#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <arbor/morph/primitives.hpp>
#include "error.hpp"
#include "strprintf.hpp"
namespace pyarb {
void register_morphology(pybind11::module& m) {
using namespace pybind11::literals;
// segment location
pybind11::class_<arb::mlocation> location(m, "location",
"A location on a cable cell.");
[](arb::msize_t branch, double pos) {
const arb::mlocation mloc{branch, pos};
pyarb::assert_throw(arb::test_invariants(mloc), "invalid location");
return mloc;
"branch"_a, "position"_a,
"Construct a location specification holding:\n"
" branch: The id of the branch.\n"
" position: The relative position (from 0., proximal, to 1., distal) on the branch.\n")
.def_readonly("branch", &arb::mlocation::branch, "The id of the branch.")
.def_readonly("position", &arb::mlocation::pos, "The relative position on the branch (∈ [0.,1.], where 0. means proximal and 1. distal).")
.def("__str__", [](arb::mlocation l) {return util::pprintf("<arbor.location: branch {}, position {}>", l.branch, l.pos);})
.def("__repr__", [](arb::mlocation l) {return util::pprintf("<arbor.location: branch {}, position {}>", l.branch, l.pos);});
} // namespace pyarb