.org/projects/rshrf, https://github.com/BIDS-Apps/rsHRF). The rsHRF is provided as input from a file.
- rsHRF_file attribute which takes the path of the input file.
- _from_file variable (binary: {0, 1}) which signifies whether HRF is computed or taken as input.
- get_hrf function hich obtains the input from the text-file.
- changes in compute_hrf to upsample the input HRF for convolution.
- changes in sample to perform region-wise convolution.
This does not make any alterations to the existing workflow for BOLD simulation. In case of no input-file being provided, the default workflow is adopted.