This TVB RateML tutorial contains 4 notebooks with self explanatory titles.
- 0_Install_TVB.ipynb: sets up the local and remote (on a GPU enabled supercomputer) TVB installation.
- 1_RateML_ModGen.ipynb: executes a ratemls code generator for local python or remote cuda models for TVB.
- 2_Simulate_Local.ipynb: enables simulation of the generated .py models in the Ebrains environment.
- 3_Simulate_HPC.ipynb" enables simulation of the generated .c models on a HPC environment.
For a remote installation of TVB on one of the HPC sites, one needs to register here. Once registered a project with compute time can be acquired via the fenix infrastructure of which details can be found here. If one wants to do only local simulations with rateml generated python models, one should do the first 3 steps of 0_Install_TVB.ipynb and discard 3_Simulate_HPC.ipynb. The rateml outputted cuda driver and model can be run standalone on any CUDA GPU capable (virtual) machine. For more information check out the readme.