Backend for the MIP portal
DEV Deployment
To run the backend using an IDE for development, such as IntelliJ, you need a running instance of PostgreSQL.
Deployment (using a Docker image)
Build the image: docker build -t hbpmip/portal-backend:testing .
To use this image, you need a running instance of PostgreSQL and to configure the software using the following environment variables.
- LOG_LEVEL: log level for the developer added logs. Default is "ERROR".
- LOG_LEVEL_FRAMEWORK: log level for all the framework logs. Default is "ERROR".
- AUTHENTICATION: true for production, false for development.
- PORTAL_DB_URL: JDBC URL to connect to the portal database, default value is "jdbc:postgresql://".
- PORTAL_DB_SCHEMA: Database schema, default value is "public".
- PORTAL_DB_USER: User to use when connecting to the portal database, default value is "postgres".
- PORTAL_DB_PASSWORD: Password to use when connecting to the portal database.
- EXAREME_URL: URL to Exareme server. Default is "http://localhost:9090" .
- EXAREME2_URL: URL to Exareme2 server. Default is "http://localhost:5000" .
- KEYCLOAK_AUTH_URL: Keycloak authentication URL.
- KEYCLOAK_REALM: Keycloak realm user for authentication.
- KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: The keycloak client id.
- KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET: The keycloak secret to be able to authenticate.
This project/research received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under the Framework Partnership Agreement No. 650003 (HBP FPA).