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TVB-2701: Fix Spatial Average Monitor Launching

Marmaduke Woodman requested to merge TVB-2701 into master

Created by: VinczeRobert

So far I have only managed to fix launching with the default mask (Hemispheres), but there are other problems as well:

  1. Launching with Cortical default mask gives this error: Areas in the spatial_mask must be specified as a contiguous set of indices starting from zero.
  2. Brain Activity 2D and 3D Visualizer as well as Brain Activity Visualizer doesn't work with this monitor, because NO_OF_MEASURE_POINTS !== activitiesData[0].length ( virtualBrain.js, line 404).
  3. This one is basically the same problem as described in and that is the fact that the surface attributes only exists in TimeSeriesSurface, not on the TimeSeries superclass, so launching with surface and SpatialAverage or with surface and a Projection Monitor will try to set the surface from TimeSeriesRegion (in the case of SpatialAverage) or from TimeSeriesEEG (in the case of EEG) but won't have it. Should we add the surface on the superclass?

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