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** This program is part of 'MOOSE', the
** Messaging Object Oriented Simulation Environment.
**           Copyright (C) 2003-2010 Upinder S. Bhalla. and NCBS
** It is made available under the terms of the
** GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
** See the file COPYING.LIB for the full notice.

#include "header.h"
#include "ElementValueFinfo.h"
#include "lookupVolumeFromMesh.h"
#include "PoolBase.h"
#include "Pool.h"

#define EPSILON 1e-15

const Cinfo* Pool::initCinfo()
		// Field Definitions: All inherited from PoolBase.
		// MsgDest Definitions: All inherited
		// SrcFinfo Definitions: All inherited.
		// SharedMsg Definitions: All inherited.
	static Dinfo< Pool > dinfo;
	static Cinfo poolCinfo (

	return &poolCinfo;

// Class definitions
static const Cinfo* poolCinfo = Pool::initCinfo();
const SrcFinfo1< double >& nOut =
	*dynamic_cast< const SrcFinfo1< double >* >(
	poolCinfo->findFinfo( "nOut" ) );

	: n_( 0.0 ), nInit_( 0.0 ), diffConst_( 0.0 ), motorConst_( 0.0 ),
		A_( 0.0 ), B_( 0.0 ), species_( 0 )


// Field Definitions
 * setIsBuffered is a really nasty operation, made possible only because
 * BufPool is derived from Pool and has no other fields.
 * It uses a low-level replaceCinfo call to just change the
 * identity of the Cinfo used, leaving everything else as is.
void Pool::vSetIsBuffered( const Eref& e, bool v )
	static const Cinfo* bufPoolCinfo = Cinfo::find( "BufPool" );
	if (vGetIsBuffered( e ) == v)
	if (v) {
		e.element()->replaceCinfo( bufPoolCinfo );
	} else {
		e.element()->replaceCinfo( poolCinfo );

bool Pool::vGetIsBuffered( const Eref& e ) const
	/// We need this explicit check because when the moose class is
	/// flipped, the internal C++ class isn't.
	/// Inherited by BufPool.
	return e.element()->cinfo()->name() == "BufPool";

// MsgDest Definitions

void Pool::vProcess( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
	// double A = e.sumBuf( aSlot );
	// double B = e.sumBuf( bSlot );

	if ( n_ > EPSILON && B_ > EPSILON ) {
		double C = exp( -B_ * p->dt / n_ );
		n_ *= C + (A_ / B_ ) * ( 1.0 - C );
	} else {
		n_ += ( A_ - B_ ) * p->dt;
		if ( n_ < 0.0 )
			n_ = 0.0;

	A_ = B_ = 0.0;

	nOut.send( e, n_ );

void Pool::vReinit( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
	A_ = B_ = 0.0;
	n_ = getNinit( e );

	nOut.send( e, n_ );

void Pool::vReac( double A, double B )
	A_ += A;
	B_ += B;

void Pool::vIncrement( double val )
void Pool::vDecrement( double val )
void Pool::vnIn( double val)
    n_ = val;
    B_ = 0;
    A_ = 0;

void Pool::vHandleMolWt( const Eref& e, double v )
	; // Here I should update DiffConst too.

// Field Definitions

void Pool::vSetN( const Eref& e, double v )
	n_ = v;

double Pool::vGetN( const Eref& e ) const
	return n_;

void Pool::vSetNinit( const Eref& e, double v )
	nInit_ = v;

double Pool::vGetNinit( const Eref& e ) const
	return nInit_;

// Conc is given in millimolar. Volume is in m^3
void Pool::vSetConc( const Eref& e, double c )
	n_ = NA * c * lookupVolumeFromMesh( e );

// Returns conc in millimolar.
double Pool::vGetConc( const Eref& e ) const
	return (n_ / NA) / lookupVolumeFromMesh( e );

void Pool::vSetConcInit( const Eref& e, double c )
	nInit_ = NA * c * lookupVolumeFromMesh( e );

void Pool::vSetDiffConst( const Eref& e, double v )
	diffConst_ = v;

double Pool::vGetDiffConst( const Eref& e ) const
	return diffConst_;

void Pool::vSetMotorConst( const Eref& e, double v )
	motorConst_ = v;

double Pool::vGetMotorConst( const Eref& e ) const
	return motorConst_;

void Pool::vSetVolume( const Eref& e,  double v )
	cout << "Warning: Pool::vSetVolume: Operation not permitted. Ignored\n";

double Pool::vGetVolume( const Eref& e ) const
	return lookupVolumeFromMesh( e );

void Pool::vSetSpecies( const Eref& e,  SpeciesId v )
	species_ = v;

SpeciesId Pool::vGetSpecies( const Eref& e ) const
	return species_;