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Kostas FILIPPOPOLITIS requested to merge dev/518/formula into master

Created by: jassak

  • New version of Descriptive Statistics:
    • Adds null/total counts for every variable
    • Replaces variable code with label
    • Removes unnecessary lower/upper confidence intervals
  • New formula functionality for Descriptive Statistics and Logistic Regression
    • New formula_description property in algorithm specifications.
    • Descriptive Stats and Logistic Regression now accept a new formula_description argument. This argument expects a description of a formula in Wilkinson notation in JSON format. From the description an actual string formula is constructed and passed to the patsy library from which the algorithm's design matrices are constructed.
    • Currently only a subset of the full Wilkinson notation is implemented. Interactions are up to 3 terms and singleton terms have a limited number of transformations allowed. These are nop, log, exp, center, standardize, mul and div for numerical variables.
  • Refactoring of mipframework.
  • Modification of algorithm tests for Descriptive Statistics and Logistic Regression to reflect the above changes.
  • New tests for the above two algorithms with the addition of the formula argument.

Merge request reports