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  1. Oct 15, 2018
    • Sam Yates's avatar
      Patch up Julia scripts for Julia 1.0 (#629) · c822f8b9
      Sam Yates authored and Benjamin Cumming's avatar Benjamin Cumming committed
      * Use `Unitful.uconvert` for scalar conversions (Float64 cast apparently does not work at the moment).
      * Use .+ for scalar/array addition.
      * Replace `immutable` with `struct`.
      * Qualify included modules with `Main.` for using statements.
      * Add informational note to FindJulia as component identification can take a long time as Julia may compile them from source.
  2. Jun 25, 2018
    • Sam Yates's avatar
      Feature/lib install target part i (#506) · ad1c78ab
      Sam Yates authored and Benjamin Cumming's avatar Benjamin Cumming committed
      CMake and build refactoring
      *   Use CUDA as first-class language (leading to CMake 3.9 minimum version requirement).
      *   Use 'modern CMake' interface libraries for compiler options, include file and library dependency tracking. Interface library targets:
          * `arbor-deps`: compiler options and library requirements for the `libarbor.a` static library, as governed by configure-time options and environment.
          * `arbor-private-headers`: include path for non-installed headers, as required by unit tests and arbor itself.
          * `arbor-aux`: helper classes and utilities used across tests and examples.
          * `ext-json`, `ext-tclap`, `ext-tbb`, `ext-benchmark`, `ext-sphinx_rtd_theme`: externally maintained software that we include (directly or via submodule) in the `ext/` subdirectory.
      *   Single static library `libarbor.a` includes all built-in modules and CUDA objects.
      *   Simply configuration options:
          * External `modcc` is provided by `ARB_MODCC` configuration option; if provided `modcc` is still buildable, but is not included in the default target.
          * `ARB_PRIVATE_TBBLIB`, defaulting to `OFF`, instructs the build to make TBB from the included submodule.
      *   Extend `ErrorTarget` functionality to provide a dummy target or an error target based on a condition.
      *   Generate header version defines and library version variables based on git status and project version, via new script `include/git-source-id`.
      *   All generated binaries now placed in `bin/` subdirectory at build.
      *   Install targets installs: public headers (incomplete); static library; `modcc` tool; `lmorpho` executable; `html` documentation (examples, tests and validation data are currently not installed).
      *   Executable targets have had the `.exe` suffix removed; unit tests are labelled `unit` (arbor unit tests), `unit-modcc` (modcc unit tests), `unit-local` (distributed tests with local context), `unit-mpi` (distributed tests with MPI context).
      *   More graceful handling of configure-time detection of `nrniv`, Julia and required Julia modules for validation data generation.
      *   Add `cmake/FindJulia.cmake`, `cmake/FindTBB.cmake`  package finders, and adjust `cmake/FindUnwind.cmake` to use link library-style properties.
      *  Adjust travis script to test `unit-local` and `unit-mpi` if appropriate.
      *  Simply documentation ``.
      Source relocation and reorganization
      * All external project sources and files moved to `ext/`.
      * Source code refactoring to decouple library-using code from the configure-time definitions that govern arbor behaviour: removes conditional code in public headers that depends upon `ARB_WITH_X`-type definitions at compile time. Affected code is is in the public interfaces for MPI, the threading implementation, and the profiler.
      * Remove `util/debug.hpp`; split out functionality for pretty-printing from assertion handling.
      * Make FVM cell non-physical voltage check a run-time cell-group parameter.
      * Move spike double buffer implementation to `simulation.cpp`.
      * Make timer utility wrap POSIX `clock_gettime` independent of threading configuration.
      * Make `mpi_error` derive from `system_error` and follow C++11 `system_error` semantics.
      * `EXPECTS` macro replaced by `arb_assert` macro.
      * JSON dependency removed from `libarbor.a` and header files: moved to auxiliary library.
      * Publicly visible macros garner an `ARB_` prefix as required.
      * Move SWC test file to `test/unit` directory.
      * Work-in-progress splitting of public from private includes: as a convention not entirely adhered to as yet, private headers within arbor source are included with `""`, public headers with `<>`.
      Modcc interface changes
      * Expose via `--namespace` option the functionality that sets the namespace in generated code.
      * Use `--profile` option to add profiler hooks to generated code; uses public function interface directly rather than `PE/PL` macros in order to avoid public `PE` and `PL` defines.
  3. Oct 26, 2016
    • Sam Yates's avatar
      Add Rallpack1 validation, plus bugfix, clean · 732562d6
      Sam Yates authored
      * Implement Rallpack1 validation test (with a workaround
        for inability to set membrane conductance).
      * Fix bug in L≠1 case in PassiveCable.jl (this may still be
      * Fix bug in peak delta computation in trace analysis when
        both traces have no local maxima.
      * Gentle failure on missing `numeric_soma.json`
      * Allow multiple `-s` selection operations for `tsplot`,
        acting disjunctively.
  4. Oct 24, 2016
    • Sam Yates's avatar
      Reorganize validation data generation · b263eb24
      Sam Yates authored
      * Move generation and data to top-level validation directory.
      * Add helper CMake functions for data generation.
      Note `validation/ref/numeric/` is just a placeholder.
  5. Oct 20, 2016
  6. Oct 19, 2016