"**Scaling parameter** (scale_down_to) is the parameter defines the the ratio of the full scale multi-area model being down-scaled to a model with fewer neurons and indegrees so as to be simulated on machines with lower computational ability and the simulation results can be obtained in relative shorter period of time.<br> <br> \n",
"Neurons and indegrees are both scaled down to 0.5%, where the model can usually be simulated on a local machine.<br> **Warning: This will not yield reasonable dynamical results from the network and is only meant to demonstrate the simulation workflow.**"
@@ -109,6 +142,30 @@
"### 2. Model and simulation parameters"
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"#### 2.1 Connection parameters (conn_params)"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "41d80271-f60e-49f4-9759-f8ad26097b2d",
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"source": [
"| Parameter | Parameter description | Variable | Value | Value description |\n",
**Scaling parameter** (scale_down_to) is the parameter defines the the ratio of the full scale multi-area model being down-scaled to a model with fewer neurons and indegrees so as to be simulated on machines with lower computational ability and the simulation results can be obtained in relative shorter period of time.<br><br>
Neurons and indegrees are both scaled down to 0.5%, where the model can usually be simulated on a local machine.<br>**Warning: This will not yield reasonable dynamical results from the network and is only meant to demonstrate the simulation workflow.**