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# [1.4.0-rc.1]( (2023-02-06)

### Bug Fixes

* categories bins ([bf750eb](
* cleanup ([edecf44](
* enabled LR Cross-Validation, Cast numbers -> strings ([bac2951](
* **exareme2:** Categorical bins ([bb472ec](
* **exareme2:** debug for histograms ([622d2d7](
* **exareme2:** lint ([8f5bc14](
* **exareme2:** test for descriptive stats ([a16b9cd](

### Features

* Histograms handler ([de0c7c2](
* Logistic Regression handler ([e6eb047](

# [1.4.0-beta.2]( (2023-01-17)

### Bug Fixes

* enabled LR Cross-Validation, Cast numbers -> strings ([bac2951](

# [1.4.0-beta.1]( (2023-01-17)

### Bug Fixes

* **exareme2:** test for descriptive stats ([a16b9cd](

### Features

* Logistic Regression handler ([e6eb047](

# [1.3.0]( (2022-11-22)

### Bug Fixes

* **exareme2:** Descriptive stats error handlings ([9dd1a94](

### Features

* **exareme2:** Handler for Exareme 2 Descriptive Stats ([2278f44](

## [1.2.3]( (2022-10-20)

### Bug Fixes

* **datashield:** Issue with nested labels in descriptive stats ([01adfa3](

## [1.2.2]( (2022-10-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **Datashield:** issue with jwt ([e5114ef](
* **exareme:** Issue with logout response status from portalbackend ([c49a30d](
* **exareme:** Limit redirection from portalbackend ([e3a11f4](
* **exareme:** Redirect issue with activeUser and domains ([11f0a61](
* Issue when logging out ([110b31a](
* Issue with Promise activeUser ([ba6e871](
* Logout was always creating a DB record ([873ea93](

## [1.2.2-beta.6]( (2022-10-19)

### Bug Fixes

* Issue with Promise activeUser ([ba6e871](

## [1.2.2-beta.5]( (2022-10-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **exareme:** Redirect issue with activeUser and domains ([11f0a61](

## [1.2.2-beta.4]( (2022-10-19)

### Bug Fixes

* **exareme:** Issue with logout response status from portalbackend ([c49a30d](
* **exareme:** Limit redirection from portalbackend ([e3a11f4](

## [1.2.2-beta.3]( (2022-10-19)

### Bug Fixes

* Issue when logging out ([110b31a](

## [1.2.2-beta.2]( (2022-10-18)

### Bug Fixes

* **Datashield:** issue with jwt ([e5114ef](

## [1.2.2-beta.1]( (2022-10-11)

### Bug Fixes

* Logout was always creating a DB record ([873ea93](

## [1.2.1]( (2022-09-28)

### Bug Fixes

* **exareme2:** T-test indep was disabled ([f90d91d](

# [1.2.0]( (2022-09-28)

### Features

* **exareme2:** T-test independent integration ([9893173](

# [1.1.0]( (2022-09-26)

### Bug Fixes

* Add datasets to groups and variables ([cd3b09d](
* Add errors catcher for external API calls ([b394bf0](
* Add LICENSE file ([dc24614](
* Add summary table to linear regression ([ca5a723](
* Algorithm parameter value type is now string ([cd8545c](
* **assets:** Retrieve protocol url behind proxy ([35cdb10](
* Axios and node mismatch type on headers ([f641296](
* Catch convert problem jsonata (datashield) ([11dda61](
* Catch convert problem jsonata (exareme) ([c330b3f](
* Change status path name ([9857f06](
* **csv:** Root variables not added ([7f8f76d](
* Datashield variables transformation update ([173b4ce](
* **datashield:** Fix issue with types after merge conflict ([378c4fc](
* **datashield:** Issue with table style ([95b6dc8](
* Define specific Postgres version ([57093ed](
* Devops: docker push to hbpmip repo ([cb287dc](
* Engine interface login return parameters ([11f5a7d](
* ESLint no-unused-vars false positive issue ([80ca037](
* **exareme2:** Anova labels and round numbers ([1192214](
* **exareme2:** Fix pearson next call missing property ([19fe3e2](
* **exareme2:** Issue with Anova handling condition ([2195136](
* **exareme2:** Issue with Logistic regression (exareme) ([d993da8](
* **exareme2:** Issue with paired t-test ([e8f84b7](
* **exareme2:** Pearson add table, remove heatmap ([c30a041](
* **exareme2:** Remove fix on pathology id (version) ([7e9dab9](
* **exareme:** Descriptive issue with var and coVar ([beaac84](
* **exareme:** Headers empty, catch parsing errors ([a98b658](
* **exareme:** Issue user update result transform ([c761b05](
* **exareme:** Issue with Cart and Id3 results ([b663faf](
* **exareme:** Matrix order in PCA Algorithm result ([b83acde](
* **exareme:** Reverse matrix order on Heatmap ([89aa7fd](
* **exareme:** Swap tab order in linear reg handler ([4e62ebc](
* **exareme:** Swap tab order logistic reg ([e3697b9](
* Exclude from tests input and model files ([b5c6653](
* Group id fix for csv connector ([01ccfbc](
* Handle parameters exceptions (exareme) ([ee65a87](
* Issue runexperiment sticks in pending ([278be39](
* Issue throwing connector's errors ([ebb7cf6](
* Issue update user return old user data ([c1314ee](
* Issue with 'has' function in engine service ([acf0ee1](
* Issue with algorithm cache key ([b1c8eb3](
* Issue with package-lock.json after rebase ([5c6b251](
* Issue with tests (exareme algorithms) ([afebfb9](
* Logout issue when user can not be retrieve ([1bc2892](
* Method FindOne is replaced by FindOneBy ([79bb095](
* Mispelling and exareme2 result's schema change ([d6d9d58](
* Missing algorithm in list ([9fed5bc](
* Missing assets folder in dockerfile ([15238b5](
* Parameters formula & transfo now optionals ([af4a74a](
* Prevent error on empty experiment's filter value ([21d14c6](
* Prevent local file inclusion exploit ([6f14b65](
* Remove 'v' from tag format ([20b3194](
* Remove license from readme ([5e024d3](
* Remove Ontology and datacatalogue urls ([560f3d6](
* Remove unused readme ([33fcbaa](
* Remove unused status ([e122b46](
* semantic release workflow ([5820e1b](
* Testing configuration (jest) wrong place ([1a51e02](
* Transformation issue when array instead of single value ([531ec01](
* Typeorm issue with entity name (user) ([74dd87e](
* **typeorm:** Config issue after Typeorm update ([b2a76fc](
* Typo in matomo configuration file ([ad573ec](
* Update dockerfile with new node version ([183aca9](
* User automatically extended in the request  ([5050798](
* User's cache reset after logout ([1dc6ba8](
* wrong docker image name in ci ([6fd73b6](

### Features

* Add algorithm workflow (galaxy) exception ([da6bd2f](
* Add auth module to manage external login ([df7d7f1](
* Add branding and configuration for connectors ([08d8a53](
* Add connector logs with HttpService Module ([bdc445e](
* Add documentation to the project repo ([3ad9f7b](
* Add formula into experiment model ([46aa7d1](
* Add formula transform experiment (exareme) ([58d5a14](
* Add LICENSE ([4a8876b](
* add longitudinal info on datasets ([bafbb7d](
* Add optional filter and formula ([c96b6fd](
* Add release process in gitlab pipeline ([f9dd6b6](
* Add secret JWT token to Gitlab CI ([ce8caee](
* Add semantic backmerge for GitFlow compatibility ([6c9491d](
* Add Semantic Release ([ef59b3e](
* Add semantic-release ([cee1e25](
* Added configurable log levels ([873d9fc](
* Algorithms support through GraphQL ([58c9214](
* Allow both user update (gateway and engine) ([8ccef49](
* datashield domain (datasets) integration ([cc58c20](
* **datashield:** Add datasets filter on histogram and quantiles ([4a35910](
* **datashield:** Add logout ([d8f77d4](
* **datashield:** Descriptive algorithm integration ([bbae397](
* **datashield:** Linear regression integration ([077e656](
* **datashield:** Update domains input ([adce943](
* **exareme2:** Add linear regression handler ([c0c6528](
* **exareme2:** Logistic regression CV integration ([b7da1f3](
* **exareme2:** T-test one sample integration ([395ea4a](
* **exareme2:** Ttest onesample and paired integration ([12b9afd](
* **exareme:** Add Anova one way integration ([a0b945b](
* **exareme:** Add Pearson viz integration ([de5f849](
* **exareme:** Integration & test for PCA Algorithm (viz) ([a78977b](
* **exareme:** Integration exareme2 ([fcce48a](
* **exareme:** Integration of Ttest paired ([8595556](
* **exareme:** Linear Regression (CV) integrated ([d46ce3e](
* **exareme:** Logistic regression integration ([2bc8631](
* **exareme:** Terms of Service update ([30e9845](
* **exareme:** Update Terms of Service ([f314826](
* **GrahpQL:** Filter and formula fields available ([f7d14cb](
* Line chart viz integration ([f1092fe](
* Logisitc regression integration ([743b6d0](
* Matomo integration ([574e666](
* New result type 'AlertResult' ([cc2a3b4](
* Possibility to save experiments locally ([d689bb5](
* Refresh Auth token endpoint in GraphQL ([5422d76](
* Remove Matomo configuration ([9206e75](
* Update Apollo server to last version ([868c72c](
* Update dependencies ([311a0a8](
* Updated nestjs GraphQL dependency ([5e45304](