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# Absolute path of repository
base_path = None
# Place to store simulations
data_path = None
# Template for job scripts
jobscript_template = '''
# Instruction for the queuing system

mpirun python {base_path}/ {label}'''

Here is an example for the Slurm queueing system:

# jobscript_template = '''#!/bin/bash
# #SBATCH --job-name MAM
# #SBATCH -o {sim_dir}/{label}.%j.o
# #SBATCH -e {sim_dir}/{label}.%j.e
# #SBATCH --mem=120G
# #SBATCH --time=06:00:00
# #SBATCH --exclusive
# #SBATCH --cpus-per-task={local_num_threads}
# #SBATCH --ntasks={num_processes}
# mpirun python {base_path}/ {label} {network_label}'''

# Command to submit jobs on the local cluster
submit_cmd = None