Dilawar Singh authored
69e0354705 Create CONTRIBUTING.md b096503233 Added travis related setttings update. REVERT: 2ecab963b2 Merge commit 'af3c29a4' REVERT: b3b597f411 Removed legacy Makefile based build flow. CMake is only build-system now. #180. REVERT: 20dc0a5989 a warning message is sent out \n 1.if function is not connected to output and \n 2.yet to write back StimulusTable is to genesis. \n No more transformation with y axis as it has already taken care in kkit.py file REVERT: 9373d1bc16 python Counter function removed, just to give backward compatibility for Centos6 for python 2.6 REVERT: e8300d7e92 added to ask User if merged model to be saved REVERT: 933b259710 Made ReadSwc less verbose. Fixed bug in SeqSynHandler in application of sequencePower. REVERT: 662eaa2e13 Added sequencePower term to SeqSynHandler to achieve greater specificity for sequences vs all inputs on at once. REVERT: 7ccc8a2b1e Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core REVERT: fe5765ca7b More fixes to plot_utils REVERT: 6a9a618e72 Fixed the error in plot_tables utility. REVERT: 658af76a47 Fix for Table.vector bug (#179) REVERT: 423dc9dc69 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/BhallaLab/moose-core REVERT: 200871a9f7 Added in hack for rmoogli to display time REVERT: 157c501b98 reaction or enzyme name is empty then id is taken as name while reading files from SBML REVERT: 43a2350406 color and textcolor inchanged for enzyme REVERT: 02de4c37ee Bugfix for SparseMsg, corrects allocation of synapses when setting connectionList git-subtree-dir: moose-core git-subtree-split: 69e0354705cd27d3dad42ba33610f960d270660e
.travis.yml 991 B