- Aug 11, 2016
Dilawar Singh authored
HarshaRani authored
A test case test_sbml_support.py which inturn calls to write moosewriteSBML which needs networkx which is added as a dependency for travis
- Jul 08, 2016
HarshaRani authored
HarshaRani authored
HarshaRani authored
HarshaRani authored
- Jul 07, 2016
bhalla authored
- Jun 28, 2016
HarshaRani authored
- Jun 27, 2016
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
1e5f537 compartment size is fix for newly built model git-subtree-dir: moose-gui git-subtree-split: 1e5f537644e746420353c4e9ec26d5b08f4262ad
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
c21a557 line color for enzparent and enz is the color of enzparent's bgcolor c99de1b model saved to Genesis formate with co-ordinates, with addition pool obj added to existing gensis model and also once can save newly built model to Genesis format git-subtree-dir: moose-gui git-subtree-split: c21a557870de4402a7d4118c3e09507d2f9bdece
- Jun 26, 2016
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
bc510df removal of whitespace in target Name 9eb3039 colormap check 6884e38 Files with no model will not open pyqt widget, atleast one empty compartment should exist c830fa0 Merge pull request #9 from dilawar/master e1efc3d Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-gui 9603662 Added suds to the source code, removing a dependency. git-subtree-dir: moose-gui git-subtree-split: bc510df870a692283993da17d0fb5bef67edab25
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
a15a538 Merge pull request #131 from dilawar/master 1800283 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dilawar/moose-core 2ad812f Rdesigeur by sarthak, 8e87707 Fixed the streamer test. e62ec09 Merge remote-tracking branch 'bhallalab/master' 002edb6 Fix to BhallaLab/moose-core#130. d7ebbe7 No need to have header name in inverted commas. 414a8d9 stimulustable is check and some more correction 343a08a First version of model merging pools and reaction are done 943f96f clean up in notes field f2b71f5 Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core c742934 kkitUtil: check to see if the color goes beyond genesis color Sequence, _main.py: eliminated enzyme cplx pool to genesis under compartment 9aca1c1 Merge pull request #128 from dilawar/master 322093e Streamer uses name of the table whenever possible. 5be9eb4 Added getName, setName to table. If these are set, use them in Streamer class to write the header of csv file. f9178d2 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 3d420b0 species concentration/amount is calculated depending on the hasOnlySubstanceUnit flag 9188681 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core cf3d4f8 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dilawar/moose-core 4d98756 Write path without [0] in streamer numpy table instead of table name. 9b143e4 reaction and enzyme are added with the ratelaw b2fbc15 Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 0a765fb Rules are added 07a68b9 If -Wno-unused-but-set-variable is supported by compiler, enable it. d98241c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core d22bfea Moved Doc from here to BhallaLab/moose . In docs folder. 9f18f0a Merge pull request #125 from dilawar/master a942a4c Fixed the failed build on travis https://travis-ci.org/BhallaLab/moose-core/jobs/134133078 3d6a8cc Added support to float and double to numpy format. Fixed some documentation about Streamer, correct dt is docstring. More assert statements in streamer test script. aada8c4 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 303ad71 Changes for gcc4.4. on nargis. 1af4a69 Temporary change before switching to another branch. 0018c55 notes are written for species 895766a species added a7e9509 paremeter and compartment info is read back to moose 2b9076e update with more details 170739f Put some more utility inside namespace moose. When writing numpy format, do not write whole path in header. Just name would do. f01727c Merge remote-tracking branch 'bhallalab/master' 7e95a6d A fix to failing unit-tests. When user writes /compt/a/b, inside MOOSE it is represented as /compt[0]/a[0]/b[0] which could be annoying for Streamer user. Just remove [0]. For other [n], don't do anything. 21fe695 Bringing back some changed undone by bad merge strategy. This should now pass on travis. ca8d55b Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core c165976 Fixes issue dilawar/moose-core#3 (#123) c17df70 clean up in filename while writing into SBML db701fc Enzyme's are written 320b0c3 Function and reaction are written a8bfc7c compartment and species are written 008e25e moose Annotation like runtime,dts and plots are written 3ba5e33 units are written bcfa3c7 Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core d3b3789 firstphase of write file 4418691 For cmake, enable the c++11 support on compiler which supports it. This should fix ">>" to "> >" error in template parameters in boost code which is only supported in cmake build system. dc9d0c3 Merge branch 'master' of http://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 156e762 python readSBML file 2786757 Fixed #124. Not using gsl_rng in global rng. It is not working as expected in class RNG. Using Subha's mtrand() when boost or c++11 is not available. eecc171 Adding a small print statement about why assert failed in rdesigneur. 6454673 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 270f1d6 Fixed #112. Not using gsl_rng in global rng. It is not working as expected in class RNG. Using Subha's mtrand() when boost or c++11 is not available. 738d9dc Fixed issue #124. Adding the issue #124 file to repo for reference. Can't reproduce the error with latest commit (this and previous one). cc85cfb Update README.md af178bf This fixes the missing time column in streamer. dilawar/moose-core#3. 9faf02e Don't rewrite the table path before writing them to csv in header. dilawar/moose-core#3. 806f6a1 Checks if not of tables added are more than 0 or not. If zero, then disable the streamer. Notify the user. Issue dilawar/moose-core#3 0a93eaa Importing <cstdio> so that it passes with legacy makefiles as well. 4dc2a6c Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core 56fdc36 Fixes to issue #116 (#120) 357b1b5 Fixed the test script. Method rk4 is not good enough when using boost. Use rk5a. 8057a8f Generate h5 name using tmpnam. If tests are run by two different users on the same system, there won't be any issue with permissions. However this makes testing bit harder during development. b01caf4 Fixes to gcc-5.x on Ubuntu-16.04. fc98bfc Adding random library to link flags. ceea4f0 Use RNG object rather than pointer. Can't figure out why pointer did not work well. ea5529d FIxed -std=c++11 error. 014175d Fixed issue #116. Using real_distribution instead of int_distribution. Let the library take care of scaling to between 0 and 1. ab91625 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core e23c827 Some temporary changes before merging. I forgot what there are. Probably RNG initialization is changed. cf73c1f Update of python setup file. (#118) 51bcf63 Disabled part of code which checks for extension . On some platform it reutrns x86_64.so etc, which probably we don't want. In any case, if build fails on open build service, we can bring it back #78. fb558d8 Modifying SBML_LIBRARY related macros. Since libsbml is now distributed from mosoe repo as well. 487587b test scripts points to directory commited by @subha #issue #94. e47a492 Update INSTALL.md 13afeaf Update README.md 8b33ae5 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 1268296 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:BhallaLab/moose-core 808ae94 Update INSTALL.md 6316820 Update INSTALL.md 2522f47 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dilawar/moose-core 3f13efd Temp commit. 347e5b0 Update INSTALL.md d14e4e8 moved to appropriate doc folder. 5a48285 CheckMOOSECompiler -> CheckCXXCompiler. 5ecd06e Updated INSTALL.md file. 0c42d28 Merge remote-tracking branch 'bhallalab/master' 87c193d Deleted cymoose from master branch. e77361c Fixed moose building after moving _moose target to subdirectory. af97ec3 Cymoose remains only in my personal clone branch cymoose. Removing it from master branch. b3542f6 Cleaned up Cmakefile. 7fec36b Moved pymoose target to its own directory. 7575c55 Update test_ksolve.py 904e32a Added missing cmake file. 1998e27 Using ptr instead of object of RNG. 1ee1427 Added ksolve test. fbf9d90 Test script for ksolve is modified. Total 40 pools. 2ea5ed1 Separate file to check compiler macro. c7d3e15 Removed the copy constrcutor from RNG class. 1acec97 GssaVoxelPools gets its won random number generator. Had to remove constantness of a function to be able to use uniform( ) or rng call. 08fa1ed test display is changed a bit. Removed some hanging c++11 auto . c6bc8c3 Printing tests name during tests. 4116cc5 More verbose output when tests are runnug. Added a macro which runs test. d1c77ce Replaced simple assert( doubleEq(a, b) ) with ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ( "", a, b ); git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: a15a538e22f0cd62de95532c2932156055d58673
Dilawar Singh authored
- Jun 20, 2016
Dilawar Singh authored
added notification about `libxml2-dev`
- Jun 17, 2016
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
- Jun 01, 2016
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored
- May 29, 2016
Dilawar Singh authored
Fixed grammar and typo.
Dilawar Singh authored
Dilawar Singh authored