- Dec 17, 2018
Events arrive already sorted first by index then by time. * Remove sort by event index. * Replace assertion that events are sorted by time with assertion that they are sorted by index. Assertion that the subrange of events with the same index is sorted by time already exists.
- Jul 06, 2018
Migrate source/build to c++14 (#522) * Update `CMakeLists.txt` for C++14 option. * Update to gcc 6 minimum. * Update travis CI from gcc-5 to gcc-6 * Use `std::..._t` style type traits, replacing `util::` aliases. * Use `std::cbegin`, `std::cend`, and `std::make_unique`, replacing `util::` versions. * Remove `DEDUCED_RETURN_TYPE` macros. * Remove redundant return type specifications. * Use correct ADL for `begin` and `end` in (almost all) the range utilities. * Remove redundant `mechinfo` ctor (aggregate initialization suffices). * Use lambda capture initializers where appropriate. * Use generic `std::equal_to`. * Use variable templates for `math::infinity` and `math::pi`. * Remove `enum_hash` workaround. * Use `""s` string literals where we were using our own `""_s` construction. * Use generic lambda for recursive lambda instead of `std::function` wrapper. * Use generic lambda for generic arithmetic tests. Fixes #358.
- Jun 25, 2018
CMake and build refactoring * Use CUDA as first-class language (leading to CMake 3.9 minimum version requirement). * Use 'modern CMake' interface libraries for compiler options, include file and library dependency tracking. Interface library targets: * `arbor-deps`: compiler options and library requirements for the `libarbor.a` static library, as governed by configure-time options and environment. * `arbor-private-headers`: include path for non-installed headers, as required by unit tests and arbor itself. * `arbor-aux`: helper classes and utilities used across tests and examples. * `ext-json`, `ext-tclap`, `ext-tbb`, `ext-benchmark`, `ext-sphinx_rtd_theme`: externally maintained software that we include (directly or via submodule) in the `ext/` subdirectory. * Single static library `libarbor.a` includes all built-in modules and CUDA objects. * Simply configuration options: * `ARB_WITH_TRACE`, `ARB_AUTORUN_MODCC_ON_CHANGES` `ARB_SYSTEM_TYPE` removed. * External `modcc` is provided by `ARB_MODCC` configuration option; if provided `modcc` is still buildable, but is not included in the default target. * `ARB_PRIVATE_TBBLIB`, defaulting to `OFF`, instructs the build to make TBB from the included submodule. * Extend `ErrorTarget` functionality to provide a dummy target or an error target based on a condition. * Generate header version defines and library version variables based on git status and project version, via new script `include/git-source-id`. * All generated binaries now placed in `bin/` subdirectory at build. * Install targets installs: public headers (incomplete); static library; `modcc` tool; `lmorpho` executable; `html` documentation (examples, tests and validation data are currently not installed). * Executable targets have had the `.exe` suffix removed; unit tests are labelled `unit` (arbor unit tests), `unit-modcc` (modcc unit tests), `unit-local` (distributed tests with local context), `unit-mpi` (distributed tests with MPI context). * More graceful handling of configure-time detection of `nrniv`, Julia and required Julia modules for validation data generation. * Add `cmake/FindJulia.cmake`, `cmake/FindTBB.cmake` package finders, and adjust `cmake/FindUnwind.cmake` to use link library-style properties. * Adjust travis script to test `unit-local` and `unit-mpi` if appropriate. * Simply documentation `conf.py`. Source relocation and reorganization * All external project sources and files moved to `ext/`. * Source code refactoring to decouple library-using code from the configure-time definitions that govern arbor behaviour: removes conditional code in public headers that depends upon `ARB_WITH_X`-type definitions at compile time. Affected code is is in the public interfaces for MPI, the threading implementation, and the profiler. * Remove `util/debug.hpp`; split out functionality for pretty-printing from assertion handling. * Make FVM cell non-physical voltage check a run-time cell-group parameter. * Move spike double buffer implementation to `simulation.cpp`. * Make timer utility wrap POSIX `clock_gettime` independent of threading configuration. * Make `mpi_error` derive from `system_error` and follow C++11 `system_error` semantics. * `EXPECTS` macro replaced by `arb_assert` macro. * JSON dependency removed from `libarbor.a` and header files: moved to auxiliary library. * Publicly visible macros garner an `ARB_` prefix as required. * Move SWC test file to `test/unit` directory. * Work-in-progress splitting of public from private includes: as a convention not entirely adhered to as yet, private headers within arbor source are included with `""`, public headers with `<>`. Modcc interface changes * Expose via `--namespace` option the functionality that sets the namespace in generated code. * Use `--profile` option to add profiler hooks to generated code; uses public function interface directly rather than `PE/PL` macros in order to avoid public `PE` and `PL` defines.
- Sep 28, 2017
Sam Yates authored
Change nest::mc namespaces to arb
- Sep 20, 2017
Sam Yates authored
Collect samples in FVM lowered cells across an integration period, prior to delivery to sampler callbacks. Fixes #283. * Make `multi_event_stream` a generic data structure, based on the event type. These are now used for both `deliverable_event` objects and `sample_event` objects. * Add generic accessors for event data, separating access to event metadata (cell index, time) from payload (weight, sampling info etc.). * Make a flat, CUDA-friendly data structure describing the `multi_event_queue` marked event state, for passing to mechanisms and kernels. This also brings the underlying representations of the `multicore` and `gpu` versions of `multi_event_queue` closer. * Implement batched sampling kernel for GPU. * Additional utility function: `util::is_sorted_by`. Overhead of implementation and sampling process is negligible for CPU, and with no samples less than 1% on GPU. Running the miniapp with 10'000 cells and sampling 1% of the somata at 0.01ms adds approximately 10% to simulation time.
- Jun 19, 2017
Sam Yates authored
Finalizes #184 and includes fix for #285. This PR constitutes a brutal rebase of the `devel/async-integration` branch onto current master: git patch, baby. Implements asynchronous integration of cells within an `fvm_multicell` instance together with the code to implement efficient device-side event delivery. Summarized patch notes from the development branch: * Add four new views in mechanism state: * `vec_ci`: cv index to cell index (w.r.t. one lowered multicell instance) map. * `vec_t`: current or integration starting time, indexed by cell. * `vec_t_to`: integration stopping time, indexed by cell. * `vec_dt`: pre-computed delta between `vec_t` and `vec_t_to`, to address performance regression on multicore backend. * Extend notion of indexed view in `modcc` to encompass `CellIndexedVariable` variables, which have a per-cell value. * Add/change 'built-in' variables `t`, `t_to`, and `dt` for NMODL. * Additional utility functions: * `util...