- Feb 10, 2019
Dilawar Singh authored
0f344909ae SO_REUSEPORT is not always defined. The build fails on centos-5 (#351) 441a66ba82 Issue 342 | TCP/UD Socket based Table Streamer (#345) c67f8c0672 Travis build failure (#350) 053e256d76 Merge pull request #348 from analkumar2/master a165432ed2 Corrected the K_AHP z gate and make_Ca y gate c38c64380f Dec 19 | continuation of NML2 fixes (#344) e93d391be4 Hotfix: Neuroml2 fixes (#343) 1e426a2c16 Update INSTALL.md 2624d4b190 Continuation to PR #308 (#340) 0997a4623f Merge pull request #341 from hrani/master 4dfac333a3 using existing restoreXreacs function to remove _xfer_ objects before writting into SBML and genesis files ed7c4d58c3 Merge pull request #339 from upibhalla/master 1b48ce7ff7 Fix to CaConc to factor in valence of 2. Update to rdesigneur to handle SBML files 3aa66d4d34 Merge pull request #338 from hrani/master 356f43ce72 reading and writing diff and motor constant for pool d6e5711a27 Merge pull request #335 from hrani/master fac76ad723 groups and subgroups are written to sbml and read from xml files 69f9f33c38 Merge branch 'master' into master 169d0c88b2 Merge pull request #336 from upibhalla/master d57fa1de92 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core b9a51133a3 Fix to Im calculation in HSolve, to include external channels like receptors. Also fix to Neuron.cpp for setting channelDistribution, to always load Ca_concs first, to ensure that any dependent channels are able to find them. 6868716b40 Merge branch 'master' into master 189778c8cd Merge pull request #331 from dilawar/master 7423c39e3b Merge branch 'master' into master 1a9b0f54df Merge branch 'master' into master 23906e50e5 searching for _xfer_ c40c622c0c xref pool are not wirtten and cleaned up if part of Reaction/Enzyme or notes, group are checked under all the mesh 01ebb8461e Merge pull request #333 from hrani/master d72ad63fc5 Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/hrani/moose-core 0cd028c047 Added other meshes while searching for groups 2189993593 Merge branch 'master' into master 97913222e9 Reading and creating CylMesh and EndoMesh if specified in the Annotation field 4d1337ae68 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dilawar/moose-core f6c4ab39cc Merge pull request #330 from hrani/master 26e966284f Tweaks. 90c97b6599 Fixed the bug caused by previous two commits. Now I need to make sure that ca pool is read at each timepoint. 86522d326e Using built in logging library. b327ec7d39 xfer cross compartment molecules are not written as species and also for Reaction and Enzyme e5fbf8c5db For CylMesh, totLength and diffLength is written to Annotation to get number of voxel d569f56a39 gate with id z is loaded into gateZ in moose now. b38a4405ae Squashed commit of the following: ef8e54a15b variable name used in before assignment cleanup 740a7a65b9 CylMesh,EndoMesh,NeuroMesh compartment are written to SBML as compartment with annotation field in which surround,isMembraneBound,numDiffCompts git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: 0f344909ae285b147b4bc61089b8ee52aa6b9186
- Nov 11, 2018
Dilawar Singh authored
e5868beb9 Merge pull request #329 from upibhalla/master a56b7e883 Fix to rdesigneurProtos so that the classic HH Na and K_DR channels now work properly. 0bdebdf6f Merge pull request #328 from upibhalla/master bc3ff9ccd Got rid of printf debug line 788bce98b Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/upibhalla/moose-core b8eeb9d5f Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 47ee21c36 Fixes to rdesigneur so that chemProto without chemDistrib will not fail confusingly. 50f03b860 Fixes to EndoMesh (#327) 552ca01a1 Merge branch 'master' into master 905c98332 Merge pull request #323 from hrani/master aca01be2e Fixed numDimentions to 3 12e429d47 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 1f91c76fc Added dummy CubeMesh as default parent for EndoMesh to avert segvs on several methods 5a8ec044e Merge branch 'master' into master e4c19935e Merge pull request #324 from upibhalla/master 0327eb9e7 Fixed test_Xchan1.py to match bugfix for Dsolve. 2e2227649 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 182e95c52 Bugfix for ConcChan to correct scaling for permeability to SI units of millimolar 865e99dbb Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/hrani/moose-core 70f116ad9 cleanup in print statement 83afd0fe3 Merge branch 'master' into master 9b0569b93 while reading the sbml model validator can be switched off 5b0bbe1be Merge pull request #322 from hrani/master 05eba8faa Channel are written back to genesis and zeroth voxel moose object is written for both cubeMesh or CylMesh 53cbe3656 reading info field for channel from kkit file (#321) ba88932fb CylMesh are written to SBML with annotation field and only zeroth ele… (#318) f917df152 Merge pull request #319 from dilawar/master 637583439 Works after disabling alpha and beta properties. 0b208c8c9 Now user can pass verbose option to mooseReadNML2 556ebef64 Hotfix. If self.network not found, sett the temperate to 25 deg C. 7c86d4ebc Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 3a655cd06 Minor typo in warning report for Dsolve b4637b21a Merge pull request #317 from upibhalla/master d6e35de32 Merge branch 'master' into master ecfca8401 Update README.md (#312) f66ba9003 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 51dd77625 Rdesigneur passiveDistrib modified to handle legacy commands 5d20e0433 corrected the spell of CyclMesh-->CylMesh, negating the yaxis for kkit is corrected as now saving the value of scene coOrdinates (#313) a8769f2c4 Update CMakeLists.txt f0e4db0e9 Fixes to build failure on OSX because cmake does not MACOSX but APPLE on (#316) 2fb51c9a5 Hotfix: Neuroml2 fixes. (#315) e46429530 Merge pull request #314 from upibhalla/master b57a6d0df Merge branch 'master' into master d2749931d Build System Tweaks (#309) 293d44144 Some fixes to Ca-dependent channel prototypes in rdesigneur. 88bcf0797 Merge pull request #311 from upibhalla/master aaf589ab2 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 0909ceb32 Fixes as suggested by PyLint. Added a target pylint in cmake file. (#308) cdbf917b2 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 79e2d65f5 hotfix for running Boost, Added NMDAR to rdesigneurProtos. eb4e83662 Fixed boost segfault with dense solver. Also remove GSL specific attrib from the test. (#310) 8463cc73e Update setup.cmake.py (#307) 8c38fc6d6 Removed deprecated warnings from neuroml2 reader (#305) 6df4332d2 Fixes to BOOST based steadystate solver (#306) 99dd7d250 Merge pull request #302 from BhallaLab/chhennapoda 86c424452 Merge branch 'master' into chhennapoda ec06b242a HotFix: Fix regression in StreadyState solver caused by #293. (#304) 6b79f6701 prefer .so suffix over CPython version specific suffix . this way a wheel compiled by any version of python3 will work with any python3. 92da6a7fb removed python-libsbml from install dependencies; added matplotlib. sbml and neuroml packages should be installed by user and not automatically. They may not be available for all distribution of python on all OSes. e2bc19c0e Merge branch 'master' into chhennapoda 385a5cf0a Merge pull request #303 from upibhalla/master 080767c5a Fixes to rdesigneur due to bad merge. Cleanup on rmoogli 62f8bc89e Tweak to Neuron.cpp so it can handle insertion of spines with uniform spacing. b6088109b Fixes for linux. 406fee2a0 Temp commit to test on OSX. cc3c604b9 Merge branch 'master' into chhennapoda 342092829 Update moose_test.py (#301) 61f4f6684 show timeout in moose.test() . abf822c4a with python2, just test with GSL. Build python3 first. 088c61673 Made changes to build system so that pymoose directory can be built in isolation. Build system is bit more module. Ideally I should make sure that each subdirectory can built in isolation. 3c0ff2790 Few changes to build with python3.6. 5d688f63d Use option --relative in setup.py and tell cmake not to look into usr prefix anymore. 1f3fe9fc3 Merge branch 'chhennapoda' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core into chhennapoda 3e19983c8 removed unneeded library which is never used. c2fbab872 cmake related changes to build on centos5 (manylinux docker image). f1230f151 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/upibhalla/moose-core 23a2892cc Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 8a835c133 minor bugfix to rdesigneur 6ef1d567e Merge branch 'master' into master a9a2e758f Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 5e1294d99 Further updates to rdesigneur for argument handling a702bded5 Put in kwargs based specification of plotList, stimList and moogList. Folded savePlots into plotList but not yet tested. git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: e5868beb97afcb778d6a945c38e80300c953b39a
- Sep 08, 2018
Dilawar Singh authored
d229eba6bb Parallel solvers (#293) git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: d229eba6bbc957c97bac44d24d513543956942c1
- Sep 06, 2018
Dilawar Singh authored
d5b330dc02 Merge pull request #296 from hrani/master 5a606df86c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' ce545cf507 Rdesigneur updates (#295) 9869046490 Merge branch 'master' into master 753b189063 changes made after fixXreacs is moved from python to python/moose for package 5eca1a3620 moved fixXreacs.py from python to python/moose for packaging, changes made to get fixXreacs files 3a519cec39 mooseAddChemSolver and mooseDeleteChemSolver is meant for chemical models only (#292) 9ba0e85532 check for enz parent is done by neighbors['enzDes'] rather than enz.parent and if enzyme parent is not pool then raise an exception 161c475e2c Merge branch 'master' into master f9d869da24 Merge pull request #294 from upibhalla/master a76dd524b4 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core c0d5ba6d9b Added plot y limits to rdesigneur 5fa7226e60 clean up modelRoot while printing 3c6972aae3 mooseAddChemSolver and mooseDeleteChemSolver is meant for chemical models only, a check is made to see if modelroot has just cube/CylMesh 3790376c3e Merge pull request #291 from BhallaLab/dilawar-patch-2 c52740323a Update README.md 5843c73ab5 Merge pull request #289 from upibhalla/master e3baee2dce Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 7a1b0d8ff6 Test xreacs (#287) 869522d04c Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core bb274ee43c loadmodel with add_delete_chemSolver (#288) 7d563c7c23 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 637d2233a1 setting up dsolver and by passing loadModel from moosemodule.cpp to m… (#277) 9f5a2697f6 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 3a8489c475 All random number generators are based on c++11 (#280) 8e29d8eaa7 Minor updates to rdesigneur waveplotting 46718b9c04 Added wavePlot option to rdeisgneur. 506067669c Minor fixes to rdesigneur for setting up stims 5ab1a3c621 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core ea487f3ee0 Updated rdesigneur so it can handle a chem system with only a dendrite and spine compartment, no PSD. 7c321bfe94 Merge pull request #284 from upibhalla/master d9bd29c97d Fix for units of permeability of ConcChan, as computed in Dsolve.cpp. Now it is 1/(mM.sec). 3056c917fe Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core ae8f2336ce Fixed bug with NeuroMesh 9271d0ba22 Fixes to ReadKkit, Dsolve, rdesigneur to handle EndoMesh to insert in neuronal geometries. f4ba9362e4 Intermediate save of rdesigneur with partial changes for handling endoMesh. Works with old examples, not tested for EndoMeshes git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: d5b330dc02ed938fcb7cff95d8ae0e2cd388d0ea
- Jul 10, 2017
Dilawar Singh authored
2657e3345e Merge pull request #199 from dilawar/master 973dd380ba Deleted Makefile. 545b4241c8 Restore synapse folder back to 933b259 . synapseOrder is now working. 90711a865c execute_process is now used to get the extension of python module. See http://bugs.python.org/issue16754 in case build fails on some unix because of 'SO'. 5b0a529c4e We do not reply on VERSION file to create version. TODO: Use config.h.in file to populate VERSION information. 2749918927 Accessing an existing object (#198) 220128f284 Do not run DOQCS with moose-core. Test DOQCS with released package only. Do so in moose-examples repo. ad2c63da12 Use QUIET_MODE=ON on travis. git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: 2657e3345e8b783cf22634680c7561f8dbd9f127
- Jul 01, 2017
Dilawar Singh authored
891f2f8 Removed trailing spaces from code by pre-commit hook utility. 0ed2535 Cherry-pick "Added connectionList field to SparseMsg to allow direct control over connection matrix. Some sanity checks in SparseMatrix to go with this" d62d10d The bug on travis is still not bypassed. If this does not work, disable DOQCS tests on OSX. 618b4d6 Install moose on osx as well. Prerequisite to test DOQCS. f717f82 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 908820e Lets see if this is a good workaround travis issue travis-ci/travis-ci#6522. e251f53 Lets see if is a workaround fixes the OSX bug. 4ff7cff Hopefully this will fix issue on travis-osx build failure. Related to travis-ci/travis-ci#6522. 590c09e Don't use timeout in script. So that we can run on macosx as well. Removed timeout command from script. Now it can run on OSX as well. e2f8afd Only test doqcs on LinuxOS, not on MacOSX. dc7b55a Fix to travis-ci/travis-ci#6307. 54b8471 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 18c8759 Test docqs agains gsl version/python2 moose-core. d6ca9cc Fixes by pre-commit hooks. - Removed trailing whitespaces automatically. - insert * coding - utf8 * line on top of each python script automatically. d4a6939 Using version v0.8 now. f944afe Added pre-commit pip install pre-commit --user to activate it. 030bfe0 Merge pull request #195 from dilawar/master d00a5d1 All tests are passing and new code is protected by appropriate macros. 1959771 Merge branch 'async' of github.com:dilawar/moose-core 0f6aba0 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core ac0a4cd Added note on what to do. b3bf54e Slower version but results are same. 6bc71c9 Async version is slower (80sec vs 70 sec). d838267 asyncing clock is not producing great results. eeaafbf Implemented first parallel version. 166f84e Equivalent serial code which can easily be called from std::async now. e09a0c1 Merge pull request #194 from dilawar/master d2d1097 Added MACRO to integrate serial and parallel version. e68acd6 This is good but do parallelism at Clock.cpp 4cebbca Rdesigneur has python3 default import : absolute_import. f431cca Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 85afa6d Some changes to Ksolve. Still seg-faults. 47e023e Time to test the Gsolve performance when threads are enabled. 2bbfd4f Commented out code appropriately. 91c2da6 moose.test( ) is added not cmake but not enabled. Enable them once all scripts are fixed in moose-examples. a1699fc Optimized GSolve with default 2 threads. 00a9d9e Removed the debug message. Lets check it now. By default it should be not slower than the default version. 7700c07 Fast Ksolve with 2 default threads. d154eb3 Parallel ksolve. git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: 891f2f8bf7359d61f186c3792c6f12b61d8c0afb
- Jun 22, 2017
Dilawar Singh authored
052318cb4 [skip ci] Moved git precommit script into script. if someone wants to activate it in her repo, rename it to .pre-commit-config.yaml and enable it d15e77649 Removed legacy makefile #180. These appeared again because of push from subtree in moose repo. Sigh! ed708e01b No-longer supporting Makefile based old flow on travis. bea1f4a9d Integrated test script from PR BhallaLab/moose#218 . I need to confirm if results are correct. git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: 052318cb48027ca0c401a13be9fddd2b0d5a66b7
- Jun 21, 2017
Dilawar Singh authored
git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: fe77059f98c5a6cab2e106f78b7eb505f4f62850