Dilawar Singh authored64e5323b
CaConcBase.cpp 10.20 KiB
** This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
** Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
** Copyright (C) 2003-2014 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
** It is made available under the terms of the
** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.
// #include <cfloat>
#include "header.h"
#include "ElementValueFinfo.h"
#include "CaConcBase.h"
// MsgSrc definitions
* This Finfo is used to send out Ca concentration to channels.
* It is exposed here so that HSolve can also use it to send out
* Ca concentration to the recipients.
// Static function.
SrcFinfo1< double >* CaConcBase::concOut() {
static SrcFinfo1< double > concOut( "concOut",
"Concentration of Ca in pool" );
return &concOut;
const Cinfo* CaConcBase::initCinfo()
// Shared message definitions
static DestFinfo process( "process",
"Handles process call",
new ProcOpFunc< CaConcBase >( &CaConcBase::process ) );
static DestFinfo reinit( "reinit",
"Handles reinit call",
new ProcOpFunc< CaConcBase >( &CaConcBase::reinit ) );
static Finfo* processShared[] =
&process, &reinit
static SharedFinfo proc( "proc",
"Shared message to receive Process message from scheduler",
processShared, sizeof( processShared ) / sizeof( Finfo* ) );
// Field definitions
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > Ca( "Ca",
"Calcium concentration.",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > CaBasal( "CaBasal",
"Basal Calcium concentration.",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > Ca_base( "Ca_base",
"Basal Calcium concentration, synonym for CaBasal",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > tau( "tau",
"Settling time for Ca concentration",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > B( "B",
"Volume scaling factor. "
"Deprecated. This is a legacy field from GENESIS and exposes "
"internal calculations. Please do not use. \n"
"B = 1/(vol * F) so that it obeys:\n"
"dC/dt = B*I_Ca - C/tau",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > thick( "thick",
"Thickness of Ca shell, assumed cylindrical. Legal range is "
"between zero and the radius. If outside this range it is "
"taken as the radius. Default zero, ie, the shell is the entire "
"thickness of the cylinder",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > length( "length",
"Length of Ca shell, assumed cylindrical",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > diameter( "diameter",
"Diameter of Ca shell, assumed cylindrical",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > ceiling( "ceiling",
"Ceiling value for Ca concentration. If Ca > ceiling, Ca = ceiling. If ceiling <= 0.0, there is no upper limit on Ca concentration value.",
static ElementValueFinfo< CaConcBase, double > floor( "floor",
"Floor value for Ca concentration. If Ca < floor, Ca = floor",
// MsgDest definitions
static DestFinfo current( "current",
"Calcium Ion current, due to be converted to conc.",
new EpFunc1< CaConcBase, double >( &CaConcBase::current )
static DestFinfo currentFraction( "currentFraction",
"Fraction of total Ion current, that is carried by Ca2+.",
new EpFunc2< CaConcBase, double, double >( &CaConcBase::currentFraction )
static DestFinfo increase( "increase",
"Any input current that increases the concentration.",
new EpFunc1< CaConcBase, double >( &CaConcBase::increase )
static DestFinfo decrease( "decrease",
"Any input current that decreases the concentration.",
new EpFunc1< CaConcBase, double >( &CaConcBase::decrease )
static DestFinfo basal( "basal",
"Synonym for assignment of basal conc.",
new EpFunc1< CaConcBase, double >( &CaConcBase::setCaBasal )
static Finfo* CaConcBaseFinfos[] =
&proc, // Shared
concOut(), // Src
&Ca, // Value
&CaBasal, // Value
&Ca_base, // Value
&tau, // Value
&B, // Value
&thick, // Value
&diameter, // Value
&length, // Value
&ceiling, // Value
&floor, // Value
¤t, // Dest
¤tFraction, // Dest
&increase, // Dest
&decrease, // Dest
&basal, // Dest
// We want the Ca updates before channel updates, so along with compts.
// static SchedInfo schedInfo[] = { { process, 0, 0 } };
static string doc[] =
"Name", "CaConcBase",
"Author", "Upinder S. Bhalla, 2014, NCBS",
"CaConcBase: Base class for Calcium concentration "
"pool. Takes current from a channel and keeps track of "
"calcium buildup and depletion by a "
"single exponential process. ",
static ZeroSizeDinfo< int > dinfo;
static Cinfo CaConcBaseCinfo(
sizeof( CaConcBaseFinfos )/sizeof(Finfo *),
return &CaConcBaseCinfo;
static const Cinfo* caConcCinfo = CaConcBase::initCinfo();
thickness_( 0.0 )
// Field function definitions
void CaConcBase::setCa( const Eref& e, double Ca )
vSetCa( e, Ca );
double CaConcBase::getCa( const Eref& e ) const
return vGetCa( e );
void CaConcBase::setCaBasal( const Eref& e, double CaBasal )
vSetCaBasal( e, CaBasal );
double CaConcBase::getCaBasal( const Eref& e ) const
return vGetCaBasal( e );
void CaConcBase::setTau( const Eref& e, double tau )
vSetTau( e, tau );
double CaConcBase::getTau( const Eref& e ) const
return vGetTau( e );
void CaConcBase::setB( const Eref& e, double B )
vSetB( e, B );
double CaConcBase::getB( const Eref& e ) const
return vGetB( e );
void CaConcBase::setCeiling( const Eref& e, double ceiling )
vSetCeiling( e, ceiling );
double CaConcBase::getCeiling( const Eref& e ) const
return vGetCeiling( e );
void CaConcBase::setFloor( const Eref& e, double floor )
vSetFloor( e, floor );
double CaConcBase::getFloor( const Eref& e ) const
return vGetFloor( e );
void CaConcBase::updateDimensions( const Eref& e )
double vol = PI * diameter_ * diameter_ * length_ * 0.25;
if ( thickness_ > 0 && thickness_ < diameter_/2.0 ) {
double coreRadius = diameter_ / 2.0 - thickness_;
vol -= PI * coreRadius * coreRadius * length_;
double B = 1.0 / ( FaradayConst * vol );
vSetB( e, B );
void CaConcBase::setThickness( const Eref& e, double thickness )
thickness_ = thickness;
updateDimensions( e );
double CaConcBase::getThickness( const Eref& e ) const
return thickness_;
void CaConcBase::setDiameter( const Eref& e, double diameter )
diameter_ = diameter;
updateDimensions( e );
double CaConcBase::getDiameter( const Eref& e ) const
return diameter_;
void CaConcBase::setLength( const Eref& e, double length )
length_ = length;
updateDimensions( e );
double CaConcBase::getLength( const Eref& e ) const
return length_;
// Dest function definitions
void CaConcBase::reinit( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
vReinit( e, p );
void CaConcBase::process( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
vProcess( e, p );
void CaConcBase::current( const Eref& e, double I )
vCurrent( e, I );
void CaConcBase::currentFraction( const Eref& e, double I, double fraction )
vCurrentFraction( e, I, fraction );
void CaConcBase::increase( const Eref& e, double I )
vIncrease( e, I );
void CaConcBase::decrease( const Eref& e, double I )
vDecrease( e, I );
// Zombify
// Dummy instantiation of vSetSolve, does nothing
void CaConcBase::vSetSolver( const Eref& e, Id hsolve )
// static func
void CaConcBase::zombify( Element* orig, const Cinfo* zClass,
Id hsolve )
if ( orig->cinfo() == zClass )
unsigned int start = orig->localDataStart();
unsigned int num = orig->numLocalData();
if ( num == 0 )
vector< double > data( num * 9 );
unsigned int j = 0;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
Eref er( orig, i + start );
const CaConcBase* cb =
reinterpret_cast< const CaConcBase* >( er.data() );
data[j + 0] = cb->getCa( er );
data[j + 1] = cb->getCaBasal( er );
data[j + 2] = cb->getTau( er );
data[j + 3] = cb->getB( er );
data[j + 4] = cb->getCeiling( er );
data[j + 5] = cb->getFloor( er );
data[j + 6] = cb->getThickness( er );
data[j + 7] = cb->getLength( er );
data[j + 8] = cb->getDiameter( er );
j += 9;
orig->zombieSwap( zClass );
j = 0;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) {
Eref er( orig, i + start );
CaConcBase* cb = reinterpret_cast< CaConcBase* >( er.data() );
cb->vSetSolver( er, hsolve );
cb->setCa( er, data[j + 0] );
cb->setCaBasal( er, data[j + 1] );
cb->setTau( er, data[j + 2] );
cb->setB( er, data[j + 3] );
cb->setCeiling( er, data[j + 4] );
cb->setFloor( er, data[j + 5] );
cb->setThickness( er, data[j + 6] );
cb->setLength( er, data[j + 7] );
cb->setDiameter( er, data[j + 8] );
j += 7;