Squashed 'moose-gui/' changes from 38da92b04..5d7f7633f
5d7f7633f Too many python3 incompatibility issues. For now on, gui is only compatible with python2. 599dbd6d3 Testing with python3 as well. If python3 support is not intented, we can fallback this commit. 83be02e60 changes made after addition of groups, some of action are implemented 24cba7d6f some more clean cdf16259d at file load dialog, a clean round trip is done 08fc6cd0b at loading time, kkit model is checked for the atleast for 1 compartment and atleast 2 species 373efaa6d check if moose object already exist, if yes use element, else create a object e37368553 in mousePressEvent further check made for group object along with compartment and other moose object ae6265ed8 travis is failing, while installing python-libsbml trying to fix providing -H c70f30098 some clean up with co-ordinates while saving into XML files dd177002c wrong comparsion with path and moose object was done corrected 24ecdccac some clean up with groups 84be91147 changes made related to group 5a6c654c7 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-gui 3fcc20a66 mgui in cleanup in dialog box, mload: sbml reader returns modelpath and errormsg, kkit: co-ordinates for sbml(auto co-ordinates) values are kept in annotation as its and while displayed as its, but for genesis default scenewidth and height is taken care and kkitOrdinatesUtil: sbml auto co-ordinates are kept as its d93fd2118 hover overcompartment shows name and some more cleaned up after the bad merger 320e525a and also wrong commit from 6fc726e ed79c3980 indentation correction and missing lib f4d880f53 Cleaned up, these 9 files after the bad merger 320e525a and also wrong commit from 6fc726e560556f7619e31fe022ef094793d6a13a 2c594c457 in gui stoich.status along with warning, which Reac and Enz are dangling is also displayed in the QMessageBox git-subtree-dir: moose-gui git-subtree-split: 5d7f7633f5e20d48e4bfa0a2b38697c4d0d60d6a
- .travis.yml 1 addition, 1 deletion.travis.yml
- PlotWidgetContainer.py 15 additions, 3 deletionsPlotWidgetContainer.py
- defaults.py 12 additions, 1 deletiondefaults.py
- mgui.py 119 additions, 43 deletionsmgui.py
- mload.py 54 additions, 33 deletionsmload.py
- objectedit.py 16 additions, 9 deletionsobjectedit.py
- plugins/constants.py 16 additions, 8 deletionsplugins/constants.py
- plugins/default.py 36 additions, 11 deletionsplugins/default.py
- plugins/kkit.py 241 additions, 122 deletionsplugins/kkit.py
- plugins/kkitCalcArrow.py 16 additions, 7 deletionsplugins/kkitCalcArrow.py
- plugins/kkitOrdinateUtil.py 284 additions, 27 deletionsplugins/kkitOrdinateUtil.py
- plugins/kkitQGraphics.py 72 additions, 5 deletionsplugins/kkitQGraphics.py
- plugins/kkitUtil.py 43 additions, 7 deletionsplugins/kkitUtil.py
- plugins/kkitViewcontrol.py 241 additions, 262 deletionsplugins/kkitViewcontrol.py
- plugins/modelBuild.py 9 additions, 1 deletionplugins/modelBuild.py
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