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TVB-2555: Fix Loading Parameters When Copying A Simulation

Marmaduke Woodman requested to merge github/fork/VinczeRobert/TVB-2555 into master

Created by: VinczeRobert

About those "is_simulator_copy = False" deletions. I understood that branching has to be possible even if you've done for example Copy -> Previous -> Next -> Branch (and that we will deal with this case in another task). With those there, this won't be possible cause if is_simulator_copy is False, the button won't show up and in case of normal simulation launching that variable will be False regardless of this statement.

The buttons all show up fine, but there is a problem that I receive an error when trying to PSE launch a copied simulation (same error for both simulation types): Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\tvb\tvb-root\framework_tvb\tvb\interfaces\web\controllers\", line 147, in deco return func(*a, **b) File "d:\tvb\tvb-root\framework_tvb\tvb\interfaces\web\controllers\", line 193, in deco return func(*a, **b) File "d:\tvb\tvb-root\framework_tvb\tvb\interfaces\web\controllers\", line 904, in launch_pse burst_config.operation_group = operation_group File "C:\Users\Robert.Vincze\Anaconda3\envs\tvb-root-p3\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 224, in set instance_dict(instance), value, None) File "C:\Users\Robert.Vincze\Anaconda3\envs\tvb-root-p3\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 797, in set LOAD_AGAINST_COMMITTED) File "C:\Users\Robert.Vincze\Anaconda3\envs\tvb-root-p3\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 584, in get value = self.callable_(state, passive) File "C:\Users\Robert.Vincze\Anaconda3\envs\tvb-root-p3\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 530, in _load_for_state (orm_util.state_str(state), self.key) sqlalchemy.orm.exc.DetachedInstanceError: Parent instance <BurstConfiguration at 0x165e13cfa08> is not bound to a Session; lazy load operation of attribute 'operation_group' cannot proceed.

Should I solve it in this task or is this going to be another one?

Also, a smaller problem regarding the simulation name... for example if I just launch a copied simulation without doing anything else, it will have the same name. Shouldn't we do something like "originalname_copy1"?

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