Add docs for Python wrapper to ReadTheDocs: - Overview, Common Types, Hardware Management, Recipes, Domain Decomposition, Simulations, Metering - Installing Arbor: Optional Requirements (Python), Buidling and Installing (Python Frontend), and Installation (Python Module) Missing (, since not implemented yet): - probes - arbor-sup - hint maps in domain_decomposition - reset, events, empty schedule in event_generator Also does not cover unit testing (since doc is user-centric). Makes also defaults and units in wrapper consistent. Fixes #766
cpp_recipe.rst 6.79 KiB
The :cpp:class:`arb::recipe` class documentation is below.
C++ Best Practices
Here we collect rules of thumb to keep in mind when making recipes in C++.
Stay thread safe
The load balancing and model construction are multithreaded, that is multiple threads query the recipe simultaneously. Hence calls to a recipe member should not have side effects, and should use lazy evaluation when possible (see Be lazy).