Dilawar Singh authored1eb469f6
MarkovChannel.cpp 6.77 KiB
** This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
** Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
** Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
** It is made available under the terms of the
** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.
#include "header.h"
#include "VectorTable.h"
#include "../builtins/Interpol2D.h"
#include "MarkovRateTable.h"
#include "ChanBase.h"
#include "ChanCommon.h"
#include "MarkovChannel.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
const Cinfo* MarkovChannel::initCinfo()
//Field information.
static ValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, double > ligandconc( "ligandConc",
"Ligand concentration.",
static ValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, double > vm( "Vm",
"Membrane voltage.",
static ValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, unsigned int > numstates( "numStates",
"The number of states that the channel can occupy.",
static ValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, unsigned int > numopenstates( "numOpenStates",
"The number of states which are open/conducting.",
static ValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, vector< string > > labels("labels",
"Labels for each state.",
static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, vector< double > > state( "state",
"This is a row vector that contains the probabilities of finding the channel in each state.",
static ValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, vector< double > > initialstate( "initialState",
"This is a row vector that contains the probabilities of finding the channel in each state at t = 0. The state of the channel is reset to this value during a call to reinit()",
static ValueFinfo< MarkovChannel, vector< double > > gbar( "gbar",
"A row vector containing the conductance associated with each of the open/conducting states.",
//MsgDest functions
static DestFinfo handleligandconc( "handleLigandConc",
"Deals with incoming messages containing information of ligand concentration",
new OpFunc1< MarkovChannel, double >(&MarkovChannel::handleLigandConc) );
static DestFinfo handlestate("handleState",
"Deals with incoming message from MarkovSolver object containing state information of the channel.\n",
new OpFunc1< MarkovChannel, vector< double > >(&MarkovChannel::handleState) );
static Finfo* MarkovChannelFinfos[] =
static string doc[] =
"Name", "MarkovChannel",
"Author", "Vishaka Datta S, 2011, NCBS",
"Description", "MarkovChannel : Multistate ion channel class."
"It deals with ion channels which can be found in one of multiple states, "
"some of which are conducting. This implementation assumes the occurence "
"of first order kinetics to calculate the probabilities of the channel "
"being found in all states. Further, the rates of transition between these "
"states can be constant, voltage-dependent or ligand dependent (only one "
"ligand species). The current flow obtained from the channel is calculated "
"in a deterministic method by solving the system of differential equations "
"obtained from the assumptions above."
static Dinfo< MarkovChannel > dinfo;
static Cinfo MarkovChannelCinfo(
sizeof( MarkovChannelFinfos )/ sizeof( Finfo* ),
sizeof(doc) / sizeof(string)
return &MarkovChannelCinfo;
static const Cinfo* markovChannelCinfo = MarkovChannel::initCinfo();
MarkovChannel::MarkovChannel() :
{ ; }
MarkovChannel::MarkovChannel(unsigned int numStates, unsigned int numOpenStates) :
g_(0), ligandConc_(0), numStates_(numStates), numOpenStates_(numOpenStates)
stateLabels_.resize( numStates );
state_.resize( numStates );
initialState_.resize( numStates );
Gbars_.resize( numOpenStates ) ;
MarkovChannel::~MarkovChannel( )
double MarkovChannel::getVm( ) const
return Vm_;
void MarkovChannel::setVm( double Vm )
Vm_ = Vm;
double MarkovChannel::getLigandConc( ) const
return ligandConc_;
void MarkovChannel::setLigandConc( double ligandConc )
ligandConc_ = ligandConc;
unsigned int MarkovChannel::getNumStates( ) const
return numStates_;
void MarkovChannel::setNumStates( unsigned int numStates )
numStates_ = numStates;
unsigned int MarkovChannel::getNumOpenStates( ) const
return numOpenStates_;
void MarkovChannel::setNumOpenStates( unsigned int numOpenStates )
numOpenStates_ = numOpenStates;
vector< string > MarkovChannel::getStateLabels( ) const
return stateLabels_;
void MarkovChannel::setStateLabels( vector< string > stateLabels )
stateLabels_ = stateLabels;
vector< double > MarkovChannel::getState ( ) const
return state_;
vector< double > MarkovChannel::getInitialState() const
return initialState_;
void MarkovChannel::setInitialState( vector< double > initialState )
initialState_ = initialState;
state_ = initialState;
vector< double > MarkovChannel::getGbars() const
return Gbars_;
void MarkovChannel::setGbars( vector< double > Gbars )
Gbars_ = Gbars;
//MsgDest functions
void MarkovChannel::vProcess( const Eref& e, const ProcPtr p )
g_ = 0.0;
//Cannot use the Gbar_ variable of the ChanBase class. The conductance
//Gk_ calculated here is the "expected conductance" of the channel due to its
//stochastic nature.
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < numOpenStates_; ++i )
g_ += Gbars_[i] * state_[i];
setGk( e, g_ );
sendProcessMsgs( e, p );
void MarkovChannel::vReinit( const Eref& e, const ProcPtr p )
g_ = 0.0;
if ( initialState_.empty() )
cerr << "MarkovChannel::reinit : Initial state has not been set.!\n";
state_ = initialState_;
sendReinitMsgs( e, p );
void MarkovChannel::handleLigandConc( double ligandConc )
ligandConc_ = ligandConc;
void MarkovChannel::handleState( vector< double > state )
state_ = state;