- May 15, 2023
Eric Müller authored
We probably don't want to build EXTOLL stuff on remote (e.g. EBRAINS) infrastructure that connects via quiggeldy anyways. Change-Id: I68ac5044df6bd7250686ad0e924fd36c69599737
Eric Müller authored
We probably don't want to build HostARQ stuff on remote (e.g. EBRAINS) infrastructure that connects via quiggeldy anyways. Depends-On: c/20318 Change-Id: I999496913993a662bb93dfad9754695f9da41d80
- Feb 15, 2023
Depends-On: 17913,17759,18733,19543,19544 Change-Id: I15656b7d1da952890d01cf4be15919c7553e16e7
- Oct 01, 2021
(Adapted from c/9752. Change moved from fisch to hxcomm.) * QuiggeldyClient * Implemented as yet another connection thanks to the new architecture rework. * Since quiggeldy is only to be used for "complete" PlaybackPrograms sent to the FPGA, the corresponding Stream instance only supports a `submit_blocking`-method that - as the name suggests - blocks until results are ready. * A correspdonding `submit_future`-method that returns a future to the results is planned (but currently only in proof-of-concept stage). * Provide serialization to SF via translation function that uses PortableBinaryArchives from cereal. * Generic versions of `Quiggeldy{Connection,Server,Worker}` implemented in `hxcomm/common/{,,detail/}quiggeldy_{rcf,common,connection,server}.*` * then specialized in `hxcomm/vx/{,,detail/}quiggeldy_{rcf,common,connection,server}.*` -> users only have to include specialized-headers (see tests) * allows straight-forward port to different sets of connectionparamters * `hxcomm/{common,vx}/quiggeldy_rcf.{h,tcc}` * have single RCF-interface for all types of connections per architecture * SF serialization via cereal * `hxcomm/common/quiggeldy_common.{h,tcc}` * needed munge auth routines for connection (client) and server (defined inline, should be changed if hxcomm ceases to be header-only) * Seperate client and server implementation: * client-side implementation in `hxcomm/{common,vx}/quiggeldy_connection.{h,tcc}` * if not given, client-side infers remote connection parameters from `QUIGGELDY_{IP,PORT}` environment variables * server-side implemtation in `hxcomm/{common,vx}/detail/quiggeldy_server.{h,tcc}` * automatic detection checks for "QUIGGELDY_ENABLED" defined in environment to be a non-zero integer * add simple mock-test verifying that quiggeldy can be started and connected to * add StreamRC-class that implements a stream interface with Reduced Capabilities for Remote exeCution NOTE: * slurm allocation is not tested yet! Depends-On: 12362 Change-Id: I7600b3925c56597aedf16cdbf4147c0846a00b1b
- Dec 11, 2020
* Full software connection which responds on reads with zero and shall ignore all other messages * Adjustable ns_per_message can be used for performance testing of higher software layers ** defaults to 125M Messages/s, matching the 8 GBit/s FPGA-chip links for our parameterization for HX Change-Id: I845be742f853786aaf5bdedc41db7a7120fc8e95
- Aug 14, 2020
Oliver Breitwieser authored
Not all connections will support the full direct-access interface that the default implementation of Stream provides but rather only the subset needed for execute_messages()-invocations. * Introduce `ConnectionFullStreamInterfaceVariant` that is merely a filtered version of the full `ConnectionVariant` with those types removed that do not support the full(= default) Stream interface. * Introduce `get_connection_full_stream_interface_from_env()` that gets the connection defined by the environment but checks if it can support the full_stream_interface. If so the connection is wrapped in an `optional`, otherwise nullopt is returned. * Tests are then skipped at runtime via `GTEST_SKIP` if the optional is empty. Change-Id: Ib3e196723e9c2beb8a0b00f57372f5b7cb359369
- Aug 05, 2020
* autogeneration is not possible if there exist connections which can't generically be defined as a templated class which only takes the specific ConnectionParameter, which is the case e.g. if specializations are to be made depending on the actual usage Depends-On: 11765 Change-Id: I1ff982ae4f03e1f99e926fe9a91a2235f3cdcab3
- Jun 10, 2020
Oliver Breitwieser authored
* As discussed on 2020-04-07 after the Softie's meeting (ECM, YS, PSP, CM, OJB), we want to have a streamlined connection interfaces for all the possible ways we turn FPGA words into other FPGA words in hardware. * C++-API: Split old Connection objects into two parts: * The connection object that the user can only create and destroy but which holds state necessary for communication with the backend (hw, CoSim, QuiggelyClient, etc) and allows some state to be set. * Introduce hxcomm/common/stream.h: * The Stream-object featuring a uniform interface handling how to feed and read words to/from the backend. * The interface is defined via templated `Stream`-class that has to be befriended in the corresponding connection implementations * The Stream-interface is verified at compile time via the Streamable helper-struct. * Move `execute_words` from fisch as more generic `execute_messages`-function that is the entry point for all upper layers when communcating with backends. * Overloading is possible by fully or partially-specializing the detail::ExecutorMessages-helper struct's operator() method (not needed once partial function specialization arrives, so never) * default implementation in common namespace by adding explicit `send_halt_message_type` to ConnectionParameter template argument * Rework hxcomm/common/{arq,sim}connection.{h,tcc} to use the new Stream interface. * Update all tests to use streams for interacting with the hardware. * Rename init_parameters_t -> init_parameters_type to be consistent (they will be used by quiggeldy but that change is not merged -> no API break) * Provide get_connection_from_env-function that returns a connection variant over all possible connections (and is used in pyhxcomm, see below). * Introduce seperate `pyhxcomm`-namespace that is private to hxcomm and only to be accessed from Python. It adds convenience context-wrappers for connections ensuring connections get closed upon exiting contexts in Python * pyhxcomm::Managed<Connection> provides enter/exit-methods * enter() returns pyhxcom::Handle<Connection> holding the connection * if Handle<Connection> gets destroyed, connection gets freed (i.e. disconnected) * Managed<Connection> also holds a weak-ptr to the returned ConnectionHandle object and disconnects the Handle upon exit()-ing * Expose union over all Connections as `pyhxcomm_vx.ConnectionHandle` that can be used in type annotations in Python. * Expose special context manager `pyhxcomm_vx.ManagedConnection` that automatically creates a new connection from the environment and returns `ConnectionHandle` (which is a concrete `<Connection>Handle` in python rather than the cumbersome variant type). * Introduce hxcomm::visit_connection that allows for applying operations on connections wrapped in Handle-objects such as variants for hxcomm and pyhxcomm::ConnectionHandles. It is used in hxcomm::execute_messages as well as stadls::run-pybind11 bindings. * Functions templated over connections can be easily specialized for all wrapped connections via: * `ConnectionIsPlainGuard<Connection> = 0` * `ConnectionIsWrappedGuard<Connection> = 0` * Another possibility is to perform compile time checks using `ConnectionIsPlain<Connection>::value` (see `run`-implementation in haldls for example). * Add `static char const name[]` attributes for all connection for more informative logging. Depends-On: 10346,10335,10703,10978,11027 Change-Id: I3ff901db53a5cb94a1faa50b18dc36786246f389