@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ This repository is where the EBRAINS Spack packages are maintained. It contains:
- the latest EBRAINS [Spack environment](https://spack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/environments.html)([spack.yaml](spack.yaml)), a list of the specific versions of EBRAINS tools that are part of the software release
- a script ([install_spack_env.sh](install_spack_env.sh)) that can be used to install the latest spack environment on any machine (either install from scratch or update an existing installation)
- CI/CD pipelines configured for (a) testing the installation of new packages and (b) deploying the environment to the EBRAINS Collaboratory Lab.
- (WIP) all the site-specific configurations that have been used to install the EBRAINS Spack environment in different systems, such as the EBRAINS Lab and the Fenix HPC systems.
## Contributing
@@ -42,9 +43,8 @@ Clone Spack. We currently use version v0.18.1: