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20.2.4 (October 04, 2021)

Bug-fix release in the 20.2.x LTS series.

This release includes some fixes to minor bugs, and includes enhancements
to allow the user to specify a different slice-timing-correction (STC) target.

Each BOLD series will contain ``SliceTimingCorrected`` metadata to indicate
whether STC was performed. If performed, the ``StartTime`` metadata field will
be set to indicate the onset time of the BOLD series.

  * FIX: Avoid unnecessary connections based on branching logic (#2508)
  * FIX: Permit missing TR to show PyBIDS error at workflow construction time (#2513)
  * [BACKPORT] FIX: Catch FreeSurfer error related to FIPS being enabled (#2490)
  * ENH: Use ``BIDSLayoutIndexer`` and do not index unnecessary modalities (#2494)
  * [BACKPORT] ENH: Slice-timing correction improvements (#2565)