Update pynn-brainscales to "rc2"
That's the first version that should really work :). rc1
scheduling problems when multiple users were accessing the same hardware
resource in parallel.
Merge request reports
mentioned in commit 12aa4dbc
Hi just merged.
Hope it works.
sidenote: as i mentioned in my email yesterday the way forward would be to submit your contributions from your personal fork of this repo and not from branches created in this repo. We can continue like this until the first release but then i aim to do a branch clean up. Thanks!
Can you check? https://gitlab.ebrains.eu/technical-coordination/devops/platform/ebrains-spack-builds/-/pipelines/13535
It reports " All of the packages are already installed " a rebuild was not triggered because specs did not change? or it works?
Edited by Athanasios KarmasI checked and you're right, spack was satisfied with SOME version of pynn-brainscales being already installed — which was probably fine (but not what I intended) → I did not force it to update the version → !21 (merged)…
Edited by Eric Müller