Dilawar Singh authored
e49ca7d Changes Function symbol to summation symbol, objectedit.py function expr is not editable as this summation of pools, some cleanup with colors selection,Function which is now just summation object, set's up setN for output as input is nout 328b8f5 for now function output connected to pool via setConc message, but there is "increment" which depend on the function input this will be fixed later 16075b3 cleanup with colormap string from genesis file aa377ed resetup for multicompartment model before setting up the solver 26d2be7 Changes made are related to functions which now doesn't need parent as pool but if exist like in case of genesis then it displays as its, setsolver: setting ticks to table, 18 is not required as its set default when table is created 7ad2bb9 plot are saved to csv forms 20a76af some more cleanup 653b464 added units for Km, kcat is added which display in object editor cbf2c5e added units for volume which display in object editor,...