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Ansible Deployment + Bootstrap Improvements

Kostas FILIPPOPOLITIS requested to merge dev_ansible into master

Created by: ThanKarab


  • Automated procedure for Deployment of mip-federation via Ansible script.

  • Bootstrap new way of handling errors while converting .csv to .db

  • Bootstrap new way of knowing if exareme service is up and running/ or an error has occured

  • Bootstrap health check in master/ each time a worker connects with master by running HEALTH_CHECK algorithm and checking the result

  • Compose-Files contains 3 environmental variables (EXAREME_ACTIVE_WORKERS_PATH, EXAREME_MASTER_PATH, DATASETS) that java & bash script need. In that way we have a single point of init.

  • Dockerfile new versions of packages caused error while docker build. Fixed by installing specific versions

  • New way of executing an algorithm. Check that input is correct. Check which nodes have the datasets provided by user in their dataset and run the algorithm in those specific nodes. Check if connection between master-worker can be established (If worker is part of Exareme registry). If an error has occurred, inform user, if it didn't run the algorithm. If the user did not select a dataset run the algorithm in all the nodes that exist in Exareme's registry.

Merge request reports