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Release 1.0.0 Overview

This major release is the first attempt at producing a stable
API, based on the section-tree representation of neurons. Various
classes from the version 0 series have been re-worked to simplify
the code. The code base is separated into a "stable" public API and
an "unstable" developer one, where "stable" means that future changes
in the version 1 series will be backwards compatible.

It is intended that users interact only with the command line
applications and the public python API.

The APIs are defined thus:

Stable public API

Symbols defined or imported into the following packages form
the public API:

* neurom
* neurom.viewer
* neurom.core
* neurom.check
* neurom.stats
* neurom.exceptions

Developer API (unstable)

The stability of these modules is not guaranteed and is primarilly
intended for developers of NeuroM. The intention is that parts
of this API will be moved to the public API after some re-design and

* neurom.fst
* neurom.fst.sectionfunc
* neurom.check.structural_checks
* neurom.check.neuron_checks
* neurom.core.types
* neurom.core.tree
* neurom.core._neuron
* neurom.core._soma
* neurom.core.point
* neurom.core.dataformat
* neurom.view
* neurom.view.common
* neurom.view.view
* neurom.analysis
* neurom.analysis.morphmath

Point tree deprecation

The original point tree representation of neurons has been moved to the
module `neurom.point_neurite`. It is isolated from the rest of NeuroM and
shall be removed in a future release. It is kept primarilly for debugging

Additional checks

Additional checks have been implemented for the morph_check application.
These are disabled by default.

* z-jump
* fat ends