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%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# RateML
### Using RateML to generate a CUDA model file and Pyunicore to excute parameter sweeps on HPC cluster
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# tmp branch clone till argparse bugfix is accepted
!git clone -b rateml_ebrains_fix --single-branch -v
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import os
# %tb
# !pip install -U pip setuptools
# !pip3 install -U pip
# !pip list
# install tvb-library
os.chdir("/mnt/user/drive/Shared with groups/RateML TVB/tvb-root/scientific_library/")
# !python install
!pip install .
# os.chdir("/mnt/user/drive/Shared with groups/RateML TVB/tvb-root/tvb_bin/")
# install tvb-bin
# !python install
# install tvb-data
# ! pip install tvb-data
# os.chdir("/mnt/user/drive/Shared with groups/RateML TVB/")
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Building a model
Building rate based models in RateML, start by creating an XML model file. To understand which constructs can be used to build the model, one should take a closer look at the README file. The cell below will prints the latest README file from the repository. Every construct which can be used, is explained.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
mdfile = open("tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/","r")
model =
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Generate a model
After reading the README, one should be able to build an XML model file. Lets use the relatively small Kuramoto model as an example.
Your model should look like similar to the Kuramoto python file and define some constants, an exposure and dynamics behavior. The dynamics for the Kuramoto consist of a state variable, a derived variable and a time derivative. Except for the derived variable, there are the construct that a RateML XML model file should contain. The template: tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/XMLmodels/model_template.xml is an empty template which can be used to create a model XML file.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Open the model template
model_filename = "model_template"
model_location = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/XMLmodels/"+model_filename+".xml"
xmlfile = open(model_location,"r")
model =
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Generating the model code
We will call the templating function in order to automatically generate the model code.
In the class
RateML('model_filename', language=('python' | 'cuda'), 'path/to/your/XMLmodels', 'path/to/your/generatedModels')
will start the code generation.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
#hacky solution till the args.parse bugfix is pr-ed into tvb
import sys
# sys.path.insert(1, 'tvb-root/scientific_library/')
import tvb
# sys.path.insert(1, 'tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/')
from XML2model import RateML
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from tvb.rateML.XML2model import RateML
# %tb
# some preexisting examples:
# model_filename = 'montbrio'
model_filename = 'oscillator'
# model_filename = 'kuramoto'
# model_filename = 'rwongwang'
# model_filename = 'epileptor'
language = "cuda"
XMLin = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/XMLmodels/"
GenModOut = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/generatedModels/"
RateML(model_filename, language, XMLin, GenModOut)
%% Output
2022-06-02 16:51:52,497 - INFO - tvb.rateML.XML2model - True validation of tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/XMLmodels/oscillator.xml against /opt/app-root/src/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tvb/rateML/rML_v0.xsd
<tvb.rateML.XML2model.RateML at 0x7fe2966dacd0>
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from IPython.display import Markdown, display, Code
# Open the generated model
model_location = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/generatedModels/"+model_filename+".c"
genModFile = open(model_location,"r")
model =
display(Code(model, language='c'))
# display(Markdown(model))
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Simulating the result
If the model displays all its features to your whishes, it is time to take her for a spin on a GPU. The sites that are able to run the models are the JUSUF and JUWELS clusters from Forschungszentrum Juelich. This will only work if you have an LDAP account for these clusters and you are registered in the PyUnicore database. If you dont have access any other CUDA enabled GPU will run your generated model, using \_\_main\_\ in rateML/run/ folder .
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Setup PyUnicore
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# !pip install pyunicore --upgrade
import pyunicore.client as unicore_client
import json
import os
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
token = clb_oauth.get_token()
tr = unicore_client.Transport(token)
r = unicore_client.Registry(tr, unicore_client._HBP_REGISTRY_URL)
HPC_LOC = ""
# HPC_LOC = ''
site = unicore_client.Client(transport=tr,site_url=HPC_LOC)
# r.site_urls
# site.get_storages()
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Transfer model
Transfer the generated model file to JUSUF.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# STOR_LOC = ''
base_url = STOR_LOC + "/storages/PROJECT/"
# base_url = ""
# base_url = ""
source_location = "drive/Shared with groups/RateML TVB/tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/generatedModels/" + model_filename + ".c"
source_path = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], source_location)
storage = unicore_client.Storage(tr, base_url)
# storage_location = "wikicollab/RateML/" + model_filename + ".c"
# # storage_location = "test/" + model_filename + ".c"
# # storage_location = model_filename + ".c"
# storage.upload(source_path, destination = storage_location)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Job setup
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Before the can be executed on HPC some other parameters need to be setup as well
We specify a grid of parameter values to sweep, which will be setup the HPC according to:
couplings = np.logspace(1.6, 3.0, coupling)
speeds = np.logspace(0.0, 2.0, speed)
params_iter = itertools.product(speeds, couplings)
params = np.array([vals for vals in params_iter], np.float32)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# by setting the coupling and speed sizes:
coupling = "32"
speed = "32"
# simulation time
simtime = "400"
# The default values of 66, 68, 76, 80, 96, 192 or 998 can be selected and is processed accordingly:
# connectivity = Connectivity.from_file(source_file="connectivity_"+n_nodes+".zip")
n_nodes = "76"
# Set the number of states of your model. The Kuramoto has 1, ReducedWongWang, Generic2DOscillator and Montbrio have 2 and Epileptor has 6 states.
states = "2"
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
#### Create the unicore job:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
my_job = {}
# source some
my_job['Executable'] = "source /p/project/cslns/wikicollab/RateML/activate;"
my_job['RunOnLoginNode'] = "true"
my_job['Job type'] = "interactive"
my_job['Imports'] = []
my_job['Exports'] = []
my_job['Resources'] = {}
job = site.new_job(job_description=my_job)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
my_job = {}
# executable / application
# arguments for runthingsJusuf are: backend modelname couplings speeds
# my_job['Executable'] = "source /p/project/cslns/wikicollab/RateML/activate; \
# /p/project/cslns/wikicollab/RateML/runthingsJuwels "+model_filename+" "+coupling+" "+speed+" "+simtime+" "+n_nodes+" "+states
# ./runthingsJusuf "+model_filename+" "+coupling+" "+speed+" "+simtime+" "+n_nodes+" "+states
my_job['Executable'] = "cd /p/project/cslns/wikicollab/RateML/; \
./runthingsJuwels "+model_filename+" "+coupling+" "+speed+" "+simtime+" "+n_nodes+" "+states
# environment vars
# run this on login node, not in batch system
my_job['RunOnLoginNode'] = "true"
my_job['Job type'] = "interactive"
# data stage in - TBD
my_job['Imports'] = []
# data stage out - TBD
my_job['Exports'] = []
# Resources - TBD
my_job['Resources'] = {}
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
#### Submit Job to selected HPC cluster
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
job = site.new_job(job_description=my_job)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Info about JOB
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print('Job is running')
print('Job is finished')
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
### Fetch results
Copy the output log from cluster to Collab
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
remote = storage.stat("wikicollab/RateML/output.out")
# help(remote)
with open("output.out", "r") as f:
for line in f:
print (line.rstrip())
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
Copy the error log from JUSUF to Collab
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
remote = storage.stat("wikicollab/RateML/")
# import time
# from IPython.display import clear_output
# for i in range(4):
# clear_output(wait=True)"")
with open("", "r") as f:
for line in f:
print (line.rstrip())
# time.sleep(5)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
#### Transfer the produced data from HPC
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
remote = storage.stat("wikicollab/RateML/tavg_data")"tavg_data")
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
print('Job finished!')
result_job = {}
wd = job.working_dir
result_job["stderr"] = [x.decode('utf8') for x in wd.stat("/stderr").raw().readlines()]
result_job["stdout"] = [x.decode('utf8') for x in wd.stat("/stdout").raw().readlines()]
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
/p/project/training2221/vandervlag1#### Unpickle it
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import pickle
import numpy, sys
# numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize)
tavg_file = open('tavg_data', 'rb')
tavg_data1 = pickle.load(tavg_file)
# tavg_data(simsteps, states, nodes, paramscombi)
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
#### Plot the data
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# plot(np.cos(tavg_data[:, :, 0]) + np.r_[:76]/15.0, 'k', alpha=.2)
plt.plot((tavg_data1[:, 1, :, 0]), 'k', alpha=.2)
plt.xlim(0, 400)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import tqdm
import numpy as np
cc = np.zeros((1024, 76, 76), 'f')
for i in tqdm.trange(1024):
# cc[i] = np.corrcoef(tavg_data[..., 0].T)
cc[i] = np.corrcoef(tavg_data1[:, 0, :, i].T)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from tvb.simulator.lab import *
# adding all correlation matrices to a single one, using a least squared method (?). Taken from TVB collab
# l2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum((cc - connectivity.weights)**2, axis=-1), axis=-1)).reshape((32, 32))
# l2 = ((np.sum((cc - connectivity.weights)**2, axis=-1)))
# l2 = np.sum(l2, axis=-1)
# l2 = np.sqrt(l2)
# l2
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# %pylab inline
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
# RateML
## Defining new models in TVB using RateML
In this demo we show how to use RateML for automatic code generation of models defined in LEMS based XML to Python format and run a simulation in TVB.
First let us gather the latest version (currently a beta), if already cloned one should do a '!git pull'
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# install latests tvb libs
! pip install tvb-library
! pip install tvb-data
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Building a model
Building rate based models in RateML, start by creating an XML model file. To understand which constructs can be used to build the model, one should take a closer look at the README file. The cell below will prints the latest README file from the repository. Every construct which can be used, is explained. The Python model generation has no coupling nor noise specification through RateML, therefore one can skip reading the coupling, noise and 'running an example' sections.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from IPython.display import Markdown, display, Code
mdfile = open("tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/","r")
model =
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Generate and Run an example model
After reading the README, one should be able to build an XML model file. Lets use the relatively small Kuramoto model as an example.
Your model should look like similar to the Kuramoto python file and define some constants, an exposure and dynamics behavior. The dynamics for the Kuramoto consist of a state variable, a derived variable and a time derivative. Except for the derived variable, there are the construct that a RateML XML model file should contain.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Open the Kuramoto model
model_location = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/XMLmodels/kuramoto.xml"
xmlfile = open(model_location,"r")
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Generating the model code and integrating it into TVB
We will call the templating function in order to automatically generate the model code. This will be directly moved to the right path in the tvb library so it will be recognized by the simulator when we call it later.
In the class
RateML('model_filename', language=('python' | 'cuda'), 'path/to/your/XMLmodels', 'path/to/your/generatedModels')
will start the code generation.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
#hacky solution till the args.parse bugfix is pr-ed into tvb
import sys
sys.path.insert(1, 'tvb-root/scientific_library/')
import tvb
sys.path.insert(1, 'tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/')
from XML2model import RateML
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# from tvb.rateML.XML2model import RateML
# import numpy
# %tb
# help(RateML)
# Start generation
# some preexisting examples:
model_filename = 'montbrio'
# model_filename = 'oscillator'
# model_filename = 'kuramoto'
# model_filename = 'rwongwang'
# model_filename = 'epileptor'
# model_filename = "kuramoto_python"
language = "python"
XMLin = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/XMLmodels"
GenModOut = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/generatedModels"
# RateML(model_filename=None, language=None, XMLfolder=None, GENfolder=None)
RateML(model_filename=model_filename, language=language, XMLfolder=XMLin, GENfolder=GenModOut)
%% Output
No traceback available to show.
<XML2model.RateML at 0x7f17453fef40>
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
It will also do XSD validation against rateML/rML_v0.xsd and report validity. If all is well, it should report that the file was generated. Next to the output directory it will place a copy of the model in the TVB simulator folder and make it recognizable for TVB.
Let take a look at the generated model file:
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# Open the generated python Kuramoto model
model_location = "tvb-root/scientific_library/tvb/rateML/generatedModels/"
genModFile = open(model_location,"r")
model =
display(Code(model, language='python'))
# display(Markdown(model))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
model_filename = 'montbrio'
%% Cell type:markdown id: tags:
## Simulating the result
If the model displays all its features to your whishes. It is time to take her for a spin in TVB.
If it simulates, the time series of your generated model will be plotted on screen.
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from import regularRun
from tvb.simulator.lab import *
import numpy
# Setting for paramsweeps can be found at The virtual brain: A simulator of primate brain network dynamics.
#rww simtime 5e3
simtime = 5e2
# simtime = 2**10
g = 0.1
# g = 0.5 / 50.0
g = 0.0042
s = 4.0
globalspeed = 1
# dt = 2**-3
# period = 2**-2
period = 1
# your_gen_model = 'Kuramoto_pythonT'
# your_gen_model = 'Kuramoto'
# your_gen_model = 'RwongwangT'
# your_gen_model = 'ReducedWongWangExcInh'
# your_gen_model = "Generic2dOscillator"
# your_gen_model = "OscillatorT"
your_gen_model = 'MontbrioPazoRoxin'
# coupling=coupling.Linear(a=np.array([0.5 / 50.0]))
# s = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 50).reshape((1, -1, 1))
# integrator=integrators.EulerStochastic(dt=dt, noise=noise.Additive(nsig=numpy.array([1e-5])))
# for oscillatorT
# integrator = integrators.HeunDeterministic(dt=2**-4)
integrator=integrators.HeunStochastic(dt=dt, noise=noise.Additive(nsig=numpy.array([1e-5])))
# integrator = integrators.EulerDeterministic(dt=dt)
# disabled global speed
(time, data) = regularRun(simtime, g, s, dt, period).simulate_python(your_gen_model)
plot(data[:, 0, :, 0], 'k', alpha=0.1)
# data.shape(simtime/period, state, node, ?)
# tavg_data = np.squeeze(data[0][1])
# data[0][1].shape
# FCloc = []
# FCloc = np.corrcoef(tavg_data.T)
# FCloc
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
plot(data[:, 0, :, 0], 'k', alpha=0.1)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(12, 3))
tavg_data = np.squeeze(data[0][1])
# FCloc = []
# FCloc = np.corrcoef(tavg_data.T)
# print(FCloc.shape)
sns.heatmap((FCloc), xticklabels='',
yticklabels='', ax=ax[0],
cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
sns.heatmap(SC/SC.max(), xticklabels='', yticklabels='',
ax=ax[1], cmap='coolwarm', vmin=-1, vmax=1)
r = np.corrcoef(tavg_data.ravel(), SC.ravel())[0, 1]
# print("Correlation = " + str(r))
# ax[0].set_title('simulated FC. \nSC-FC r = ' + str(r))
ax[0].set_title('simulated FC. \nSC-FC r = ')
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# calculating the corrcoef for every node over the number of simsteps
# all to all correlation of the regions.
# import tqdm
# cc = np.zeros((1024, 76, 76), 'f')
# for i in tqdm.trange(1024):
# # cc[i] = np.corrcoef(tavg_data[..., 0].T)
# cc[i] = np.corrcoef(data[:, 0, :, 0].T)
# print(cc)
cc = np.corrcoef(data[:, 0, :, 0].T)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# cc1 =[[43,21,25,42,57,59],[99,65,79,75,87,81], [88,34,67,35,15,17]]
# ccc = np.corrcoef(cc1)
# ccc.shape
# ccc
# cccc =[[43,21,25],[99,65,79]]
# np.corrcoef(cccc)
np.sum([[0, 1], [2, 5], [2, 6]], axis=-1)
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
l2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.sum((cc - connectivity.weights)**2, axis=-1), axis=-1)).reshape((32, 32))
%% Cell type:code id: tags:
``` python
# imshow(l2)